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Roll call of sorts: The Denim Jumper...I gotta know

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I have an account, but I don't post. I like to go and read sometimes, get ideas, etc. It's just a change of pace. I think that a lot of us registered there when it first started, but (just like here) there are a lot of people who are registered but don't say much if anything.

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I have an account, but I don't post. I like to go and read sometimes, get ideas, etc. It's just a change of pace. I think that a lot of us registered there when it first started, but (just like here) there are a lot of people who are registered but don't say much if anything.



Yeah. I posted a little more over there than here. It's not so big, so I don't get so lost. To be honest when this board made the big swicharoo, I just let it go. Then of course, my addiction began calling my name in my sleep . . . and well . . . here I am. *SIGH*


I'm rsmomintx over there and on hsr, but I thought I'd try something different over here. Thank goodness I use Firefox and it remembers who I am all over the internet for me, or my board fornicating ways would be a disaster!

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