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Anyone familiar with Artemis Fowl Series

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I read the Artemis Fowl books to my two eldest when they were 9 and 11 yo. I don't remember anything being at all unsuitable, but I'm mostly fairly relaxed about what they read. The boys loved them, although I seem to remember thinking that while one was enjoyable, the next one didn't seem quite as good; every other one seemed a bit of a let down. I think there's a new one due out soon, but when I mentioned it to the boys, now aged 11 and 13, they didn't seem very interested. (DS11 is into the Roman Mysteries, Caroline Lawrence, whilst DS13 is enjoying the Rangers Apprentice series).



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I read the Artemis Fowl books to my two eldest when they were 9 and 11 yo. I don't remember anything being at all unsuitable, but I'm mostly fairly relaxed about what they read. The boys loved them, although I seem to remember thinking that while one was enjoyable, the next one didn't seem quite as good; every other one seemed a bit of a let down. I think there's a new one due out soon, but when I mentioned it to the boys, now aged 11 and 13, they didn't seem very interested. (DS11 is into the Roman Mysteries, Caroline Lawrence, whilst DS13 is enjoying the Rangers Apprentice series).




thank you. My son picked it up from the library. I'll make a note of other series you mentioned. I always like to give my boys some ideas of what books to look at when we go to the library.

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My son LOVES Artimis Fowl. He got one for a birthday present when he was 9. I wouldn't have allowed him to read it at that age, there is a LOT of weapons and violence, but the decision was made for me. No harm was done and my dh and the boys had lots of fun using them as read out louds.


I wasn't happy having to explain the term "Lock and Load" to a 9 year old.

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We listened to the series on audio a year or two ago and our kids, covering an age range of 6 to 11 were fans (except when they changed the reader for one of the books). The reader added a good flavor with his accent. Our oldest has re-read some of the books since then, so would say your assessment of pre-teen is right.


I like the quote from the author that Amazon has: "Die Hard with fairies."


Erica in OR

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love this series! We listen to them on audio, the narrator is wonderful and does all kind of accents, his Irish accent of Artemis and family is my favorite.


I agree, it's Die Hard with fairies :) Artemis at first is like an evil Encyclopedia Brown, but he evokes pity for it. He does change slowly.


My whole family loves this series, including my husband, the cd broke on a trip and we couldn't finish one of the books, dh went and purchased the book so he could find out what happened. :)


I did have a s-i-l object to the book -we gave it to her son, same age as mine thinking he would like it...and she didn't like the fairy curse word the sargent fairy throws out all the time. Think crusty police chief/military guy with a cigar, of course he would have colorful language! I didn't mind it because it is not a real word, but others might not like it.


great series, it has even made me cry. We are listening to The Time Paradox right now. :D

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They were the first really difficult books my Ds read. He was 7 or 8 and picked one up and literally fell in love with them. Before that he had been reading Magic Tree House type books so they were a big step up for him. He plowed through all that were availiable and is looking forward to a new one soon.


I had read them first before his big sister. They would probably not have been choice for him but he loved them. The description of Die Hard with fairies is pretty accurate IMO. But action packed books are what my DS likes or super factual.

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I read the Artemis Fowl books to my two eldest when they were 9 and 11 yo. I don't remember anything being at all unsuitable, but I'm mostly fairly relaxed about what they read. The boys loved them, although I seem to remember thinking that while one was enjoyable, the next one didn't seem quite as good; every other one seemed a bit of a let down. I think there's a new one due out soon, but when I mentioned it to the boys, now aged 11 and 13, they didn't seem very interested. (DS11 is into the Roman Mysteries, Caroline Lawrence, whilst DS13 is enjoying the Rangers Apprentice series).




Ranger's Apprentice series and it's spinoff Brotherband Chronicles are wonderful.

Artemis Fowl was ok. Not great but enjoyable.

Alex Rider series was fun too, think juvenile James Bond-ish

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