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How can someone so smart be so bad at loading the dishwasher?

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Hubby did the dishes last night while I was bathing the 2 year old. I was thrilled. Thankfully though, he didn't run the dishwasher. He actually NEVER runs it. He is convinced that we need to wait until it is 100 percent full...another pet peeve. Anyway, this morning i put a glass in and was about to run it when I realized he had put a shallow tupperware dish on the very back of the top rack, facing the back wall. Short of divine intervention there was no way any of the water would hit the inside of the dish. Seriously, who does that? Who puts a dish on the very outside edge of the rack, facing OUT of the dishwasher? The man is a genius, has a degree in information security, can fix a car, rewire our house, redo the plumbing, and put up and take down walls. He can do ANYTHING, but load a dishwasher sensibly.


I love him, but is there any hope in training him?

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That is my pet peeve!


My dh is the same way. He throws stuff into the dishwasher willy-nilly, ridiculously overloads so the plates are practically stacked and then puts stuff back into it that (surprisingly!) didn't get cleaned, but the food is baked on from the heat. :001_huh:


I honestly don't care how he ways the dishes, cleans anything else, but the dishwasher drives me nuts.


Sigh. I have given up. I now just ask him to leave the dishes on the counter and I'll load it up.


But, I love him anyway!:tongue_smilie:

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Hubby did the dishes last night while I was bathing the 2 year old. I was thrilled. Thankfully though, he didn't run the dishwasher. He actually NEVER runs it. He is convinced that we need to wait until it is 100 percent full...another pet peeve. Anyway, this morning i put a glass in and was about to run it when I realized he had put a shallow tupperware dish on the very back of the top rack, facing the back wall. Short of divine intervention there was no way any of the water would hit the inside of the dish. Seriously, who does that? Who puts a dish on the very outside edge of the rack, facing OUT of the dishwasher? The man is a genius, has a degree in information security, can fix a car, rewire our house, redo the plumbing, and put up and take down walls. He can do ANYTHING, but load a dishwasher sensibly.


I love him, but is there any hope in training him?


There is no hope. I've been married to a gifted mathematician for 18 years and I always move things in the dishwasher.

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Well, I'm the dysfunctional one in the house when it comes to stuff like that. :tongue_smilie:


In my defense, I did not grow up with a dish washing machine so for the longest time I really didn't quite know how it worked nor how to load it. Not that it's rocket science or anything, but nearly every load I put something in the wrong way and it doesn't get clean.


I get that. I don't think he used one growing up either. But he's a grown man. I've showed him how it works. This is a new one that we just got and I showed him every spray jet, and where it is. I mean, seriously, unless the water was coming from outside the machine this dish couldn't have gotten clean.

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My DH's contribution to laundry is to carry the baskets up and down the stairs. This usually only works when the basket is physically blocking the stairway though:tongue_smilie:


Smae here! :lol:



OP- just be thankful he loads it at all! I'd gladly rewash a few outer rim backwards dishes if it meant dh would put his dirty dishes in the machine! :tongue_smilie:

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I think that some people, no names necessary, have not grasped that the task at hand is not to have all the dishes go through the dishwasher, but to have all the dishes actually get clean. There is a difference! That is, it is a problem of definitions. If "clean" means "went through the dishwasher" in your mind, as opposed to "clean" meaning "free of food residue and germs", well, that explains both the loading issues and the pots you find in the cabinet covered with baked on food that were considered "clean" and therefore put away. So I've been stressing the nuances of vocabulary. To no avail thus far, but being an optimist I press on. ;)

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