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My poor boy.

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I hate it when ds is having a rough time and I can't do anything to help him! He has had a dramatic increase in tics, and it is really taking a toll on him. Generally they are at a level he can tolerate, or he will be tic free, but occasionally his tics become unbearable to him. Last night all I could do was rub his back while he cried, wondering why this was happening to him. He couldn't fall asleep they were so bad, and the tics have changed from just a throat clearing sound to an up and down motion of his head along with the throat clearing, as well as a sound when he inhales. I wish I could fix everything for him.:crying:

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I'm so sorry things are so rough with your boy! That's got to be very tough for all of you!!


I'm wondering what alternative therapies you have tried, since I'm not at all familiar with your situation. It may be that you've done everything possible. I was at my integrative dr. office a couple weeks ago, and he mentioned a recent patient with tics that had been to specialists across the country to no avail. He did some micronutrient testing and found some significant results (not sure of results...sorry) and with appropriate treatment, his tics were cured.


I know this might not be the case for you....but I'd hate not to bring it up just in case it might be of assistance!

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:grouphug: I remember how anxious we were when DS had an OCD + tics episode (it was a one-time incident). Brief as it was, I felt as if my world had just spun out of control. I am so sorry this is happening to your DS. I really wish he will feel better soon. :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone, for the words of encouragement. This is the only place I come to with these things now that my mom is gone. I think that is also what is making this so difficult right now. She always had time to listen to my worries, and she also experienced some of the same difficulties with my brother. She totally understood the tics, having suffered with them herself. Thankfully, last night was a bit better, and I had myself a good cry. (It's amazing how much that helps sometimes!) I'm pulling out all of my Feingold materials today. I recall my brother having some issues with red dye. We gave it a go when he was younger, but it was difficult at that time. He was eating a very limited diet. Now that he has expanded what he can eat without gagging, I think it is time to try it again.

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Thankfully, last night was a bit better, and I had myself a good cry. (It's amazing how much that helps sometimes!) I'm pulling out all of my Feingold materials today. I recall my brother having some issues with red dye. We gave it a go when he was younger, but it was difficult at that time. He was eating a very limited diet. Now that he has expanded what he can eat without gagging, I think it is time to try it again.


A good cry can do wonders. It's your body's way of "detoxing" your mind and heart after all. My son's OCD and tics were brought about after a dose of red-dyed medication. It took only one dose.


Just wanted to send you :grouphug: again.

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I know what you are going through. My 7 year old has them too. He is on a wane of them momentarily but they get so bad sometimes. His last bad spell of them lasted almost 2 months and he had a noise he make-- like a ck sound but a bit different, had an arm thing in a circle he would do and a head thing. Its so hard. :grouphug: Just love your boy. Hold him close. They won't last forever :grouphug:

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My son has tics too. Once his tics increased to at least 100 times per minute. As result the school nurse had him captive in her office and insisted he would only be released if I brought him to the ER. I had to call our pediatrician to intervene. At the time, we had just moved and my son was obviously feeling stressed. Lately his tics are usually unnoticeable.


As another poster mentioned tics can just wax and wane at times. I hope they subside soon. I will keep you both in my thoughts. please keep us updated.



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