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I have moved so many times that I forgot where I live (funny inside)

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I have lived in 12 houses in 12 years, (married to a military man who gets transferred ALOT).


Yesterday while placing an order in an upholstery shop, the store clerk asked me for my name, address and phone number. I gave her my name, then I had a blank look on my face and dumbly said, "You know, I really do not know where I live, I sometimes forget which state I am in." She gave me this terrified look, so I quickly pulled a small card from my purse and told her, "Wait a minute, just this morning my husband wrote down our new address and phone number, here, just copy down what you need from this card." She said, "Oh, thank you dear." But she gave me that look that said, "Who let this woman out of the house?"


I finished up my transaction, thanked the two clerks who helped me with my order and I turned around to leave. This is when I heard, "Mabel, if the poor dear does not know where she lives, how will she ever get home, I mean she looks soooo young for Alzheimer's."


I turned around only to see two elderly women give me that little Miss America wave with small "all knowing" smiles. They were probably happy that I prepaid for my order, because there is no telling when I would find my way back to their store.:lol:


What funny moving stories do you have? I would love to hear them!




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I was in the Hallmark store buying a few baby things and some cards. While checking out I was talking to the clerk and my dh. As I reached for my package the clerk pulled the sack back. I asked if something was wrong. She said, "You haven't paid me!" I said, "Yes, I gave you a check." "No, you didn't!" the clerk exclaimed. My dh said, "Honey, look in your purse." So, I opened up my checkbook and sure enough the check was written but never torn out and given to the clerk. I think she thought I was a total nut!

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I was in high school, and had just moved into a new house. After school the next day a classmate and her mom gave me a ride home. I got us to the right street okay, but got muddled about the house--so many looked so similar! I realized my mistake on the porch of the wrong house. My classmate and her mom looked at me askance when I explained. I did make it to the right house, but was terribly embarrassed.

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Oh what a great laugh to start my morning!

I don't have anything quite so entertaining to share, but I do understand and can relate. We have moved quite a bit as well and I always have to stop and think of my address. At least we've not gotten a land line phone the last two places so my phone number (cell) has stayed the same :p That's been very helpful. hehe


I must say though...it was the elderly lady Miss America wave part that did me in :giggle:

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LOL!!!! We have ONLY moved 3 times in our adult married life (this year we will mark our 18th wedding anniversary) and I still give out our phone number we had 18 years ago!!! I couldn't imagine my brainlessness if I had moved 12 times in 12 years.;)


We moved to our current location 2 years ago and I STILL can't remember our new phone number!! Every time I am asked for our phone number, I have to rely on my kids to answer for me. After our kids give them the phone number I am quick to add "I don't usually call myself". :D


DH and I had been at our 2nd location in our married life for about 3 months, when DH was late getting home from work. When he came home he said 'you wouldn't believe what I did on the way home. I drove to our old house on my way home.' It had completely slipped his mind that he had moved 3 MONTHS AGO!!! For his sake, I would like to add he was working a lot of overtime then.:) I asked him when did it 'click' that he had gone home to the wrong house. He said when he didn't recognize the vehicles in the driveway. :D

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WELCOME TO OUR WONDERFUL STATE! Where in Jersey are you, anyway?


I just moved from NJ - I was happily living there from August 07 until June. I loved it there!


Of course, I will now always be Mary in NJ, regardless of where I move. I don't think that I can change my username with this new forum.





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Wait, were you Mary in FL?


What a riot! Poor Mabel must have been really concerned about you, dear ;)


WELCOME TO OUR WONDERFUL STATE! Where in Jersey are you, anyway?


I have never lived in Florida, but if I wait long enough, I'm sure to make it there soon :001_smile:


I just moved from NJ. I lived there for 10 months and loved every minute of it. Beautiful state and so close to the city!




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We moved two years ago. It was a long distance, long drawn out move. Dh moved 7 months before us. It seemed we were in the process of moving forever.


After we finally got moved and started back to school we were studying the states. We got to the state of Utah, and ds accidentally called it the state of U-Haul. We both laughed so hard. It seemed we had been in the "state of U-haul" for too long.


We still joke about it.

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I have another story. I posted it about this time last year on the old boards, but thought it worth repeating.


Due to an emergency, we needed to get back to the states quickly, we were currently living near Frankfurt, Germany. The military handled all the flight arrangements. Upon picking up our tickets, the clerk apologized for not getting 5 seats that were all together. Instead, she took the last five seats that were on that particular flight. They were all over the plane. She said that when we checked in at Frankfurt that we would be able to change the seating arrangements. Well, the lady who checked us in, just said, "This is a sold out flight, I can't change your seating. You may want to work it out when you get on board."


