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DS is going above my authority..lol

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DS(5) has been telling me for the last two months that he wants a brother. I explained to him that we weren't going to be having anymore babies and he will have to be happy with sisters. I had my tubes tied after the last baby. I thought he finally gave up the idea.

Last night, as I was tucking him in, he says to me, "Mommy, guess what I did."

Me, a little worried, "What did you do?"

"I asked God for a baby boy, so there!"


Kids say the cutest things. :)

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Kids say the cutest things. :)


I was once standing in line with a 5 year old Sikh girl. She was telling me how much she wanted a baby brother or sister and that she'd asked her mother for one. Her mother, she said, told her it was up to Babaji. Who was Babaji I wondered. "GRANDFATHER" she piped very loudly, and everyone turned to look at us.


(Babaji is also applied to their deity. ;) but I didn't know that yet.)

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Beware of relatives praying. :lol: Dh and I weren't sure we wanted kids. Unknown to me my mother had been praying about it for years. Ds was born 3 weeks early, on her birthday of all days. They are the bestest buddies and I let her claim 1/2 ownership of him.

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When my ds was almost 8 he started praying for a baby brother or sister. This was fine by me as we had been TTC for about 7 years. 3 months later I found out I was expecting. He loved his baby sister very much, but was slightly disappointed that she was a girl. He promptly announced (he was almost 9 by this point) that he would have to get more specific, so THAT NIGHT he started praying for a baby brother.


"His" babies are 14 months apart. Wait till I start praying for him (he just got married in December.). :lol:

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My 5 year old has mentioned we need a new baby again, since the baby is one now. I told him he had to wait till he was a grown up and then he could have as many babies as he wanted, since Mommy is done. Fortunately he has not started praying about it yet.

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Hopefully he won't get his sister to pray too. :lol:


I told DH about what DS said and this discussion here and he said, "We should have had one more."


I guess we'll wait and see if I'm that small percentage that the tubal doesn't work. :glare:


Honestly, though I wouldn't mind another baby. I just don't want to be pregnant again.


I just love the things my kids say. I'm keeping a journal for each one and writing all these cute little things in it.

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When my ds was almost 8 he started praying for a baby brother or sister. This was fine by me as we had been TTC for about 7 years. 3 months later I found out I was expecting. He loved his baby sister very much, but was slightly disappointed that she was a girl. He promptly announced (he was almost 9 by this point) that he would have to get more specific, so THAT NIGHT he started praying for a baby brother.


"His" babies are 14 months apart. Wait till I start praying for him (he just got married in December.). :lol:


I love this! :lol::lol::lol:

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I have to add my story. My boys were adopted as babies. I have been married for 15 years and have spent the last 14 years and 6 months or so birth control free. About 12 years ago I was pregnant 3 times in 1 year and lost them all, the first 2 were Clomid induced but the last one was not. Nothing since then.


When older DS was about 3, he was in the back yard playing, came in, and announced that God had promised him a baby sister. Since then, there's been some other just odd...hints. A month or so ago, I dreamed that my boys were called up front at church and presented with a sister from God. And that's just the most recent little hint I can think of.


I'm 35 and fully expecting a surprise sometime in the next 10 years or so!

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Haha this was such a great thread to read through. My best friend has only one daughter and boy oh boy does she want a younger sibling. I'm not quite sure if she's been praying about it, but seeing as how I'd like to be an "aunt" again to a little one, I might have to help her start her prayers! :)

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