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Please can someone talk to me about Memoria Press?

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I'd be a sad teacher if I had to use MP full packages :-(


I like the Golden Children's Book curriculum. I'm using it more as a reading program than a Bible curriculum. I believe the KJV bible is the first and greatest Great Book. The GCB is great prep for the KJV.


I've used Henle Latin and like it. I've never used the newer Latins.


I don't at all like the strong male and glories-of-war focus of the classical studies.


The literature looks mediocre. Acceptable, but not anything special.


The science is choppy. I'll be interested to see what comes with the geography.

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I haven't used their packages, but I like the looks of them. They seem complete, but doable. I would add in more books just to read for fun on top of the literature package (which I think they do in their school as well). The work load doesn't seem overwhelming, so I think if one wanted to supplement it wouldn't be hard to add in a bit more, but it also doesn't look as though one would have to.

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Very interested to hear more opinions on this. We love Sonlight here, but something about both MP and VP intrigues me. I have seen others mention the possibility of doing one of those two, while adding extra reading in from SL. Has me curious....

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I have not used a plan yet either, I did buy the 3rd grade plans on the FSOT board to use with my rising 4th grader. I bought them because they laid out daily plans for all of the books I was planning to use next year anyway. I will be substituting some things because i'm going more for the LCC approach, I do love the looks of everything i've seen and I love MP's materials in general.

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I have bought and pieced together two grades for myself for next year. I was going to buy a whole package, but knew I was going to sub too much (R&S for English, Saxon for math, BJU for science). The only thing I have left to buy is the actual lesson plans for the two grades. I found mixing and matching from different sites, I could get better prices on all the various pieces.


I am excited to get started with all of it! I am thinking I will be using it more of a jumping point for us with tying our classical studies together.

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I have bought and pieced together two grades for myself for next year. I was going to buy a whole package, but knew I was going to sub too much (R&S for English, Saxon for math, BJU for science). The only thing I have left to buy is the actual lesson plans for the two grades. I found mixing and matching from different sites, I could get better prices on all the various pieces.


I am excited to get started with all of it! I am thinking I will be using it more of a jumping point for us with tying our classical studies together.


:iagree: this is how I plan to use it.

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The one thing I know I would have to add is Elemental Science for my oldest...We have really been enjoying that, and he has been looking forward to "Earth Science and Astronomy for the Logic Stage"...I wouldn't let him miss that :)


I don't blame you! Have you decided to leave TOG?

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I have not used the grade packages but I have used Classical Studies, Christian Studies and some of their latin curriculum. MP is just too workbook-oriented for my kids. It was not a good fit for them. We do better with just reading, narrations and hands-on activities.

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I love the looks of the packages. I haven't ever used them. We started WTM rotations from the beginning, and it works great for us. I started w/Rod and Staff for our core curric for the beginning, including phonics, so I never looked for anything else. But if I was just starting out now, MP might be the full way I would go. I plan on using a lot of their curric for next year:


Prima Latina w/my 2nd grader, First Form Latin w/my 5th grader, the 5th grade science set w/both and adding in the 6th grade biology book, and Christian Studies I. We also have Famous Men of Rome that we did half of this year w/Latina Christiana I and we will finish it next year w/SOTW1. I haven't used a lot of their workbooks. We didn't use it for FM, and and I am not sure what I will think of the bird one and medicine one for science, but I love the Tiner books and the idea of the bird/medicine for science. I don't know if I could do the full packs w/out adding to them either. I want more science. That is why I am adding in the biology from 6th into the 5th, so that we can move on to earth and space for 6th. But if I wanted a full package, MP would be my starting point for sure.


In grammar stage I would miss SOTW too much, and would have to add it though!

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I don't blame you! Have you decided to leave TOG?


I am not sure if we are going to use TOG or not...I have many of the books already that I would need for year 2, so I keep thinking about it...But then I keep thinking about MP too...


