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Need to complain

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I have mastitis. I'm nursing baby number 4, who is 8 months old. I've never had mastitis before. It hurts SO much! Dental abcesses compare, but nothing else (ok, childbirth, but I block that out!).


I want to stop nursing because it hurts whenever he touches me. Bu that would make it worse. Plus, it hurts whenever the kids climb on me, when I lay m arm the wrong way, and sometimes for no clear reason. I'm on antibiotics, but They take a while. I took 14 ibuprofen today (doctor told me up to 16 was fine), just to function. And I'm exhausted.


Ok, done complaining. DH is sick of my whining. So I'm sharing with you!

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How long have you been on the antibiotics? I get mastitis at least twice with every baby, and I start to feel better within a day or two of starting the medicine.


Seems like I always get it when teaching a newborn to nurse (bad latch) and when they start cutting teeth, so I get bitten and it gets infected.


Sigh. I hope this almost-here baby will be a better nurser!


I hope you feel better soon!

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Thank you for your sympathy!


DS is sleeping longer at night, which is probably why I got the plugged duct that started this. And life is more than a little stressful right now, which is probably why it's so bad. I've been on the antibiotic 2 1/2 days, but the dr told me to expect it to take a while because we suspect MRSA. (DH has had several MRSA infections. Thankfully, not the hospital strain, but it is still harder to treat.) I'm resting as much as one can with 4 kiddos. There's been more than a little TV around here for a few days!


Anyway, thanks for the support!

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If the duct is still plugged massaging it out in a hot shower might help.


Also take baby and diapers and stay in bed as much as you can. Let the others watch TV.


If you are engorged don't forget reverse pressure softening to soften where baby latches. It helps so much.


PS Cabbage leaves can be cooling too but can dry you up so use with caution.

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