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What is wrong with my dh?

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Why does he bring home huge, ugly bugs that he finds in his office? Yes, ds2 is mildly interested in looking at them, but ds1 and I are definitely NOT!


He just called to say that he captured a huge 2" cockroach (We're in Ohio, people. To us, that's huge!) at work, and was bringing it home for ds2 to see. I told him if he even considered it, I would be waiting at the end of the driveway with a flame thrower and would torch his car before he could get anywhere near the house with it. :tongue_smilie:


Really. Is it some kind of disease or something to catch weirdo bugs and bring them home? The last one was the most gigantic centipede I've ever seen. I almost threw up a little when I saw it.

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Why does he bring home huge, ugly bugs that he finds in his office? Yes, ds2 is mildly interested in looking at them, but ds1 and I are definitely NOT!


He just called to say that he captured a huge 2" cockroach (We're in Ohio, people. To us, that's huge!) at work, and was bringing it home for ds2 to see. I told him if he even considered it, I would be waiting at the end of the driveway with a flame thrower and would torch his car before he could get anywhere near the house with it. :tongue_smilie:


Really. Is it some kind of disease or something to catch weirdo bugs and bring them home? The last one was the most gigantic centipede I've ever seen. I almost threw up a little when I saw it.

Your dh sounds so fun! I would love for my kids to examine all kinds of strange critters. Encourage it, don't kill it!

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