I have not used the grade packages but I have used Classical Studies, Christian Studies and some of their latin curriculum. MP is just too workbook-oriented for my kids. It was not a good fit for them. We do better with just reading, narrations and hands-on activities.


The workbook thing is my fear as well...If I do use it, I would like to use it more discussion style...I haven't seen the workbooks honestly, so I am not sure about that part...



In grammar stage I would miss SOTW too much, and would have to add it though!


We would actually miss SOTW too...We used TOG this year, but we had SOTW as a supplement and ended up using it to the point where we could have just bought that alone :)...At least for my younger two...My oldest enjoyed the books he read from TOG...


I guess the real deal is that I am torn between planning everything myself and having a plan already laid out that I can tweak if I choose to...I did an awful lot of planning this past year and don't want to burn out...

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I'd be a sad teacher if I had to use MP full packages :-(


I like the Golden Children's Book curriculum. I'm using it more as a reading program than a Bible curriculum. I believe the KJV bible is the first and greatest Great Book. The GCB is great prep for the KJV.


I've used Henle Latin and like it. I've never used the newer Latins.


I don't at all like the strong male and glories-of-war focus of the classical studies.


The literature looks mediocre. Acceptable, but not anything special.


The science is choppy. I'll be interested to see what comes with the geography.


Wow...I haven't read the Famous men series (I have the Greenleaf Rome book but I haven't read it yet) so I am not sure how they depict war...Is it heavily glorified?


Thanks for weighing in...I always respect and appreciate your views on things ;)

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I am not sure if we are going to use TOG or not...I have many of the books already that I would need for year 2, so I keep thinking about it...But then I keep thinking about MP too...




The workbook thing is my fear as well...If I do use it, I would like to use it more discussion style...I haven't seen the workbooks honestly, so I am not sure about that part...




We would actually miss SOTW too...We used TOG this year, but we had SOTW as a supplement and ended up using it to the point where we could have just bought that alone :)...At least for my younger two...My oldest enjoyed the books he read from TOG...


I guess the real deal is that I am torn between planning everything myself and having a plan already laid out that I can tweak if I choose to...I did an awful lot of planning this past year and don't want to burn out...


I know this isn't completely planned.... but what about using SOTW 2 and then put your TOG books in a book basket and require x minutes/day reading from the book basket. Require a written summary on a third of the books (or whatever amount makes sense). Planning might require less from you if you narrow your options from the beginning, kwim? There have been times I have bought packages because I wanted someone else to hand me a plan.... that usually lasted about 6 weeks before I resented the plan and wanted to simplify things.


I'm not saying you wouldn't like MP - it might be just what you need! Look at a sample week and try to mimic it with your current resources for a couple weeks. Try it on and see what school feels like with their routine.

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Wow...I haven't read the Famous men series (I have the Greenleaf Rome book but I haven't read it yet) so I am not sure how they depict war...Is it heavily glorified?


Thanks for weighing in...I always respect and appreciate your views on things ;)


The books are available online in black and white. I don't like them as a center of an education. If my boys had read them on their own-fine. I'm not sure how the comprehension questions handle the books, but...I didn't like what I saw so much, that I didn't look too much further. Year after year of "Famous MEN" turned me off. There is no balance. Just WAY too much cheering for white male killers.


To be honest, there is a chance I missed the good stuff. I stopped looking after about 30 minutes. I was just thinking, "there is no way, I'm TEACHING this mess, for four YEARS!" Not ME, anyway :-)


I'm really looking for some balance in my entire curriculum. I'm finding it better to mix and match, so at least each publisher's mess is spread around. MP's Blonde Jesus is enough MP for me. CGE and Study Time farming is enough farming. McGuffey's vintage rich man poor man stories is enough of that mess. Different kinds of mess mixed together is better than one one type of mess, in my opinion.


I don't think YOU will be happy with MP full packages. Pick SOMETHING that looks best from them, and try it out, and balance it with something else VERY different.

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