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What is the funniest grocery store mistake your dh has made?

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Several years ago, I asked dh to get some Kool-Aid at a little country store we have close by. We don't drink Kool-Aid usually, but for some reason I wanted a pack or two.


Dh came home with over 50 packs of Kool-Aid! Being a little country store, all they had was one little cardboard display box with the packs of Kool-Aid in it, so he bought the *entire* box, not realizing how many packs there really were in it.


I laughed and laughed when he brought it home and said he bought the only Kool-Aid they had. I asked him what the lady at the store said when he brought up the Kool-Aid to the cash register and he said she looked at him funny. :001_huh:


I think it took us two years to use it all. :D And I laughed my head off every time I used a pack. :lol:

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Well, I couldn't think of a mistake however... When I was pregnant with ds11, I was craving sour candy for about a month. I ate Sour Patch Kids, sour jaw breakers and Lemonheads. It was so bad that the inside of my mouth was irritated. Lemonheads were my absolute favorite. I couldn't get enough of them. However they weren't always easy to find. So late one night I'm in the car waiting on dh to come out of a convenience store with my candy. He walks out with a box under his arm. He bought every box of Lemonheads in the store. I'm not talking about the one box that is put out front. I'm talking about a case of them. I guess he was tired of doing a "candy run" for me in the night:)

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Mine was cruising around the store where the big bins of bulk oats, granola, grains, etc were displayed. He took a little "sample" of a little granola-like nugget, walked away, then said, "Congratulations--you just ate dog food."

It was kibble!:D



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Lightdays Longs were on sale. Only the large economy size box.


I told him that I needed the large box that had 100 in it (or something like that.) But, the store was all out of the large boxes. So in an effort to be very, very helpful, he bought enough little, very expensive boxes to end up with a total of 100.

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Well, I couldn't think of a mistake however... When I was pregnant with ds11, I was craving sour candy for about a month. I ate Sour Patch Kids, sour jaw breakers and Lemonheads. It was so bad that the inside of my mouth was irritated.:)


ME TOO!! I use to eat those sour belts and burn my tongue! DH would go to different local baseball park snack shacks to get me more, then we discovered you could buy them in bulk at Sam's Club.

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I have 2 (that I remember):


1) Dh was very proud of himself for finding a BIG container of beef jerky, on sale, at a store when we were on vacation. We loaded up our drinks and snacks and set off in our rental car. After an hour or so, he asks for a piece of jerky. As I'm starting to open the "jug o' jerky," I'm musing out loud, "I wonder why there's a cartoon picture of a puppy on this container?" Yes... he'd just spent $9 on dog treats!


2) When I was pregnant, I was careful about avoiding caffeine, alcohol, etc. - including my favorite food of all time - chocolate. I decided for my birthday, though, that I would indulge in one piece of chocolate cake with white icing - so dh went to the store and came back with a small cake. I was sooooo looking forward to it. But it was a yellow cake with white icing (NOT worth it, imo!). When asked why he didn't get a chocolate cake, he said that all they had was yellow cake or devil's food cake. AAAARGH!

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Since I was baking all our bread, he was used to homemade bread. But we were in the middle of a huge move from one state to another and bread from the store was a neccesisity at that point.

He walked into the grocery store and was not terribly familiar with the bakery section, but the shelves appeared to be empty. So he asked someone where the "store bought bread" was.

Actually they were pretty much out and I don't recall what he came home with, but we still, 30 years later, refer to anything I don't bake as "store bought bread."

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Are we going to get to have a thread on moms' mistakes at the hardware store? :001_tt2:



I've got one!!


The other day at Home Depot, my dh was looking for a particular latch I requested for our gate. He asked some old guy in the store, and the two of them studied the pegboard for several minutes, then turned to each other to discuss in technical terms what the exact purpose for the latch was and whether a different latch would work, etc.,


While the men were still talking, I manuvered around them to check the peg board for myself. It took me approxamately 12.5 seconds to locate the precise latch we needed, and another 3.5 to toss it into the cart, roll my eyes at the men and begin walking away.


Oh, I guess that wasn't the story you were looking for was it? :D

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And as far as the grocery store, dh does okay as long as I give him a list. HOWEVER, he NEVER checks prices!!


One day I sent him out for a jar of pasta sauce. I asked him to find something that was low in sugar but had no artificial sweetener. He did quite well, and the sauce he found was delicious!


I went back to the store to find the same sauce again. I was shocked at the price: more than $7 for a 20-something ounce jar :scared:


No wonder it was good...

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If my dh goes to the grocery he will invariably spend about 3x as much as I would, and come back with odd items like blackberries and dates, potato chips and pop, thick bacon, etc.


I need to make a list: milk, bread, eggs, ... or I end up with a mixed up assortment of weird, expensive ingredients!:confused:


And Drew, I am indebted to the guys who work at our local hardware store. If it weren't for them, I would *never* end up buying the right thing. Most of the time, dh sends me with a sample to show them what he needs.:lol:

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My dh is pretty good but he does not pay attention. Ex: he will get hot instead of mild. Just last time he bought sweetened applesauce (we always buy unsweetened) and when I asked him why he got sweetened, he replied..."I didn't think they would like sour applesauce.":lol:


He does really good but he is rushing and just grabs stuff off the shelf. But since I detest the grocery store...I don't mind when he messes up.

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I wouldn't dare send dh to the grocery store. I avoid it at all costs, even though he tries to be helpful and asks me to write up a list. No way, Jose! I will not do it. I won't even send him with labels so he can't miss. Never, never, never. He's a good man, but he is NOT going to the store for me.

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