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Exercise thread 4/15-4/21

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Stephanie, congrats on your 20 mile run. :001_smile:


Thank you!! That was my longest run ever (and for dh, too!), and the peak long run in our marathon plan, so it's easy rolling until the marathon May 6! I have to admit that I am welcoming my pre-marathon taper that began today! 3 weeks of relatively less intense exertion might allow me time to reclaim my home from chaos and restock my freezer with OAMC meals! I've been letting a lot slide! :)


Sunday: 60 min hike on hills

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Stephanie, congrats on your 20 mile run. :001_smile:


:iagree: Way to go!! :hurray: My dh has done five marathons (I think - maybe six???). It is a HUGE time commitment. He is now training for a half iron man in June.


And congrats to Xuzi on her certification process!


Sunday: Physique 57 - a new one for me. Very similar to The Bar Method, only somewhat faster paced (which I liked). Again, not much upper body work. Some, but not much. Very little for the back. Most of the chest work is pushups. It doesn't seem to have quite as much stretching as The Bar Method. I was amazed, however, at how well I could do the splits! Couldn't get down all the way, but much farther than I would have thought this old lady could do! :lol: My biggest problem is that the instructor drove me CRAZY!! Talked waayy too much. Definitely prefer Burr Leonard in that aspect. Much more relaxing. So I may go ahead and get the Sculpt I and II to see if it has "more" than Change Your Body and Accelerated. Or maybe I should just go to the Dancer's Accelerated workout??? Any thoughts on whether these have "more" in them than the other two? I know Kleine Hexe said they were all very similar, but do they get more challenging??


Monday - BBL - Sculpt

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Ran a little (only 15 min due to time) and did Cardio Sculpt dvd.


"What's Cardio Sculpt? asked the exercise DVD junkie." :D


ETA: I looked at Amazon, and there are several DVDs that have that phrase in them. Some from the Firm, some from Weight Loss, some from Billie Blanks - or whatever his name is!

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Oooh, can I jump in???


I'm 6 weeks postpartum and started out nice and easy yesterday and today with Walk Away the Pounds, the 2 mile.


I feel great!


A funny: I tried postpartum yoga yesterday and my kids joined in. DS, who is 8yo, said, "Cramps, cramps!" and "I didn't get any muscles, just goosebumps!"

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I zumba'd by myself in the living room tonight - just me and my zumba playlist on youtube. :D

I only did like 30 minutes, but it's better than nothing! Then the boys came inside and were looking at me funny... and they all were watching tv in the same room. :001_huh: :lol: They didn't complain or anything, I just felt kinda funny, especially since I was shaking my backside in their general direction... :lol:

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Instead of kickboxing yesterday, I did some yard work, something I do once a year. I guess yesterday was that time and I got in my head to dig, shovel, and prune. Good golly do I feel it.


Today was Max Cardio Conditioning of Insanity. There was a time when I could bang this out and do another workout. Nope. Struggled mightily but hey, my motto is, "It doesn't have be pretty, it just has to get done". I followed up with a cardio bag class.

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Wed I did another Crunch workout with Barrett and also ran.


Yesterday I ran for 35 minutes.


I'm having to rework my schedule. My oldest is getting up earlier to start lessons earlier. We talked about how he might think better in the mornings. So, that takes my workout time mornings. :)


I tried to get up at 6:30 yesterday but my 3 yr old discovered me missing from the bed and found me.


So I'm working on the tweaking to see when I can get a workout in.



Oh, I forgot. Stephanie, you mentioned on another thread that running has relieved your anxiety. As I posted, it hasn't made a difference for me. When I get gluten in my system it really messes me up and I have full on anxiety attacks. I was wondering if running outside would make some sort of difference? I run inside right now. I don't have the option of running at a track daily due to my kids being too young to leave alone. I could run around in my yard. It would have to be early morning though due to the humidity and heat. I'd also have to jump over dog poop piles. ;)

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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Thurs: Insanity Max Cardio Recovery (LOVED this! And I did it right before bed too, so I was all nice and stretched out. :lol: )


Friday: Insanity Max Interval Plyo. Killer!


NEXT Thursday I'll likely be TEACHING a cardio class at my church! So excited/nervous/anxious about that! Tomorrow I go to Portland for my "Flirtification" (certification to become a Flirty Girl instructor) and then I'll have 5 days to come up with 45 minutes of choreography! (I already have 3-4 songs of my own, non-Flirty Girl specific choreography, but I need more!)

