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People who don't homeschool tell you what you'll have to do as a homeschooler? Like, "Be sure you socialize them" or, "You know, she'll have to take the SATs if she goes to college so you should get her acclimated to standardized testing."




Thanks. I'm not some kind of idiot.

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Yeah. We practically live at my mom's 5 miles away because my kid's best friends are there and I know everyone in the neighborhood. There are several school teachers and a few of them say strange things to me. I think they are surprised that I am actually intelligent LOL. Just like you, I went to college. I just decided to teach my own kids since you people can't get the job done:glare: ...is what I am going to say the next time I hear something stupid.

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I particularly like the admonitions in the guise of confidence. "Of course, you have him involved in outside activities so he can be with other kids." "I'm sure you're using a native speaker to tutor foreign language."


My very, very favorite is, "You WILL be sending him to public school for high school, no?" Er, no. The fact that he's in Grade 10 might have been an indication...


And why are so many of them fixated on calculus?

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I particularly like the admonitions in the guise of confidence. "Of course, you have him involved in outside activities so he can be with other kids." "I'm sure you're using a native speaker to tutor foreign language."


My very, very favorite is, "You WILL be sending him to public school for high school, no?" Er, no. The fact that he's in Grade 10 might have been an indication...


And why are so many of them fixated on calculus?


Yeah, because the high schools always make sure they hire a native speaker to teach foreign language right? :glare:


I don't really get these things anymore from those I run into that have met me before, probably because they've already been subjected to some sort of smart a$$ response from me.

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I particularly like the admonitions in the guise of confidence. "Of course, you have him involved in outside activities so he can be with other kids." "I'm sure you're using a native speaker to tutor foreign language."


My very, very favorite is, "You WILL be sending him to public school for high school, no?" Er, no. The fact that he's in Grade 10 might have been an indication...


And why are so many of them fixated on calculus?


These are the ones I get. Luckily, I'm the second person in our family to homeschool so they've gotten used to it by now.


I think people fear calculus and think it takes a math whiz to teach it.

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Yeah, because the high schools always make sure they hire a native speaker to teach foreign language right? :glare:



Heh. It is fun, though, to point out that our foreign language is Latin. I've learned to be patient and smile benignly while they work through the whole native speaker thing.

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We go to the Y one morning a week, and we usually do some schoolwork in one of the common areas after the kids swim and play in the gym. I had a woman get in my face a few weeks ago over it, explaining that her daughter is a teacher and would NEVER try to teach kids in such a noisy environment. Because, of course, a classroom full of 30 kids is so much quieter than 3 or 4 middle-aged women chatting while they wait for their Zumba class to start. Whatever.

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I particularly like the admonitions in the guise of confidence. "Of course, you have him involved in outside activities so he can be with other kids." "I'm sure you're using a native speaker to tutor foreign language."


My very, very favorite is, "You WILL be sending him to public school for high school, no?" Er, no. The fact that he's in Grade 10 might have been an indication...


And why are so many of them fixated on calculus?


My HS growing up was within spitting distance of Quebec, so we were surrounded by French native speakers. None of the Jr High or HS French teachers were native speakers. My senior year, I realized that the Jr High French teacher couldn't speak French as well as the Sophomore French STUDENTS. The Jr/Sr French teacher was the only one who had ever even been to France, and also the only one who had actually learned more than HS level French. It was absurd. I went to college for Engineering and realized in the first semester of my freshman year I had passed my HS Physics teacher in both Math and Physics. Yet my dad thinks homeschooling is bad because no one can be an expert in all subjects. Yeah.


I think Calc is great, but 95% of my public HS classmates didn't have it at graduation. Probably half didn't have Pre-calc. And whatever math they did know, they knew it poorly.

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My MIL is the worst.


I need someone over me like a principal or school board to tell me what to teach them. No, MIL. I can look up state requirements online.


I need a teacher to tell me if they are learning. MIL, I used to teach publicly. Did all of my education fall out of my head when I went home?


One person cannot handle 3 students on different levels. MIL, I did more than that with a classroom of 25.

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People who don't homeschool tell you what you'll have to do as a homeschooler? Like, "Be sure you socialize them" or, "You know, she'll have to take the SATs if she goes to college so you should get her acclimated to standardized testing."




Thanks. I'm not some kind of idiot.


Just give a surprised stare and do not respond.

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People who don't homeschool tell you what you'll have to do as a homeschooler? Like, "Be sure you socialize them" or, "You know, she'll have to take the SATs if she goes to college so you should get her acclimated to standardized testing."




Thanks. I'm not some kind of idiot.


Yeah, or people who every day put their kids in bad schools and complain about them to me in the next breath tsk tsk my homeschool choice. Look in the mirror, freaks! ;)

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