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Anyone have someone else's child join you for school?


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My friend will be homeschooling her 5 year old next year, and my ds is a year older. She approached me about combining them for something maybe once a week, and I like the idea, but I'm trying to visualize how it would work. Anyone have experience? Thanks!

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Yes - we have our friend's 11yr old join us for history, science, Latin and writing twice a week. There are some pros and cons, but the best part is doing labs or activities or discussions that would be boring without another kid.

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I'm not experienced yet, but I am probably going to have a friend's 2nd grader join us next year one day a week for the whole day. She works 3 days a week and her husband has advanced stage Lyme disease. Here's what I'm looking at doing together.


SOTW Volume 2: We will do reading/narration/questions at each home; here we will do mapping, coloring or crafts/art


Trail Guide to World Geography: We will do all the mapping activities at one time, then do art or food from around the world


Health: I'm using Horizons grade 3 (between their ages). I haven't worked this out yet, but I'm thinking I'll read the sections I want to with them, have them take turns reading, and I'll pick and choose the workbook pages and activities I want them to do.


Science: I'm still deciding this one, but I might use Christian Kids Explore series. We would each read the lesson at home, then I would do the experiment here.

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We have several friends that also home school. One set of friends formed a co-op and meet once per week for certain classes. The moms teach different classes/levels. I'm not sure if I'll join them next year or not.

I know that I'll be working with another mom next year. We'll probably meet every other week, more for fun than academic. We're planning to do two theme "parties" each month. One will be either holiday or seasonal themed; the other will be literature based. Her daughter went to preschool and is familiar with class parties. They'll be similar, with crafts, snacks, activities based on the "parties" theme.

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We have met with 1 and 2 other families 1x per week for the past few years and we have LOVED It!!


I have posted pretty extensively about what we've done on my blog. We have done science and history together. This past year we did Apologia's Astronomy together, if you click on my blog you can see all the group activities we did together. We also did American History year 1 together.


Before the school year started the 3 of us moms got together and chose the books/curriculum we would use and made a schedule. We just rotated who taught what subject and planned out who would do what chapter, etc.


We mostly did hands on activities and group discussions. Our ages were 6yrs-11yrs.


Hope that helps! We have loved it the past 2 years and are going to continue. I will say that i think it helps to have people that are like minded...or at least talk about expectations before hand. For instance, if one parent doesn't care if the kids run around and play, but the other parent wants them to stay put and do all the lesson quietly, etc. Just for example. :) But we did have kids that just wanted to play the whole time! So, we ended up having a little break between subjects and playing for 15-20 minutes.


This coming fall we are adding Atelier Art! I can't wait! :)

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Thanks everyone! I like the idea of theme parties! I was thinking we'd do some fun science experiments... And we'll give it a trial period in the beginning to make sure it's not a disaster!

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Thanks everyone! I like the idea of theme parties! I was thinking we'd do some fun science experiments... And we'll give it a trial period in the beginning to make sure it's not a disaster!


I think the science experiments are a good idea. I used Atelier Art to do a little mini-coop. Each of my kids had a friend over and one of the other moms came. It worked out very well and wasn't much work for me.



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We meet w/a few families and it's been a great experience. Once a month we meet for science experiments, presentations, and Greek/Latin roots. The other time is a fieldtrip. We've also done P.E. and poetry tea times (actually hot chocolate:) We do a beg. of the year celebration....out for donuts or something. And an end of year presentation time w/dads and displaying of things they've done that year. We also bring Valentines to our Feb. mtg. and Christmas snacks to our Dec. mtg. It's been a blessing. :)Gina

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I have my best friends 3 kids come over on Tuesday and Thursday to do History with us. The kids love it they look forward to History (finally) there is no fuss or whining it is wonderful. They are all close in age though (5,6,6,7 and 8 yrs.) and they get along great. It works out really well for us. In the fall we plan on getting together for science also. I think the key is to have like minded standards and expectations in parenting and schooling and for the kids to like each other.

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Haven't done it yet but next year looks like this....

I will be teaching a class of 6, 9-11 year olds 1X per week. We will also probably be joining a friend and her children (daughters BFF) 1X per week. This should work because we use so much of the same curriculum. I have also offered to work with another friends son 1X per week. She is considering putting him back in PS... I want her to have other options. I love the idea of "cooperative learning". Or anything where people share and help each other out. Give it a try if it doesn't work for core subjects, then do art, music, PE. Play math games, do silly science projects. There is learning value in everything we do.

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