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Just text me (craigslist questions)

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I found something I would like to look at and might be interested in buying on CL. The listing said to text her and gave a number.


I emailed her instead and asked 3 questions about the item.


She emailed back and said, "I have everything included, text me."


That just seems odd to me. I am not the texting sort usually anyway, but why can't she just communicate through email or a phone call?


Am I just too old to understand?



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Everyone has there prefered method of communication. As the seller, she can decide that she'd like to communicate via text. Yes, that'll exclude some buyers. But she's the seller, so she can set the rules.


FWIW, I prefer to text, too. I despise talking on the phone. I'd email, but text is easier for me in general.

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I don't check my email very often, but my phone is within reach most of the day. A few reasons I can think of why someone may prefer text...


Some people don't have their own computer and have to borrow someone elses.


Some people have to pay for their internet usage on their phone. Emailing her may be costing her money, where texting does not.


Some people don't have good phone service at their house, so they have to go to an inconvenient location to use their phone based internet.



Or it could simply be just preference....just like you would prefer to not text. :D

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:iagree: I'd wonder how much she wants to sell it though?:confused:


In my experience, I communicate with people who are willing to use my preferred method of communication when I have a lot of interest and can pick and choose, and am willing to go with the buyer's preferred method if they're the only person interested.


I don't check my email very often, but my phone is within reach most of the day. A few reasons I can think of why someone may prefer text...

Yep. For someone who doesn't have internet on their phone and spends most of their day away from home, text is going to be by far the easiest way of dealing with things. However, it doesn't take into account the reality that many many people don't have a text-enabled phone (or don't know how to use it) and don't realize that they can text via email.

Edited by ocelotmom
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Well, I texted her about an hour ago and have had no response. I guess I assumed texting would be a preference because you can immediately respond. My email took 3 hours to respond to, so I will see how long texting takes her.


Just odd to me. If I want to sell something, I will take whatever method you give me, although I personally don't like giving out my phone number until you have emailed me. I don't like giving it out publicly.



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My ds's generation only emailed until texting came along. I would much rather prefer to email than give someone my cell #. Her "tone" seems a little off to me. And if I am understanding this correctly, she answered your email with an email telling you to text? Why not address everything in the email if you are writing back?

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It has now been almost 2 hours since I texted.


Honestly, she is coming across as quite young and flakey. I would like the product if it is in the condition she is stating, but I am getting irritated.



Maybe she's at work or school and can't text?

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Well, I texted her about an hour ago and have had no response. I guess I assumed texting would be a preference because you can immediately respond. My email took 3 hours to respond to, so I will see how long texting takes her.


Just odd to me. If I want to sell something, I will take whatever method you give me, although I personally don't like giving out my phone number until you have emailed me. I don't like giving it out publicly.

She may be somewhere where she can't respond immediately, but texting is still the best option (this would describe pretty much everyone I work with - texting means that you can respond while on break rather than waiting until you get home to check email, not that you can drop everything to respond to a text immediately).


She may have received 20 responses and not had time to send a reply to all of them yet. Or maybe just one other response, but she's not sure if that one is going to work out yet, so she's waiting on the outcome of that to get back to you.


Or maybe she's just a flake.

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It has now been almost 2 hours since I texted.


Honestly, she is coming across as quite young and flakey. I would like the product if it is in the condition she is stating, but I am getting irritated.




Not everyone is at home all day. They could be driving, in class, at an appointment, at work, at lunch with friends (being polite), out of cell range (I worked in a large city, but our building was made of concrete and certain areas had no cell reception-you could only use a cell on lunch/breaks) or a myriad of other things.

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I am basing some of this on not responding, but I am also basing this on NOT answering my questions via email and just telling me to text before she would answer.


It doesn't make sense to me. I included my full name and asked specific questions, which is NOT what scammers do.


Anyway, it just seems odd to me. I will see if she responds by tonight, if not, I will respond to her email to tell her I texted her! :tongue_smilie:

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I guess I'm not seeing the problem. She said she preferred texting, but she didn't say it would get an immediate response. My guess is that she doesn't have a computer, just her phone, and texting is easier than emailing. She probably has an email address set up to forward messages to text. When I'm trying to sell something or rent out one of our rental units, I want all inquiries to go to the same place (one specific email address). Only those that make it there have a shot at what I'm selling or renting. I tell them -- if they contact me a different way -- where to contact me. It's up to them to do it the way I prefer.


I don't find it odd that she hasn't gotten back to you. Although, she could have sold it already, too (this is one thing that annoys me -- when people don't at least let you know it sold).

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