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School papers: Keep or toss?

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We completed our portfolio, had our evaluation and now I'm left wondering...should I keep all the papers from last year or toss them? Our portfolio has a "sampling" of all the work each dc did this year. I tried to choose the best examples for each subject. I honestly don't have the room to save everything but I hate to throw everything away that the dc worked so hard on. WWYD? What DO yo do? Is the portfolio enought? Sorry if this has been discussed!


Oh, and what about workbooks like ETC, LLATL, SWO, etc. Toss them? Keep them? Photocopy some pages and leave it at that?

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Well, my house looks like it keep it all. But i just threw a stack of all of DD's 5/4 stuff away, and i'm still HERE to type about it. So i'm thinking that i'll try another one and see how IT goes....


I just can't store it all.... i don't have to keep it for anything either. So i'll keep favorites and such, but i'm going to work on the garbage can.....

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but sometimes I've thrown things away in the past that I wish now I had kept! My oldest wrote some darling books in preschool (you know, illustrated and with simple words) that I can't locate! When I was in college, I threw away some old papers and all of my blue books and tests and notebooks. Now I wish I had kept some of that stuff to share with my kids!


So---keep the best, but perhaps think twice before you toss? (Sorry, I may be more like Jean---perhaps I'm not helping you!!!)

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For math, I keep quizzes and tests. Other than that, I don't keep any worksheets. I keep writing samples, to show where they started from and where they ended up (for the year). We do notebook pages for history and I'll keep those. I take pictures of 3-dimensional projects. Other than that, I'm tossing them out.

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I'm so glad you mentioned this. I am cleaning off my desk for next year, and I have my youngest boys' math papers. I just want to toss them, but I haven't been able to.


I threw out Aaron's stuff a few months ago. I kept drawings and some special things for my memory box.


I have a huge plastic tub in the garage with the boys' art work to sort through.


I cannot possibly keep everything -- there's just not room.


I am tossing those math papers today!

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I keep certain things. I try to keep one small container, it's about 5" deep, for each year. I have a hard time purging right after the school year. I keep things for a year and then purge what seems less important after some time has passed. Then I place them in a larger tote with previous years material. My ds does ask for things from previous years. Sometimes I reference back to things as well.


My goal is to have one larger tote for all of his elementary work. I put a few things in there today.

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