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So I'm trying Sonlight this year and have a few questions re: the map work

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Do we really need the large (23"x 34") wall map that I can buy through SL or would a smaller one work?


Is it helpful to leave it hung on a wall vs. only pull it out when it's needed?


After we label the map as the lesson suggests, do we leave it (to refer to for the rest of the year) or erase it?


We will be doing Core D - American History pt.1. Does anyone know if we will only need the USA map or do we venture into the rest of the world for some parts?




Also, is there somewhere other than the SL website where I can find the timeline figures we will need?



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When we did SL at that level, we didn't really use the map a ton. I think any map will do, but it is neat to leave it up so you can get an overall picture of how things look.


I decided time lines were more of a logic stage thing, so I delayed doing them until 5th grade.


Good luck!


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Any map will work, but it would be difficult to label and see all of the smaller countries. We leave ours out because we use it nearly every day.


The timeline figures are actually created by another company...Homeschool in the Woods I think? Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong. Other timeline figures would work if they are a similar size.

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Sonlight's fold up map we love but we are a family who tends to be on the go. I have never really been able to hand it on a wall. Being able to fold it up and put it in the book bag or slide it into the bookcase is really handy.


The timelines we have never quite gotten the hang of. They get colored and posted when someone is really bored. Which doesn't happen that often. Definenately not the wonderful connections I expected!

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The timeline figures are actually created by another company...Homeschool in the Woods I think? Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong. Other timeline figures would work if they are a similar size.


You're correct. :) They are HSITW printed on sticker paper. You still have to cut them out. We are using the timeline and liking it (DS1 loves timelines). I don't have the map. I just use the globe or our own maps. I don't have wall space right now to hang a big map, though I can see how it would be cool. Maybe when I set up my school room, I might do one...

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I use full color, laminated, similar-sized maps of the US and the world that I leave hung up all the time, and we just look up (or we have circled things, plotted journeys etc... too). I like having the map already drawn as a strong visual, and we can add to it things specific to that year's studies.


Merry :-)

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I've bought SL's laminated map twice...and sold it twice. : ) We just used the ones in the TM or our own. I have very large full color maps that we love.


You will venture outside the U.S. with that core, especially in the beginning of it. You will trace explorer's routes, visit parts of South America and Central America, as well as Newfoundland and Iceland and such.


Have fun with SL!! Core D was our absolute favorite homeschooling year to date. And we've been at this for 8 years now. :)

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I have to second loving the laminated fold-up map from Sonlight. It's got the U.S. on one side and the world on the other.


I have actually managed to learn some geography by being forced to find the places and label them on the map. (Geography just plain does not stick in my head.)


The only place in my house where we have room for the humongous laminated world map I bought before starting Sonlight is in the basement, where it never gets looked at. So, yeah, I really, really love the Sonlight fold-up map.

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Thanks everyone!


I'm still undecided about the large map. I have a smaller (placemat size) version, but I know it would be difficult to write on or even see the smaller places.



We have never done timelines. I feel like they would be fun and helpful, but I can also see us never getting around to them!



Thanks again for all the help!

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We used the map for Core D twice then I dropped it. I just used our globe to point stuff out. I didn't worry about having the points on the map always marked while doing the lessons.


ETA: I liked the globe more since you can see the journeys people took better because the globe is round and not flat like a map.

Edited by MissKNG
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