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Thurs: Insanity Max Cardio Recovery (LOVED this! And I did it right before bed too, so I was all nice and stretched out. :lol: )


Friday: Insanity Max Interval Plyo. Killer!


NEXT Thursday I'll likely be TEACHING a cardio class at my church! So excited/nervous/anxious about that! Tomorrow I go to Portland for my "Flirtification" (certification to become a Flirty Girl instructor) and then I'll have 5 days to come up with 45 minutes of choreography! (I already have 3-4 songs of my own, non-Flirty Girl specific choreography, but I need more!)

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Friday - Leah Sarago Ballet Body - Lower Body


This is SO stinkin' hard!! I have to take many breaks, and my legs feel like jello! Definitely more challenging than the Bar Method workouts I have (though I only have Bar Method and Accelerated Workout). I like that this is ONLY lower body. It is really, really tough. Whew!

Edited by Hoggirl
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Friday - Leah Sarago Ballet Body - Lower Body


This is SO stinkin' hard!! I have to take many breaks, and my legs feel like jello! Definitely more challenging than the Bar Method workouts I have (though I only have Bar Method and Accelerated Workout). I like that this is ONLY lower body. It is really, really tough. Whew!


Love jello limbs!! :lol:

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Stephanie, you mentioned on another thread that running has relieved your anxiety. As I posted, it hasn't made a difference for me. When I get gluten in my system it really messes me up and I have full on anxiety attacks. I was wondering if running outside would make some sort of difference? I run inside right now. I don't have the option of running at a track daily due to my kids being too young to leave alone. I could run around in my yard. It would have to be early morning though due to the humidity and heat. I'd also have to jump over dog poop piles. ;)


If I were you, I'd definitely give running outside a whirl. Give it 6-10 runs to see if it works for you, because it might take a few runs to get the feel of running outside.


I hate running on my treadmill. The last time I used it was months ago, lol, although my dh and kids use it routinely. It is *totally* different for me outside. Running can be "meditation on the move" for me. It really clears my head, pumps out those feel-good chemicals, and calms me. I don't think about anything except running and random conversations. I never stress about anything except directly run-related issues such as heat/injury/etc. I think I am just too consumed by the run to worry. Being outside is definitely a big part of it for me. I think there is something magical about moving your body, by just your own power, over the earth. It is very compelling to me in a deep way.


I hope it works for you. I missed your post on that other thread. I'll go check it. Feel free to PM me.

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Friday - Leah Sarago Ballet Body - Lower Body


This is SO stinkin' hard!! I have to take many breaks, and my legs feel like jello! Definitely more challenging than the Bar Method workouts I have (though I only have Bar Method and Accelerated Workout). I like that this is ONLY lower body. It is really, really tough. Whew!


I'm intrigued. I've put this on my wish list.


If I were you, I'd definitely give running outside a whirl. Give it 6-10 runs to see if it works for you, because it might take a few runs to get the feel of running outside.


I hate running on my treadmill. The last time I used it was months ago, lol, although my dh and kids use it routinely. It is *totally* different for me outside. Running can be "meditation on the move" for me. It really clears my head, pumps out those feel-good chemicals, and calms me. I don't think about anything except running and random conversations. I never stress about anything except directly run-related issues such as heat/injury/etc. I think I am just too consumed by the run to worry. Being outside is definitely a big part of it for me. I think there is something magical about moving your body, by just your own power, over the earth. It is very compelling to me in a deep way.


I hope it works for you. I missed your post on that other thread. I'll go check it. Feel free to PM me.


Okay, I think I will try outside. I'll have to get over my self consciousness of my neighbors watching me run circles in my yard.


I don't run on a treadmill. We don't own one. I literally run in a big circle through my house. I go through the kitchen, eating area, living room, hallway, dining room, and into the kitchen over and over. :lol: My kids usually join me.




And now I'm off to get my Flirty Girl certification! :D


Be sure to tell us about it.



I did Tracy Anderson followed by JM Yoga. It's been awhile since I've done Tracy. It was nice getting back to it. I really like her workouts.

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Back from "Fliritification". It was fun!!! Not AT ALL what I had expected, but ended up being so much BETTER than I had hoped! I'd originally chosen to get certified in Flirty Girl because my area is a bit Zumba saturated, and I thought I'd have better luck finding work at a gym if I was bringing in something new, even though I LOVE Zumba and wasn't sure if Flirty Girl was really going to be "me", but now I love Flirty Girl just for what it is. I may even like it better than Zumba. :tongue_smilie: The moves, the formula... has me so much more excited than Zumba. :D

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