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Chuck Colson has died.

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He was a man truly changed by the work of his Lord and Saviour. Perhaps there was no way for him to atone for his sins during his lifetime, but he certainly dedicated himself to making a positive difference in the world following his conversion. I personally will miss the influence and work of Chuck Colson.



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everyone is entitled to their own.


Chuck Colson did have a bad involvement in Watergate...no doubt on that end he was no saint.


However, he turned his life around and made it his life's goal from that point to lead the lost to Christ...specifically those in prison. He came out on the other side a different person that when he went to prison. He was full of compassion and made a ministry to the lost. On that point.... I think he was a great example of the power of the Lord in one's life. A perfect man, no way. But he ended on a good note.


No one has to agree....don't expect everyone to agree. That is an impossibility. That is just the way I see it.

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Rest in Peace. His was a life redeemed and reclaimed for great purpose. His life reminds me of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. He was the first to admit his prior criminal conduct and yet, after his conversion, he worked tirelessly on behalf of prisoners' rights all around the world and Christianity.




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Rest in Peace. His was a life redeemed and reclaimed for great purpose. His life reminds me of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. He was the first to admit his prior criminal conduct and yet, after his conversion, he worked tirelessly on behalf of prisoners' rights all around the world and Christianity.





:iagree:Christ came to save the lost, not those who think they don't need a Savior. Mr. Colson came to speak at my college in the late 70s when three of his friend's sons were also attending there. He was, imo, humble and precious. His biography, Born Again, is a powerful testimony of what God can do in a person's life. I believe Chuck Colson would be the first to say that he did not turn his life around, but rather, that God did that. His actions after his conversion were an expression of his gratefulness to God, not an attempt to redeem himself. Only God can redeem sinners by His grace and through the shed blood of his dear Son, and Mr. Colson's book makes it very clear that he knew that very well.

Edited by Kathleen in VA
removed a word
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