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CS Lewis: Out of the Silent Planet


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What do you all think about this series of books by CS Lewis? I keep seeing them on reading lists and wondering what ages would enjoy them. Also, would it make a good read aloud or better to read to oneself? I'm considering these books as a read aloud, or possible just for ds, age 11.

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I read Out of a Silent Planet when I was 12 or 13 and didn't care for it AND didn't "get" it. Read it again (the whole series actually) in my late teens on recommendation of a friend and "got" a lot more out of it (can't say I liked it much though - and I loved the Narnia series, Screwtape Letters and some of Lewis' non-fiction books at that time).

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I read it first in early high school, and enjoyed the story line, but I didn't understand most of what is in those books until college. I believe he wrote the with adult readers in mind, not children.


They are some of my favorite books now. They shaped my ideas of angels (I know that is a little weird). I re-read them every few years. "My name, too is Ransom..." Oh, man! And I bawled over the end of Perelandra. Last year I heard on NPR about some organization going by N.I.C.E. and got the creeps. :)


If you haven't read them, read them for YOURSELF! But I think at 11 your child may not get most of it.

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My daughter just read them for her book club. She was 11 (has since turned 12). She loved them and understood them. She discussed them with her father every night --not only plot and character, but also underlying themes and symbolism. It made me want to read the books -- now if I could only find the time.



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C.S. Lewis's Space trilogy is a favorite of mine (Out of the Silent Planet is the name of the first book, not the name of the series; I'm not sure he actually named the trilogy...I'll have to go upstairs and find my copy. :)) I wouldn't lke to read it aloud, though. I think anyone who is interested should jump in, even if she's only 11yo. :-)

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