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Man, what now!? (Girl talk inside.)

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I was already on point of making a dr. apt. because I gained 5 lbs that I can't really explain and am finding they don't want to go away, though I run every day and eat like a bird. (Okay, maybe a largish bird, but still...a bird.)


Now all of a sudden, here comes Dear Aunt Flow, showing up at least a week earlier than expected. I had a notion that I didn't Ov this cycle; I never really had the changes that go with Ov. Now I'm really annoyed, a little worried and can't put off a dr. visit much longer. :( I don't know if this is just Over 40 stuff that I need to get used to or if there's a larger issue going on.


*whine* WAAAA!

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I will, because I have to, but I'm partially avoiding my ob/gyn because I'm a BCP drop-out and I don't want to have that conversation. :leaving: I still want another baby every 3rd day or so and I'm constantly afraid I'll get a blood clot and die if I'm on BCP, so I quit taking them. That's bound to come up. :auto:

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I will, because I have to, but I'm partially avoiding my ob/gyn because I'm a BCP drop-out and I don't want to have that conversation. :leaving: I still want another baby every 3rd day or so and I'm constantly afraid I'll get a blood clot and die if I'm on BCP, so I quit taking them. That's bound to come up. :auto:


Do you think they will want you to go back on BCP? I stopped taking them a while ago and never went back ... I just tell the OB that I use NFP for bc and leave it at that. I don't really like having that conversation, either, but they might want to check you for thyroid issues or other hormone stuff.

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Well, you could be really snarky and ask if she wants you to take up smoking, too.


Here's a helpful quote:


In 2005, the World Health Organization changed their stance on the Pill from “possibly carcinogenic” to “carcinogenic to humans.” The birth control pill suddenly became a Class 1 carcinogen same as tobacco and asbestos.

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I developed a 14 day cycle over the past few years, along with weight gain, body aches and being cold all.the.time (and I'm rarely cold, as a general rule. Not even a coat wearer in winter) None of it came on suddenly, it was just a downward spiral where the 14 day cycle was a permanent fixture, etc. The symptoms started - slowly, periodically - when I was 33, though, after the boys were born. I blamed it on beig post-partum, having nurslings, being sleep deprived. But then those things went away and the symptoms got worse and more constant. The last straw was complete exhaustion.


I've been on thyroid replacement for a year, feel like a human again, and have been drinking Mountain Rose Herb's "Women's Balancing" herbal tea. The cycle has gone back to 25-30 days. (I know this because I started using an iPhone app because I seriously thought I was losing my mind)


I feel much better about my world right now. :)


Eta: and since you're "local", if you want contact info for my doctor (in Annapolis), pm me. He's awesome and I had to sift through a bunch of duds before I got to him.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Here's a helpful quote:


In 2005, the World Health Organization changed their stance on the Pill from “possibly carcinogenic†to “carcinogenic to humans.†The birth control pill suddenly became a Class 1 carcinogen same as tobacco and asbestos.


Really? Did you really have to post that quote? Cause I really didn't want to read that. Really.


At this point in my life, I don't see any other option for me. I'm on a continuous use pill and won't have a period unless I choose to, and I wouldn't choose to put my family through that unless I had no other choice. I hate it.

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I was already on point of making a dr. apt. because I gained 5 lbs that I can't really explain and am finding they don't want to go away, though I run every day and eat like a bird. (Okay, maybe a largish bird, but still...a bird.)


I'm on Weight Watchers and I've figured out I need a certain amount of food in order to lose weight. When I skimp on food during the day, my weight goes up not down. I guess my body thinks I'll never eat again. It's very odd.


I don't know if this is just Over 40 stuff that I need to get used to or if there's a larger issue going on.


I'm 44 and during this past year, my cycles have gotten longer. They are 35 - 36 day cycles, and once I start, I go for a week. I hate it. I did check with my doctor and she told me that was normal and that she was experiencing the same thing. She's enjoying it though. okkaaayyyy

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Every time I go to the Dr. they ask me about BCP, I tell them I'm not interested and they move on to the next question. No problem on either end. If they are pressuring you or making you uncomfortable, maybe it's time to find a new doctor.


Me too. But, if a woman is having issues with irregular periods, then BCP is the first thing a doctor is going to push for. If you aren't going to follow their recommendations, then they aren't going to want to see you. It can be a problem.

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I was already on point of making a dr. apt. because I gained 5 lbs that I can't really explain and am finding they don't want to go away, though I run every day and eat like a bird. (Okay, maybe a largish bird, but still...a bird.)



Interestingly, eating less and exercising more can lower metabolism, which can do all sorts of funky things to your hormones. And can leave you just as heavy or heavier.

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Me too. But, if a woman is having issues with irregular periods, then BCP is the first thing a doctor is going to push for. If you aren't going to follow their recommendations, then they aren't going to want to see you. It can be a problem.


Yeah. It's this. I really do love my ob/gyn in other respects. When I told him a couple of years ago that I still want options open for having another baby, he said, "No problem. I've seen babies born to women all the way up to 50 - naturally conceived. 40 doesn't worry me." I could have kissed him. ;)


But yeah, the BCP was prescribed before because of wonky periods and atrocious skin. So, it wouldn't shock me if they "strongly recommend" it again. But I do want to see if there's a thyroid issue or something else I don't know about.

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Over forty. :sad: and don't find yourself under extreme stress or else the weight increase will be far more dramatic. :crying: I did NOT know that stress alone can make you gain weight!


Cycle changes, weight gain, fatigue, moodiness, fatigue.........


SO NOT FUN'!!!!!!



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Really? Did you really have to post that quote? Cause I really didn't want to read that. Really.


At this point in my life, I don't see any other option for me. I'm on a continuous use pill and won't have a period unless I choose to, and I wouldn't choose to put my family through that unless I had no other choice. I hate it.


Sorry. Someone recently told me that, and seeing this thread made me want to google it.


I'm sorry for the physical issues that force you to make that choice. It stinks to be in that position.


I've known two women who smoke who quit for over a year. They developed such serious physical problems after quitting that affected both them and their famlies that they felt they had no choice but to start again. For them, it's worth it to risk the consequences of smoking. The rest of us who aren't in their shoes shouldn't make judgments.

Edited by NJKelli
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