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In the home stretch for this year's homeschooling!

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We were supposed to finish tomorrow but DS was so excited that he worked extra this week and we finished yesterday. I think I'm as excited about the break as he is. Though I'm excited about next school year too. As soon as we finished, he said, "you know mommy, it's going to take a while for me to get used to things again when we start back. I mean, long breaks make me forget things."

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She's on a group field trip tomorrow, then three more days on site here, and we are FREE (except one face to face meeting and one more filing) -man this has been a l.o.n.g. haul.


May 29th we start summer studies. Every single stinking day outside. I can't WAIT!

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Three more weeks for us. My in-laws want to kidnap the kiddos for two weeks in June, and if we don't slack off we should be able to finish everything before then. THE END IS NEAR!


Next year I'm starting much earlier. I wonder if we can finish before spring fever hits.

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One more week here too, but we've finished a lot already. And my kids like to work ahead when they see the end is near...I think my 9 yo will get all of her independent stuff done this week. Life is so crazy with kid activities right now; it would be lovely to get done even earlier in May, but I don't think we can bring ourselves to begin any earlier in August.

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Oh, good grief. We have another 4 weeks of reporting out here on the west coast. I always get so jealous when the rest of the country gets out so early! Do you start before Labor Day or something? How is the school year so short?


We've been working hard and doubling up on the reading assignments here at the end so we could finish.

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Tomorrow is a field trip (just us;) and then three official days next week. I'm seriously considering making Wednesday a "last day of school" celebration just like they do in PS:P


I'm hoping to start back at the end of July with an Olympic unit so we can get a few weeks in early on. My dd is getting married next May and I'd really like to be done with school early May so we can concentrate on the wedding.

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Oh, good grief. We have another 4 weeks of reporting out here on the west coast. I always get so jealous when the rest of the country gets out so early! Do you start before Labor Day or something? How is the school year so short?


We started at the beginning of August.

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