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Exercise thread 4/22-4/28

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Sunday: 12 mile run


Nice! Dd9 accompanied me on her bike. It was delightful to have her company. Last run > 10 miles before the marathon in two weeks. Serious taper time starts now!


Awesome!!!! How do you feel today?


So, I decided I needed to change things up for a while after using Insanity and Asylum for the last year plus. So, I started walking - 2 miles here and 2 miles there. I was getting in 4 - 6 miles a day and it felt great. I'm still walking, but not as much.


I started Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and I'm on teh second week. She has an Kickstart week that I just completed and it WORKED!!!! I took a bunch of fat off my stomach and hips. My clothes fit again! Just what I wanted. I can't believe it worked in a week. I'm going to stick with it and lose the rest of the FAT!!! It's a 90 day program. Then, I'll get back to the craziness that IS Insanity!

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Ooooh, could you share a bit about what goes on in the "kickstart" week? The thing that has made me the most nervous about doing Insanity is if any other workout (particularly Jillian's, whom I LOVE) will ever be "good enough" again. :lol: I really do not have the room for all the equipment I'd need for P90X or Pump or anything like that. But if Jillian's 90 day program is working for you, as someone coming off of the Insanity program, then it might work for me. :)

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Awesome!!!! How do you feel today?


So, I decided I needed to change things up for a while after using Insanity and Asylum for the last year plus. So, I started walking - 2 miles here and 2 miles there. I was getting in 4 - 6 miles a day and it felt great. I'm still walking, but not as much.


I started Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and I'm on teh second week. She has an Kickstart week that I just completed and it WORKED!!!! I took a bunch of fat off my stomach and hips. My clothes fit again! Just what I wanted. I can't believe it worked in a week. I'm going to stick with it and lose the rest of the FAT!!! It's a 90 day program. Then, I'll get back to the craziness that IS Insanity!


Good job!

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Ooooh, could you share a bit about what goes on in the "kickstart" week? The thing that has made me the most nervous about doing Insanity is if any other workout (particularly Jillian's, whom I LOVE) will ever be "good enough" again. :lol: I really do not have the room for all the equipment I'd need for P90X or Pump or anything like that. But if Jillian's 90 day program is working for you, as someone coming off of the Insanity program, then it might work for me. :)


Sure! Honestly, Insanity would do the same thing. It worked for me a couple years ago. I just got burned out. I needed something different. This Feb, I fell off the bandwagon when I got really sick and then went on vacation and then just lost motivation. I put on weight. (Isn't is amazing how fast it can add up?) Yuck. And, I really didn't want to go back to the high intensity workouts.


Basically, her Kickstart program is two workouts a day (after Insanity, these are easy). The first one is 30 minutes. The second is 25. And, it's a pretty strict diet - 1000 calories or so. Sound restrictive and even dangerous, but it's a lot of food! She gives you choices for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. My favorites:



2 scrambled eggs

1 ounce bacon

1/4 avacado

1/2 tomato



1/4 pound poached chicken

HUGE bowl of veggie soup (homemade - she gives you the recipe)



1 cup greek yogurt with 1/4 cup walnuts and vanilla


1/4 cup hummus and veggies


celery with 2 T almond butter



Southwestern turkey burger (1/4 pound turkey, salsa, black beans)

1 1/4 cup roasted veggies

1/4 avacado

1/2 tomato


There are more options, but that is my favorite rotation. I don't know if I actually lost a full size like she says you can, but my favorite jeans are not tight anymore (they're even a little loose!!).


During the next month, you increase your calories a little and only do one workout a day. I'm assuming the workouts get harder. I hope they do anyway! I'm already able to do everything with added weight. But, I'm enjoying the easier workouts.


I will go back to Insanity - in 90 days!!! Basically, what this has proven to me is that no matter how hard you work out, diet is more important. I'm hoping that this will improve my metabolism so that I will be able to eat more. But for now, I'm loving the results and the food!!!

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Thanks for sharing! I didn't realize there'd be a food plan. I don't do well with those. :p Not because I can't follow one, but because I've already got one of my own, and most of the recipes in pre-made food plans tend to be things my family (mainly my kids) wouldn't eat. I'm already eating ~1200 cals a day too.


My day typically goes like this:



2-egg omlette with 1oz. diced zuccini, 1 oz. diced red bell pepper, garlic, 2 T parm. cheese, and fresh torn basil, cooked in 1/2 T of olive oil



1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1/4 cup mashed blackberries, and 1 packet of Truvia



Salad with 1 c. spinach, 1 c. romain, 1/4 c. diced cucumber, 1/4 c. diced radish, 2 oz. chicken, and 2 T of low-cal salad dressing



1 oz. of cheese, OR 1 oz. almonds (or half of each), plus 1 apple



Whatever my family is having, which I try to keep healthy, and I measure my portion.


I do have other foods that I'll sometimes rotate for breakfast and snacks, and I sometimes have leftovers for lunch. I've got a groove going, and I'm hesitant to budge. :lol:


I know my weight gain these past few weeks has largely been due to stress eating. I seriously binged for a few days after we found out DH didn't get the job we'd been reallyreallyreally hoping he'd get. And I have a horrible track record for calorie counting over weekends.


