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If MFW K is "light", what can I supplement with??


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Hi, I will be starting to homeschool this fall. I will have a 2nd grader & a Kinder student. A friend (who has homeschooled for 3 years) has said I can borrow her MFW K curriculum, I would just need to purchase new worksheets/student pages. I've read some reviews that say MFW K is "light". I would like to beef it up a bit, but need advice on what it's "light" on. Has anyone else supplemented MFW K with other materials or books?

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I would say if you're buying the new/revised worksheets, it's not light at all. Not for K. If you wanted, you *could* pick up a lil' K math workbook, but I don't know that you need it with the new edition. (The older edition didn't have many sheets for "officially" doing math; it was mainly done during calendar time, etc.) I think it's solid for phonics, though you could supplement with the BOB books when they get to those sounds.

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In our experience, MFW K was just right, and we did not need to supplement. My dc found that MFW K provided enough activities and new ideas to ponder. Kids that age need plenty of playtime and learn just as much -- if not more -- from playing. So enjoy this year and make happy memories!

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I don't know if it is or not, but goodness--I would expect material for a 5yo to be "light."


Don't make more work for yourself. Just do it as it is and call it good.:D




get the 2nd edition manual so there is less work for you. and if you buy that one, it will be easy to resell when you are done, so it will all even out on that side.


I think MFW K lines up with age appropriate expectations. There's a section in new manual for what to do if a child is an early reader at age 5. Even though those ideas were there already, they made it more obvious.


if it is not enough .... then allow the eager child to join in fun activities with older sibling. ;) some 5 y.o aren't as eager to do school all day...


I personally don't think the MFW K program is light. matches up with recommendations in WTM.


Some children will be ahead in one skill like already reading. Other children aren't there. Even those who are reading early can easily benefit from the phonics becoming spelling and increased penmanship activities.



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Some children will be ahead in one skill like already reading. Other children aren't there. Even those who are reading early can easily benefit from the phonics becoming spelling and increased penmanship activities.



:iagree: This was our experience. Even though both of my children were early readers, they learned a lot from MFW K and 1st.

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I found Amanda Bennett units and lapbooks from companies such as Hands of a Child (there are others good companies such as A Journey Through Learning and Live and Learn lapbooks) were a great add on. I personally did find the K we did quite light. We ended up doing more of a mish mash of resources later. I do however plan on sticking to it more closely with add ons starting in September for my second child. I really love MFW stuff. Currclick.com has many sales and giveaways around holidays. I've gotten quite a few free lapbooks through them. They also have exclusive giveaways in their newsletter if you sign up for it.

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. And read read read.


definitely another plus for getting the 2nd edition..... or at least the 2011 printing of the 1st edition.... MFW gives an extensive (300? or was it 400?) titles of library books to read read read read read and enjoy!



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