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What do you do when kid wakes on the wrong side?

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Beating is not an option (yet!) :glare:.


Ds is cranky, obnoxious, mean, and mouthy. He's only been up for 45 minutes!


Days that start poor do not go well at all! One of the most annoying things to me is getting up, starting my coffee and then having a pissy kid up my butt.


He's not sick, just his typical self. He will keep repeating whatever I said no to (in this case, I am not getting up to step over you and get your yogurt, nor am I turning on the heat right now). The point of him having yogurt in the morning is so that he can eat and not bother anyone. That sounds really mean, but I cook breakfast shortly. He literally rolls over in bed and whines "what can I have? MOOOOOOMMMM do you know what I can have?!?!" It doesn't matter what I cook in the morning, he has a tantrum, so he's supposed to eat his yogurt, and then we all have breakfast.


I know I sound mean, but we have too much to do (inspection soon, schoolwork, portfolio review, car repair) and I do NOT want to deal with him like this today.


What do you do on mornings like this?

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In all honesty, we send them back to bed with the direction that they can come back down when they can be pleasant. Sometimes, the whiner goes back to sleep. Sometimes, the whiner sits up there kvetching to him/herself for a while, then comes down at least somewhat more pleasant.


But, yeah, that start to the day doesn't fly well here. At all.

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In all honesty, we send them back to bed with the direction that they can come back down when they can be pleasant. Sometimes, the whiner goes back to sleep. Sometimes, the whiner sits up there kvetching to him/herself for a while, then comes down at least somewhat more pleasant.


But, yeah, that start to the day doesn't fly well here. At all.

:iagree: Send him back to bed.

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I wouldn't reward him with a movie if he was being nasty. Why not be that way every morning and get to sleep in and watch tv?


I'd have a talk with him and tell him that if he couldn't wake up and be civil that he'd be doing early morning chores and no breakfast until he could straighten up.

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Usually he just needs to be alone. Since my car had to be dropped off, a movie was the safest way to run and do that. I didn't want him annoying dd, nor could I take him with me (really, really cold out + 66 stairs = not good for his asthma).


Early chores is a great idea! I could hold off on breakfast, but he has to have something first thing (and protein about every 2-3 hours).

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My 10 year old is this way a lot -- ugh. We send her upstairs to her room till she can be pleasant. I leave the amount of time up to her -- only *she* can change her negativity. When she can be pleasant, she comes back down and we welcome her back. We refuse to let her negativity spoil our day/evenings anymore.



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My oldest is only 5, but when he is like that he "gets" to go ack to bed until he can change his attitude. Works most of the time for us!




When mine were little, I sent them back to bed. They either got more sleep (and needed it!) or realized how bored they'd be just lying there and got up in a more cooperative spirit.


Also, a logical consequence (that word is too strong, but you'll know what I mean) was bedtime a half hour earlier than usual that evening. I am still practicing this with youngest and yes, it's hard on me because I miss doing things with the older kids sometimes, but I feel it's necessary.

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On a typical day we start with core subjects (math, LA, spelling). When he wakes up in a bad mood that won't seem to end, I send DS back to bed. DD and I finish her school (which typically takes an hour if she is the only one I have). Then DS gets up and is usually capable of being decent. If he's still crabby, we do with "fun" shared subjects (like history, science, art, or music). If he is still foul after that, I send him away to read his assigned reading for the day. He knows the core has to get done and the longer he is mean the later school will run... for him... not for me... I will instruct him and he can take his work and go be miserable somewhere else while DD and I play games, read, etc.

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I'd get the yogurt and open it as soon as I got up. I'd either have the open container on the counter (if I knew he'd be rising soon) or put it back in the refrigerator already opened. That pre-empts one issue right away.


I'd let him have a routine of computer or TV time in the morning that is "programmed" into his schedule. My Ds is very formulatic- if I have something set for him to do and follow he's good, otherwise he is uber-needy. I am not a morning person, so I need to cover the bases the night before. ;)

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