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My test results (praying and need prayers)

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For those who don't know I am pregnant with our third baby. I am a diabetic in a high risk pregnancy and seeing my Ob/Gyn every week.


I saw my OB/GYN Wednesday June 24th.

She gave me the results of the HCG levels drawn on Wednesday June 18th and Friday June 20th.


She was not pleased with the levels. On Wednesday, June 18th they were 540 and on Friday June 20th it dropped to 516. She said it is her opinion that the pregnancy halted. She did a sono and it is meauring about one inch.


She offered me two options: a D&C or wait for it to happen naturally. I choose the latter. I am to see her next Wednesday July 1st at 1 PM. I cried in her arms and she held me. She delivered Matthew and I really admire her as a friend and doctor.


I called my sister Diane and we prayed for what happens for it to be God's will. I am placing it in God's hands and telling God that my heart's desire is to have this baby. I am praying for miracle. I went through this with Matthew and I have faith in my Lord. If things do not go as planned, I will accept it and not be angry with God.


I have read other women have gone through this with lower levels and continue with a healthy pregnancy so I am claiming that as a testimony to God's love and power.


I love God and I have to believe there is a purpose in this. Please continue to keep me and the baby and family in in prayer.


Thank you for your thougths and prayers.


I attended a women's bible group study and prayer Wednesday night at 7 PM. I needed this. Timothy stayed at home with the boys. He was taking hard but holding on to faith as well. At the meeting there were 19 women there (not counting their kids). We sang, had prayer, bible study and fellowship. They prayed on me and the baby.


I was uplifted in spirit there. My sister Diane was there and her four daughters ( two of whom are married and have children of their own). It was nice seeing them and being with family there.


I heard testimonies of women who had overcome cancer, an etopic pregnancy and healing of marriages. I have faith in God and I am at peace. God has taken away my fears and replaced with love, peace and hope.


I learned that God has the ultimate say in this and I am placing my faith and my life in His hands.



For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Psalms 33:20-22

22 We put our hope in the Lord.

He is our help and our shield.

21 In him our hearts rejoice,

for we trust in his holy name.

22 Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord,

for our hope is in you alone.


Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

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I believe in miracles! The Dr. advised me to terminate my first pregnancy for medical reasons. I delivered a beautiful ds who now has 2 ds of his own. My second pregnancy I was told to "accept" that I would never be able to carry long enough. I delivered a beautiful dd (OK, a month early but no lasting problems) who now has 3 dc of her own. Keep your faith strong and know that you are in the prayers of many:grouphug:

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