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Anyone ever done a drastic appearance change?

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I always question myself when I get in this mood. I have shoulder length white straight blond hair; and I'm sitting here playing ping pong with the idea of going to an opposite color and cut. I never work up the nerve on this, but who has, and how did it turn out for you?

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I've done it many times. I chopped off hair that was to the middle of my back for a chin-length bob and colored it dark (my natural color is dark blonde) because I was inspired by Amelie :001_smile:.


I used to enjoy the adrenalin rush I got from removing the towel from my hair after dyeing or bleaching my hair. I was someone that would completely my look after a breakup. Now I prefer to enhance what I have naturally. I'm old enough now that if I did something drastic, people would think I'm trying too hard :tongue_smilie:.

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The closest I've come as an adult is having my butt-length hair cropped to about an inch long a few years ago, but no color change.


As a teenager, I had long bright purple hair and when it got so fried from all the bleaching and dyeing, I shaved my head. When it grew out, I planned on not dyeing it again, but I ended up bleaching and going bright blue for a while and then black once it got a couple of inches long. Ever since that grew out, I haven't changed the color, and that was when I was 18 or so.

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I always question myself when I get in this mood. I have shoulder length white straight blond hair; and I'm sitting here playing ping pong with the idea of going to an opposite color and cut. I never work up the nerve on this, but who has, and how did it turn out for you?


When I was 14, I cut my hair really short (2 inches long all around). I loved it, but I kept getting mistaken for a boy, so I let my hair grow out.


When I studied abroad, I cut my long hair short, dyed it dark brown, and started wearing lots of black. It helped me not stand out so much as an American. Since this was during the war in Kosovo and there were lots of protests wherever I went, I really didn't want to stand out in the crowd. It must have worked as I had many people try to talk to me. I got very good at saying, "I'm sorry. I only speak a little [insert language]. Do you speak English?" When I first cut my hair, I was dismayed at the change, but it made things a bit easier. When my bf/fiance (now dh) came to visit, he nearly shed tears. The first words out of his mouth, "You cut your hair."


Once I got back to the US, I started growing my hair out and it has never been short since. Every now and then I get a bug to cut, but I don't like high maintenance hair and for me, short hair must be washed and styled every day.

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Erin, I'm so glad you said that.


I remember an experience like that one you illustrated up there with the glassy eyes and "you cut your hair" moment...


Is it awful that I actually sat here and thought to myself, "I wonder if I should ask him what he'd think.." - and sorta rolling around in my feet I know the answer I'd hear and the actual response might be two different worlds.


"Oh sure, go ahead.." and then the reality drops in?


Weird. It's just weird.

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One of my math teachers in high school did (over the winter break).


Previously, she had shoulder-length curly, salt & pepper hair, wore jeans & tees, no or little makeup.


After break, she had blonde hair (similar style, but less curly), makeup, & was dressed up. I thought we had a sub in our class until she spoke. :lol:


Anyway, it was pretty cool.


I'd say go for it. It's just hair after all -- can be grown, cut, colored again later if you don't like it....

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I do all the time too. It is just hair, it grows back. I have been brown, blonde, platinum, red and every shade in between. My natural color is like a dishwater blonde that is so blah. I like to occasionally do bangs, sometimes I grow them all the way out. I haven't gone shorter than chin length though because I have a really round face. My hair is also naturally curly, but I usually straighten it.

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I remember an experience like that one you illustrated up there with the glassy eyes and "you cut your hair" moment...



I had the opposite. I've kept my hair really long since I was 12. I'm 5'10 so my hair from root to tip is a few feet and back in 2001 I decided to cut it and donate it. I was only supposed to cut 10 inches off which would have left my hair to the middle of my back. I asked dh to do the cutting and he cut 16 inches off and I wound up with a bob style just above my shoulders. I asked him why he did it and he just said, "I wanted to see what you would look like with short hair." I cried so hard. I didn't recognize myself anymore. Fortunately I was preggers at the time so my hair grew back pretty fast and it's down to my butt again, but I hated how I looked with short hair. Dh is forbidden to come near me with scissors anymore. :glare:



I'd say go for it. It's just hair after all -- can be grown, cut, colored again later if you don't like it....


:iagree::iagree: Why not! Or maybe you could even go to a wig place and try some wigs on to see how they look before you commit to something more permanent. :)

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Okay, girl story time.


