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No more leading Co-op for me...

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So, it's official... just sent out the message that I won't be having a co-op next year. It's sad, I feel worse for the person who helped me put it together. It was a TON of work to organize, and it's only been going a year. BUT, the bright side is that my Fridays are now open, and I can take a day a week for field trips.... and more!! I've either Directed Classical Conversations in our area... or a Co-op since my son was 4yrs old. (So four years now) I think that it will be enjoyable to only be responsible for us. I have no hard feelings about it... and hope that others won't either...


So... for those of you who put them together for years... Wow... I stand in awe. For those of you fortunate to belong to Co-ops... with leaders who work so much... wow.... I hope that you remember to tell them "Thanks".... There should be a Holiday for that.... :)


It was good training for something.... BUT, I am NOT a born leader :)


Oh... the land of "Co-op World" :D

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Wow--4 years! You definitely deserve a break. I was in a classical co-op for 2 years. I wasn't even the coordinator; we had 2 women working together to oversee the co-op. We lasted 2 years. Those women were just burned out. And fortunately a couple of new classical options opened up in our area. That kind of pushed them into deciding they should stop doing the co-op. It had been a lot of work even just as a co-op teacher. I remember during the second year (before the decision was made to stop) trying to decide if we'd join again. A good co-op sure is a lot of work but it can be a good experience as well. I missed the people, but not all the work that had to be done.


Enjoy your time with your family! :grouphug:

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I do love our co-op leader. She rocks. I've organized LOTS of things over the years, but I'm bad a delegating so I end up doing more than I should. This lady is an excellent delegator and I am in awe. She's managed to not fry out even though her 4th child is in middle school. She can even leave town and the co-op continues to function in her absence. I <3 that woman. :)

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So, it's official... just sent out the message that I won't be having a co-op next year. It's sad, I feel worse for the person who helped me put it together. It was a TON of work to organize, and it's only been going a year. BUT, the bright side is that my Fridays are now open, and I can take a day a week for field trips.... and more!! I've either Directed Classical Conversations in our area... or a Co-op since my son was 4yrs old. (So four years now) I think that it will be enjoyable to only be responsible for us. I have no hard feelings about it... and hope that others won't either...


So... for those of you who put them together for years... Wow... I stand in awe. For those of you fortunate to belong to Co-ops... with leaders who work so much... wow.... I hope that you remember to tell them "Thanks".... There should be a Holiday for that.... :)


It was good training for something.... BUT, I am NOT a born leader :)


Oh... the land of "Co-op World" :D



I can totally relate to everything you wrote. I quit leading our co-op almost 2 years ago - so for 2 years I've only had my own boys! It has been a wonderful 2 years. We have accomplished so much. Leadership situations are a stretch for me as well. I'm glad we did it for 8 years, but I got tired and my boys needed more of me. There are pros and cons - finally the cons outweighed the pros :001_smile:


I know you will enjoy your time with just your own kids :D Enjoy!

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I'm a little nervous. It's my first year directing co-op next year. We've had the two previous years as "growing pains" and I don't think we've worked out all the kinks yet! I'll just say, there's a reason 3 of us are working together to help direct - it's a big job for one person!

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So, it's official... just sent out the message that I won't be having a co-op next year. It's sad, I feel worse for the person who helped me put it together. It was a TON of work to organize, and it's only been going a year. BUT, the bright side is that my Fridays are now open, and I can take a day a week for field trips.... and more!! I've either Directed Classical Conversations in our area... or a Co-op since my son was 4yrs old. (So four years now) I think that it will be enjoyable to only be responsible for us. I have no hard feelings about it... and hope that others won't either...


So... for those of you who put them together for years... Wow... I stand in awe. For those of you fortunate to belong to Co-ops... with leaders who work so much... wow.... I hope that you remember to tell them "Thanks".... There should be a Holiday for that.... :)



I TOTALLY hear you. I've been directing co-ops for 3 years now. 1 with a Classical Conversations group. Previous to that, I had a 3 year stint as a co-leader for a homeschool group. I am not starting or running anything next year and am looking forward to having things much more relaxed!



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I'm a little nervous. It's my first year directing co-op next year. We've had the two previous years as "growing pains" and I don't think we've worked out all the kinks yet! I'll just say, there's a reason 3 of us are working together to help direct - it's a big job for one person!


