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s/o trolls. What do you think is one of your most troll worthy stories?

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Yeah, for me it's probably that I started that thread about the teA room carpet! :blushing:


:D:D We sure did have fun on that thread though.


I have one that just cropped up. A guy a graduated with tried to blow up his house with his family in it. I am still in shock! Scary.

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I have a pretty good one about my parents.


My mom and step dad were high school sweethearts (I don't know for how long) when my mom broke up with him he dropped out of high school. Fast forward a few years when my mom and dad are married and my dad plays lead guitar in a band at local clubs on the weekends. So one night my dad meets this guy who is kind of down and out and hasn't eaten for a day or two. My dad, nice guy that he was, tells him to come on over and his wife will fix him something to eat. Yes, Mr. Down and Out was my mom's high school sweetheart, talk about an OMGoodness moment. Tragically my dad died in a car wreck when I was seven and a couple of years later they were married.:)

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I have always had a pretty boring suburban life. One thing that might seem off is that I dated the next door neighbor of a forum member when I was in high school. I mean, she lived next door to him while we were growing up. It is a weird coincidence. I teach at an urban high school, but my ethics and FERPA keep me from telling any of those stories.


Three "small world" stories:


1. One time at a homeschool park day, one of the other mothers was talking about their recent trip to visit her brother and family in the urban area where I grew up, about 500 miles away. They mentioned they'd gone to the town within that urban area where I grew up (a popular tourist destination, so this isn't uncommon). In discussion, it came out that her SIL's father had been the minister of one of the churches there, and had been involved in a scandal.


I knew right away that the minister in question was either the minister of the church where I grew up, or my childhood best friend's step-grandfather. Turned out that it was, in fact, the minister of the church where I grew up. The SIL had been in the youth group my mother ran.


2. A good friend growing up and I both had ancestors who were highly involved in the Salem Witch Trials (high profile enough to be in The Crucible :)). We did not live anywhere near Salem. (This friend now homeschools, and I can't help wondering if she'll see this and realize I'm talking about her :p)


3. I was on an internet mailing list a long time ago. I met up with one of the members who lived about 30 miles away. It turned out her dad lived half a block from my house.

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I guess my story kind of sounds made up



We had 2.5 years of IF. I have half my uterus and my DH had around 1 million healthy critters. We were told we would never have children. Statistically they were right. The chances were VERY low. Impossible. Just as we were about to start more hardcore treatments (IVF with ICSI) I became pregnant. I was told to count my blessings. 5 weeks PP I found out I was pregnant again. My girls are just under 10 months apart (Jan 25th and March 13th). I also went on to get pregnant a 3rd time (m/c) and a 4th, my son.



My other good one is that my mom met my husband on the internet before I knew him. In fact I was 14 when they met. They became pen-pals of sort and when I graduated she and my dad invited him to the US (he is British). He came for two weeks and on the last day told me that he wanted to come back and date me. I was enlisted in the USAF due to leave in the next few weeks but I said ok. He went back to the UK, sold his car, quit his job and told his parents. He returned to the US and 3 weeks later proposed to me. I got out of my enlistment the day before I was due to ship to basic on a medical discharge (underweight). We were married 9 months after we met and just a few months after I turned 18. On May 12th we celebrated 11 years.

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Oh anything about my mother's side of the family sounds like a Dorothy Allison novel or a really twisted crime drama tv show. Truth is stranger than fiction and all that. A small sampling:


My maternal grandmother kidnapped and adopted out for profit the babies of women with little recourse to go to the police and one of my "aunts" is a girl she never adopted out. Other crimes include embezzlement, fraud/forgery, armed robbery and what I term "bigamy for profit" (marrying different men with a little money and then running off with it.) She never got divorced from any of them and none of them ever found her.


My mother moved more than once a year for her entire childhood and used a new assumed last name at each place; my grandmother was wanted by the FBI for years, including for a time when she went to prison under another name than the one the FBI was looking for her under.


My grandmother decided she wanted my mom's oldest son (my half brother) to be her son and so she convinced my mom to pretend to be his sister until my mom got out of there, got married, had me and came back with her husband, birth certificate in hand, to demand she be allowed to take my brother with her. My brother was 7 or 8.


To say nothing of the physical, sexual and other emotional abuse. There are oh so many other insane, but totally true, stories. And while not entirely verifiable there is reason to believe that she killed one of my mom's sisters when she was a baby. At best, a baby died that she never reported dead. Everything else I have posted is verified by someone other than her children.


Capping off the insanity is that through all of this she has maintained/claimed some strange non-denominational version of Christianity and will sit and insult you for being a bad heathen because you don't agree with the hate she spews. It's really quite bizarre.


Thankfully my grandmother lives on the opposite coast as me. I have nothing to do with her and have not spoken to her since I told her to never call my mom again when she was harassing my mom on her death bed. I did however verify my grandmother's birth name recently...I did not know her REAL name until I was an adult. She went to prison (pre computer era) twice under false names.

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