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Kindle fire - yay or nay?

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I don't NEED one (I have an iPad), but I'm thinking of getting one just to have to see how it compares to the pad, and for dgs to play games on and dd to load books on.


My sister is gonna sell me hers for a reduced price because she wants the e-ink and bought a touch.


Worth it?

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I have a Samsung Galaxy but then you have the chance for a reduced Kindle Fire so you would naturally consider that. I love having a tablet! I don't own the Kindle but my DD wants to save up for one. I am curious too what others think. Are they pretty versatile and educational even?

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I have a Samsung Galaxy but then you have the chance for a reduced Kindle Fire so you would naturally consider that. I love having a tablet! I don't own the Kindle but my DD wants to save up for one. I am curious too what others think. Are they pretty versatile and educational even?


the basic kindles are good for any kind of book and simple games. The fire is like a mini laptop- facebook, books, magazines, games. etc

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I love my Fire. I prefer it to dh's ipad because it's so small it fits in my purse with no problem. I love the feature that reformats websites to reader format. I don't know if I'd buy one for full price if I already had an ipad, but I'm very satisfied with my purchase of a $139 refurbished fire.

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I just got one, and so far, I'm not feeling the love. :(


I wanted it because it is smaller than my iPad, but it just doesn't seem as useful (and I already have the cheap Kindle for reading.)


If anyone wants to talk me into keeping my Kindle Fire, I'd be glad to hear about it! :001_smile:

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I have a Samsung Galaxy but then you have the chance for a reduced Kindle Fire so you would naturally consider that. I love having a tablet! I don't own the Kindle but my DD wants to save up for one. I am curious too what others think. Are they pretty versatile and educational even?


I have a Galaxy, too. I thought about getting the Fire, at first, but decided on the Galaxy as I wanted to be able to put anything I wanted to on it. From what I understand, Amazon restricts what you can put on the Fire.


I LOVE my Galaxy though. We use it in class almost every day. I thought I would use my laptop, but the Galaxy is so much more convenient.

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I have the $79 Kindle for reading, plus I have my iPad.


Am I just being a greedy techno-geek buying this thing? I guess I'm really just curious about how it would be in comparison to my pad. And for $100, I feel almost dumb NOT buying it.

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I have the $79 Kindle for reading, plus I have my iPad.


Am I just being a greedy techno-geek buying this thing? I guess I'm really just curious about how it would be in comparison to my pad. And for $100, I feel almost dumb NOT buying it.


That's exactly why I bought mine. It was $139 and I couldn't resist the bargain. :001_smile:

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I have the $79 Kindle for reading, plus I have my iPad.


Am I just being a greedy techno-geek buying this thing? I guess I'm really just curious about how it would be in comparison to my pad. And for $100, I feel almost dumb NOT buying it.


I don't know about the greedy part, but I don't see where it fits given what you already have. I am a rabid Kindle Fire lover, but it has its niche.

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I love my fire! It is all I ever use for this forum. For school we use it tons--to guickly look up things as we go. For biology here's what an onion root tip looks like etc. It has also came in really handy for quizlet. I now find a quiz/vocabulary list that matches what ds12 should be working on, have him do it on the fire, and we both know if he is doing his work. He actually loves it. He has quick feedback. I have only been doing this for about 1 month but he is much better prepared! Dd14 loves quizlet too.

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