3 people will be great, if you all communicate well :) Really, it's not the work of being there. The last straw was that only one highschool student and one jr high student was signed up. That area, because of younger siblings, controlled if almost 1/2 of the co-op would return. (no need for younger kids to be there if the older kids couldn't)


If everyone had signed up... and I had been able to know that it was ready for the next year... not so much of a big deal. SO, if you're not gonna have to "work" all summer stressing if it's gonna be a go... That's one plus :)


If you're co-directors are pleasant, and you all love working together.... (That's another plus :))


We had many lovely ladies working this year, and it was a good year. My Co-Director did a ton of the work (at least half of the planning and such... probably more!!) But... with her leaving, and no one wanting to step up to be a "Co-Director", I :)


Also, of course, it's your personality that comes into play :) I HATE conflict.

You have to be able to let things roll of you... and not personal conflict not get in the way of your outlook. That's really hard. I can deal with it with my children, but with adults it's much harder. (There wasn't tons of conflict, but some)


My one thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that a sense of commitment is something that I should have talked about at the beginning. As the year went on, people dropped out as they entered new activities. We had one mom who had promised through various stages of the co-op to help, and when we really needed her... she dropped out about 8 weeks before co-op was over. She never helped the entire time :( Other people dropped out due to various reasons... I would TOTALLY Talk up commitment and how it takes 3 times the time when you (the leader) have to go back and rework the schedule. I was planning to tell them that anyone who can stay married, can make it to the end of co-op:) "Show your kids what keeping your word looks like, they are watching what it means to say you'll do an activity" (I was raised that if you said you'd do it, you stuck it out. You may not sign up again, but you don't leave the people who have put it together, hanging. I don't mean that I'd stay if there was say... something really wrong. But, you don't leave because you say... realize you don't like doing co-op on Fridays or something like that)


I hope it's a great year for you!!

Edited by NayfiesMama
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3 people will be great, if you all communicate well :) Really, it's not the work of being there. The last straw was that only one highschool student and one jr high student was signed up. That area, because of younger siblings, controlled if almost 1/2 of the co-op would return. (no need for younger kids to be there if the older kids couldn't)


If everyone had signed up... and I had been able to know that it was ready for the next year... not so much of a big deal. SO, if you're not gonna have to "work" all summer stressing if it's gonna be a go... That's one plus :)


If you're co-directors are pleasant, and you all love working together.... (That's another plus :))


We had many lovely ladies working this year, and it was a good year. My Co-Director did a ton of the work (at least half of the planning and such... probably more!!) But... with her leaving, and no one wanting to step up to be a "Co-Director", I :)


Also, of course, it's your personality that comes into play :) I HATE conflict.

You have to be able to let things roll of you... and not personal conflict not get in the way of your outlook. That's really hard. I can deal with it with my children, but with adults it's much harder. (There wasn't tons of conflict, but some)


My one thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that a sense of commitment is something that I would talked about at the beginning. As the year went on, people dropped out as they entered new activities. We had one mom who had promised through various stages of the co-op to help, and when we really needed her... she dropped out about 8 weeks before co-op was over. She never helped the entire time :( Other people dropped out due to various reasons... I would TOTALLY Talk up commitment and how it takes 3 times the time when you (the leader) have to go back and rework the schedule. I was planning to tell them that anyone who can stay married, can make it to the end of co-op:) "Show your kids what keeping your word looks like, they are watching what it means to say you'll do an activity"


I hope it's a great year for you!!


LOL, I may use that. I've been thinking through ways to launch our co-op to a level that leadership could be handed off without the whole thing dying. I think 1 more year and we'll be there. Good for you for being brave enough to step away. I hope you have a fantastic year of being responsible for nothing but your own kids!

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Good for you!


We have a board of 4 families overseeing our co-op. I was on that for 6 years, and am now stepping down as the co-ordinator of classes this year, after 4 years? I also did newsletter for 10 years, planned all the field trips for years, etc. I'm burnt out! But the group wants classes again next year, so a couple women are stepping up to take my place. I just need a break from all the responsibility!


I, too, am looking forward to time with my dd, my last. I want to start the girls' club she's wanted, and just have time with her! Although she will still do band and probably choir, so we'll still be there on a limited basis, not all day. Yeah!!


You sign a form stating you are committing to the entire year when you register with our group, and for the most part, people do keep the commitment. That's the nice thing about having a good core of people through the years--they are committed to this! Our group's been together 15 or 16 years?

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