There's this little market a block over, a grocery deal. I stop in there couple of times a week, and long story short, there's this seriously LA type girl that works there. Everyday she's different. Hair, makeup, jewelry, coordinated within a millimeter of her life. She's super outgoing, think Bette Midler.


She uses extensions, wild makeup, all different stuff, grooming must take her 3 hours before she walks out of the house in the morning. It's fun to go in there to see what she looks like.


She told me where she gets her hair "did." It's right across the corner from me.


I'm really tempted to go in that shop and talk to the girls about a color/cut deal.


Ever gone into one of those chop shops with a 19 yr. old at the helm with a hangover and gossip-riddled atmosphere? Know what I'm talking about? Scary lands man. I have to live with whatever happens...


Now to work up the nerve just for a walk in and consult (paid) - what do I say, "Hi, I'm having a mid life crisis or hormonal tide, please turn me into something different."


Someone give me a script?

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what do I say, "Hi, I'm having a mid life crisis or hormonal tide, please turn me into something different."


I think that would work. You'd probably be guaranteed to look different when you walked out if you said that! :D:lol:


(Pssst. Go for it.)

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Okay, girl story time.


There's this little market a block over, a grocery deal. I stop in there couple of times a week, and long story short, there's this seriously LA type girl that works there. Everyday she's different. Hair, makeup, jewelry, coordinated within a millimeter of her life. She's super outgoing, think Bette Midler.


She uses extensions, wild makeup, all different stuff, grooming must take her 3 hours before she walks out of the house in the morning. It's fun to go in there to see what she looks like.


She told me where she gets her hair "did." It's right across the corner from me.


I'm really tempted to go in that shop and talk to the girls about a color/cut deal.


Ever gone into one of those chop shops with a 19 yr. old at the helm with a hangover and gossip-riddled atmosphere? Know what I'm talking about? Scary lands man. I have to live with whatever happens...


Now to work up the nerve just for a walk in and consult (paid) - what do I say, "Hi, I'm having a mid life crisis or hormonal tide, please turn me into something different."


Someone give me a script?


What do you have in mind to do? A cut or a color, or both? One thing to think about if you go with a drastic color change is will you have time to do the root touch ups every 4 weeks if you decide to stay with that color? What about colored extensions so that you don't have to dye your actual hair if you just want accents? There are some really funky colors out there or not so funky ones too. :) I have hair extensions in hot pink, electric blue and purple and I put them in when I'm in a mood and take them out when I'm not. They don't damage my hair and I decide when I want to be funky or not. :) Just some thoughts. :)


I think that would work. You'd probably be guaranteed to look different when you walked out if you said that! :D:lol:


(Pssst. Go for it.)



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I'm not teaching a course this summer, so I'm debating dying my hair. I'll probably not, but I'm pondering....or streaks of many different colors.


I said I'd go blue if the class didn't make, but I think red would be more likely.

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One of my math teachers in high school did (over the winter break).


Previously, she had shoulder-length curly, salt & pepper hair, wore jeans & tees, no or little makeup.


After break, she had blonde hair (similar style, but less curly), makeup, & was dressed up. I thought we had a sub in our class until she spoke. :lol:


My bus driver did this in high school. He cut off his long greasy jheri curls. No one recognized him!

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Okay, girl story time.

I'm really tempted to go in that shop and talk to the girls about a color/cut deal.


Ever gone into one of those chop shops with a 19 yr. old at the helm with a hangover and gossip-riddled atmosphere? Know what I'm talking about? Scary lands man. I have to live with whatever happens...


Now to work up the nerve just for a walk in and consult (paid) - what do I say, "Hi, I'm having a mid life crisis or hormonal tide, please turn me into something different."


Someone give me a script?


Are you wanting pink or blue? Maybe a stripe of a color?


I do agree about figuring out what shades look good with your skin tone. Also, think about your wardrobe. As a blonde I look good in pastels with pale skin, but when I go reddish I cannot wear yellows and oranges. I have to pull out grays and navys.

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Are you wanting pink or blue? Maybe a stripe of a color?


I do agree about figuring out what shades look good with your skin tone. Also, think about your wardrobe. As a blonde I look good in pastels with pale skin, but when I go reddish I cannot wear yellows and oranges. I have to pull out grays and navys.


I honestly had no idea that people put this much (or any) thought into matching their wardrobe with their hair color! I hope I'm not making any fashion faux pas with my auburn hair and multi-colored wardrobe.

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