I know diet is more important than exercise, I just wish there could be an exercise program that could bust that. :lol:

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Thanks for sharing! I didn't realize there'd be a food plan. I don't do well with those. :p Not because I can't follow one, but because I've already got one of my own, and most of the recipes in pre-made food plans tend to be things my family (mainly my kids) wouldn't eat. I'm already eating ~1200 cals a day too.


My day typically goes like this:



2-egg omlette with 1oz. diced zuccini, 1 oz. diced red bell pepper, garlic, 2 T parm. cheese, and fresh torn basil, cooked in 1/2 T of olive oil



1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1/4 cup mashed blackberries, and 1 packet of Truvia



Salad with 1 c. spinach, 1 c. romain, 1/4 c. diced cucumber, 1/4 c. diced radish, 2 oz. chicken, and 2 T of low-cal salad dressing



1 oz. of cheese, OR 1 oz. almonds (or half of each), plus 1 apple



Whatever my family is having, which I try to keep healthy, and I measure my portion.


I do have other foods that I'll sometimes rotate for breakfast and snacks, and I sometimes have leftovers for lunch. I've got a groove going, and I'm hesitant to budge. :lol:


I know my weight gain these past few weeks has largely been due to stress eating. I seriously binged for a few days after we found out DH didn't get the job we'd been reallyreallyreally hoping he'd get. And I have a horrible track record for calorie counting over weekends.


I know diet is more important than exercise, I just wish there could be an exercise program that could bust that. :lol:


Those meals sound really good!


I'm sorry to hear about your dh's job. I totally get the stress eating!


And, I understand wanting an exercise program that would bust the whole eating thing. I kept saying that I work out WAY too much to have this much FAT around my middle. But, the few times I was measuring and eating around 1000 - 1200 calories/day, I lost it. I guess I have to accept that this is how it's going to be from now on. (I'll still splurge on vacation!! How many of those can I take a year? LOL)

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Totally splurge on vacation! It's a vacation from EVERYTHING!!! :lol:


My first week of Insanity (before the stress hit) I tried following it's formula for how many calories I should be eating -1900- and gained. I also had a hard time figuring out how to eat that much! :lol: (but of course, when I'm stressed eating that much food comes easy. :glare: )


It sucks being stuck with only being able to eat 1200 to keep as trim as I want to. I'm 5'6" and wear a 6/8, so not even rail thin. I'd have to go below 1000 cal/day to get anywhere near a size 4, and I don't want it THAT bad.

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Ran in my backyard yesterday morning. Did not like it. Grass was wet, ground was very soggy, and there was more dog poop than I anticipated.


I didn't like the unstable ground. There were several spots that sunk in with the weight of my foot almost causing me to trip. So, I finished my run inside after changing my shoes.


I could try running up and down my dirt road but I can't leave the kids in the house alone.

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45 minutes of Flirty Girl Booty Beat. Had to skip Insanity today because I messed up my back somehow yesterday, and Insanity wouldn't have been beneficial to my healing process. :tongue_smilie:




What is submission wrestling? Sounds like someone one does with one's significant other. :tongue_smilie:


Not unless it includes choking the other person ;). It is basically Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/wrestling without the Gi.

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Dh wants to walk 5 1/2 miles this weekend. I walked 3 1/2 miles for the first time last Thursday followed by 2 miles on Saturday. So today I walked 4 miles with a dog on a leash and pushing dd in a stroller in about 1 1/2 hours. I hope to walk 2 miles either Thursday or Friday in prep for the weekend. I usually try to get in 1 more day of walking but this week it hasn't happened. The 4 miles today and the 3 1/2 miles last Thursday felt like big milestones.

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I did Shaun T's teen dvd "Get Real" with my dd who is kind of unfit. She isn't overweight but dang, she has no muscles! It is only twenty minutes but it is enough for her. It isn't a cake walk.


Right now, gathering up steam to do Fast and Furious. Definitely need your own tunes for that one.

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Thursday: Insanity Interval

Friday: Insanity Max Interval Plyo


I'm about 2 days behind on my Insanity schedule, but I'll catch up some how.


I teach my very first aerobics class tonight! I'm big ball of excited nerves today! :lol:

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Thursday: Insanity Interval

Friday: Insanity Max Interval Plyo


I'm about 2 days behind on my Insanity schedule, but I'll catch up some how.


I teach my very first aerobics class tonight! I'm big ball of excited nerves today! :lol:


You will do great!!!


Thursday: Jillian Michael's NMTZ

Friday: BBL - Sculpt

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Taught my first Flirty Girl Booty Beat class. Nobody was hurt, so I'll call it a success. :p


ETA: The one downside was that my DH got paged at 7:25. The class started at 7:30, so I unexpectedly had to bring all 3 kids along. Thankfully they played well in the church nursery until DH got back to keep an eye on them. It could've been a disaster though!

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I am not very good at taking days off unless I collapse. So I was supposed to rest on Sunday but that's my run day. Besides I ate an insane amount of lemon bars the previous day and needed to pay for it. Jogged for about an hour. Managed to kill of 505 calories .... too bad I ate several thousand (I'm sure) on Saturday :tongue_smilie:.


This morning was Max Interval Circuit and I managed my highest burn yet of 393 calories. I have a slow metabolism so this is good for me.

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