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For those of you who are lucky enough to live in the right place you can see an annular eclipse tomorrow evening before sunset. Search the internet and you can find the path where it will be visable and the optimum viewing times. I have seen one of these before and they are definitely worth seeing.


Also on June 5th, Venus will be transiting the sun with won't happen again for more than 100 years. You can find info on this by looking up transit of Venus.

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Here are two posts from the Bad Astronomy blog, for those who'd like the nitty-gritty. The NASA video linked in the follow up is hypnotic. :001_smile:


Original post:



Follow up:


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DS10, who is very much into astronomy, is looking forward to both events. We even bought viewers so we could look directly at the sun.


But it is suppose to be cloudy and raining tomorrow. :glare:


Our astronomy club is setting up a public viewing with telescopes for the transit. DS is going to be very bummed if he misses it due to clouds. I may consider driving several hours to the east side of the state just for him to see it.

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Shoot, looks like cloud and rain all day.


Here are a number of options for online viewing:



I hoping the NASA channel will stream it (trying to find out) so we can watch it on the TV. (ETA: I dont' see it in the schedule. :glare: )

Edited by nmoira
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