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On the eve of vacation

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So my DH was getting the suitcases from the attic when he slipped off the beam and his foot went through the ceiling of our dd14's room. There is a rather sizeable hole there now. And of course we can't attend to it until we return. Then when I was trying to help, I went by the attic ladder and I ripped a hole in my shirt when it got caught on the ladder. I'm just hoping this isn't some sort of luck that is going to be with us this weekend. Good grief!

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So my DH was getting the suitcases from the attic when he slipped off the beam and his foot went through the ceiling of our dd14's room. There is a rather sizeable hole there now. And of course we can't attend to it until we return. Then when I was trying to help, I went by the attic ladder and I ripped a hole in my shirt when it got caught on the ladder. I'm just hoping this isn't some sort of luck that is going to be with us this weekend. Good grief!


National Lampoon presents "Night Elf's Vacation"! I hope you're right that it's not some kind of omen :grouphug:

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So my DH was getting the suitcases from the attic when he slipped off the beam and his foot went through the ceiling of our dd14's room. There is a rather sizeable hole there now. And of course we can't attend to it until we return. Then when I was trying to help, I went by the attic ladder and I ripped a hole in my shirt when it got caught on the ladder. I'm just hoping this isn't some sort of luck that is going to be with us this weekend. Good grief!


Just glad he isn't hurt! When I first started reading I thought you were going to say he sprained his ankle or broke his foot!


A hole in the ceiling? No problem! Go enjoy vacation.

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Oh man! He's ok though. That's the important thing.


Our craptastic luck always occurs when we return from vacation. DH and I are terrified these days of going to Germany because the last several times we returned to very bad news.


Have fun on your vacation. :001_smile:


This is us, always come home to problems. Expensive problems, hot water tank needing replaced, broken washing machine and a van full of soaking wet clothes from camping waiting to be washed, the list goes on and on. We've only had one thing before a trip. DD let a stray cat in the house and he sprayed all over :ack2:


I say that's the end of your troubles and all will be well. Glad he's not hurt! A hole in the ceiling, I say forget about and enjoy your vacation! Have fun!

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I'm glad he's OK! Go enjoy your time away!


On the eve of our vacation in March, the sump pump went out and our basement flooded :glare:. My husband had to go buy a new one and install it before we left (yay $300 out the door before vacation :tongue_smilie:). We were just relieved it happened *before* we left!


Didn't someone here have major water damage when they returned from vacation?

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