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They Lowered The Price!

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I'm very uneducated in mortgage issues, but I have friends who have lines of credit instead of their mortgages. Is something like this possible for you guys? By $40K? Oh wow.

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Can you talk to the sellers to try to work something out? Maybe one of those lease to own type things, I don't remember what they are called but you pay monthly like rent and a percentage of it is put toward your down payment - usually at least half. That way your money wouldn't be totally going to waste, and you would have a down payment prepaid when you can get the mortgage.

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Can you talk to the sellers to try to work something out? Maybe one of those lease to own type things, I don't remember what they are called but you pay monthly like rent and a percentage of it is put toward your down payment - usually at least half. That way your money wouldn't be totally going to waste, and you would have a down payment prepaid when you can get the mortgage.


:iagree: The price drop shows they want to deal...and want out of the house. I'd at least talk to them (or their realtor), and see if there is *anything* that can be done!

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I'm very uneducated in mortgage issues, but I have friends who have lines of credit instead of their mortgages. Is something like this possible for you guys? By $40K? Oh wow.

:iagree:We refinanced our house a little over a year ago through our credit union, which doesn't technically offer "mortgages." Our loan is listed as a home improvement loan. If this is THE house (kwim?), and they've lowered the price by that much, don't give up! There has to be some way of making it work....maybe even try asking the owners if you can rent for the next 6 months with the intention of buying!

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Problem is, Wolf is on probation at the new job til Sept.


If WCB hadn't cut my income by half, *I* could qualify for the mortgage on my income alone.


We're appealing the cut, but heaven only knows how long *that* will take to go through.



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Would the seller's carry a mortgage for you for say 6-12 months till you can qualify with an institutional lender? Or, as others suggest, try for a rent to won deal for the same time period? Maybe even offer to pay a higher rate or offer a higher price to appeal to the seller's?

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:iagree:We refinanced our house a little over a year ago through our credit union, which doesn't technically offer "mortgages." Our loan is listed as a home improvement loan. If this is THE house (kwim?), and they've lowered the price by that much, don't give up! There has to be some way of making it work....maybe even try asking the owners if you can rent for the next 6 months with the intention of buying!

I'm actually going to suggest that to the real estate agent when I call her later today.

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You know, I'm seriously debating the wisdom of suggesting renting the property.


If it's meant to be, it'll still be there when we're ready. Renting it in the meantime would mean that a) we incurr more moving costs, and b) will seriously undercut any power of negotiation we'd have in terms of buying.


Thinking it may be best to simply bide our time.

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Imp, listen. If they dropped their price by 40K, they must be really eager to sell, even if it is inconvenient for them.


Make an offer and ask for a "long close" which means you sign the agreements & put down your "earnest" money but don't actually close til a later date.


We just had our offer accepted for a 5 month "long close". We wanted to finish out our lease on our rental without being penalized, and the sellers were fine with that-- they were eager to sell and had had no offers in 8 months & had dropped the price.


Maybe the same will work for you? :001_smile:

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The hidden value of a rent-to-own or even just rent-with-intent-to-buy would be that you would be living in a house on land instead of going insane in the trailer.


Balance long-term value against short-term moving costs before you totally rule it out. They can always just say "no".

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