So, we boarded the flight and no passenger wanted to give up their aisle, window or emergency seat row. The stewardess told me to take a seat, that they needed to prepare for take off. I gave it my last ditch effort and went to each of our three children (scattered from rows 4 - 37) and with a smile on my face and my most friendly voice, handed vomit bags to the passengers who sat next to them and said, "You are going to need these. There is also a backpack with a clean change of clothes in the overhead bin. Feel free to grab it and help my child clean up. Thanks so much!"


Well, no lie, within two minutes flat, we were all sitting together. Just in time for child #1 to heave then vomit on take off. Child #2 unloaded right around landing.



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I can so relate to this. We also move around a lot and we aren't even a military family. We have moved 8 times in the last 12 years in and around Houston alone:eek:. I think I married a gypsy.;) I have become a packing eggspert, if you know what I mean...

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I have another story. I posted it about this time last year on the old boards, but thought it worth repeating.


Due to an emergency, we needed to get back to the states quickly, we were currently living near Frankfurt, Germany. The military handled all the flight arrangements. Upon picking up our tickets, the clerk apologized for not getting 5 seats that were all together. Instead, she took the last five seats that were on that particular flight. They were all over the plane. She said that when we checked in at Frankfurt that we would be able to change the seating arrangements. Well, the lady who checked us in, just said, "This is a sold out flight, I can't change your seating. You may want to work it out when you get on board."


So, we boarded the flight and no passenger wanted to give up their aisle, window or emergency seat row. The stewardess told me to take a seat, that they needed to prepare for take off. I gave it my last ditch effort and went to each of our three children (scattered from rows 4 - 37) and with a smile on my face and my most friendly voice, handed vomit bags to the passengers who sat next to them and said, "You are going to need these. There is also a backpack with a clean change of clothes in the overhead bin. Feel free to grab it and help my child clean up. Thanks so much!"


Well, no lie, within two minutes flat, we were all sitting together. Just in time for child #1 to heave then vomit on take off. Child #2 unloaded right around landing.



LOL :lol::lol::lol:LOL

That is just too much.

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She said, "You haven't paid me!" I said, "Yes, I gave you a check." "No, you didn't!" the clerk exclaimed. My dh said, "Honey, look in your purse." So, I opened up my checkbook and sure enough the check was written but never torn out and given to the clerk. I think she thought I was a total nut!


I did this not to long ago and don't have pregnancy for my excuse. I thought I had paid my hairdresser and insisted, when she called, that I had laid the check on her desk. She searched for that check for days and finally called to say it was nowhere to be found. I sent her another check. Two weeks later I found it stuck in the back of my checkbook, fully written out, under the deposit slips! I am too chicken to tell her. She'd be really nice about it, just am too embarrassed.

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I remembered something I did a few months ago.


I went in for my annual mammogram. I signed in, took a seat, and started reading my book. The lady behind the counter yells out across the waiting room: "Is it D'Antonio or Hull??? What's your last name, dear?"


Now, I got a little creeped out -- how on earth did she know my maiden name?! I thought maybe I went to school with her or something and she recognized me. But no.


I had signed in with my maiden name. I've been (HAPPILY) married for over eighteen years. EIGHTEEN YEARS!!!! Why on earth would I have used my maiden name? I didn't even know that I did it either, that's what's so sad! LOL!!


So, you don't know where you live, and I don't know who I am. What a pair, huh?! ;)

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I once had a moment like that when applying for an account at a new bank. They denied me :glare: There was no reason for them to deny me ... but I had totally blanked on my address, didn't have my driver's license with me, and on top of it, they wanted to verify my employer's phone number by finding it in the phone book - and my employer had a weird situation and was NOT in the phone book!


Who KNOWS what kind of fruitcake flake they thought I was!

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Over the course of my life I've moved so many times, changed schools, churches etc., that I can barely remember anything. I see people all the time who look familiar, but I can never be sure if I know them from where I live now, or whether they look familiar from somewhere else.


I can no longer spontaneously answer personal questions. When I need to place a curriculum order, I write down any of MY information that I might need ahead of time so that I don't look totally nuts.


Thank the Lord I can we have internet ordering availble to us these days! Ugh! :ack2:


~Lisa at Home....wherever that is!!!

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