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I am spraying my screen with coffee.

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The kids are watching Hancock trailers. This is our big "can't wait to see this, been waiting and waiting, gonna go the second it opens" movie this summer. (Since Half Blood Prince isn't coming out yet).


Anyhow, I think Wil Smith is hysterical, and it looks like he's outdone himself here. Anyone else looking forward to this one?

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DH is really looking forward to it, but for some reason the trailers haven't swayed me. If he really wants to see it on the big-screen, we'll go. Our kids are noly 7 and 8, so too young for it - heck, they don't even want to go see Wall-E or Kung Fu Panda - they said, "Nah, we'll just catch them on DVD." LOL!

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I read your subject line and thought "Spraying her screen with coffee? Why?" as I had this mental image of you spraying window screens with a squirt bottle filled with coffee.


Great minds think alike, because that's exactly what I pictured too! I know we have all kinds of homemade cleaners around these board, but using coffee?? That's just wrong! :D

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I know that several reviews that I have seen have totally said it's not one to go see at all. One, in particular, had mentioned that Will Smith has had several megahits on the July 4th weekend, but not this time. But, be sure to let us know how it is!

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When reading the reviews, I always keep in mind that the reviewers and I usually look at things WAY differently. I'm not saying that this is a great movie (I honestly have no idea, never heard of it until this thread) but I just don't put alot into what the reviewers say. Especially when it comes to family movies.

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We were looking forward to it, but our paper said it was really bad. And one of the reasons they panned it was because of Hancock's horrible attitude. Apparently, it is supposed to be a take-off of super hero movie, an anti-hero with an attitude. The paper said it was not funny, and definitely not a family movie.

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Well, we saw it yesterday.


I don't want to spoil it for anyone but I liked it.


It is very vulgar. I was actually surprised they were able to swear so much and still get a PG-13 rating.


This is what reviewers here are saying. I'm disappointed - saw the previews and thought the premise could be really interesting, but I have less and less tolerance for vulgarity as I age *ahem* mature.


Oh - and I was thinking the same thing about the subject line - "Is it some way to keep the flies away?" :001_huh:

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