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10 yr old gives birth

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What if early marriage is part of her culture? Are those who consumate marriages as soon as the brides menstruate, according to their religion and tradition, sick b@stards? Is it our cultural superiority that allows us to think this way?


Btw, I agree with Chuki. But it isn't a very PC way to think, isn't it?


I don't think it's wrong to say a practice of a culture is morally deplorable. Abuse is abuse no matter where it is. I don't think it comes from a place of superiority, I think it comes from a place of humility. It is humility that says ALL people deserve rights, no matter where they live, and one being the respect of their personhood. Superiority is the one that abuses.

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I don't think it's wrong to say a practice of a culture is morally deplorable. Abuse is abuse no matter where it is. I don't think it comes from a place of superiority, I think it comes from a place of humility. It is humility that says ALL people deserve rights, no matter where they live, and one being the respect of their personhood. Superiority is the one that abuses.


:iagree: I absolutely agree with this and it is exactly where political correctness goes wrong, imo. It is not ignorant of other cultures and it is not a superior attitude to say that s*x with a young child, one who is not fully developed and one who is physically and developmentally incapable of birthing a child, is wrong. Period.

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:iagree: I absolutely agree with this and it is exactly where political correctness goes wrong, imo. It is not ignorant of other cultures and it is not a superior attitude to say that s*x with a young child, one who is not fully developed and one who is physically and developmentally incapable of birthing a child, is wrong. Period.


I am disturbed by such practices as well, but in many countries (unlike in the US) sixteen year olds are still small and not very developed, either. There was a truly excellent interview on Diane Rehm's show some time ago about some of the issues experienced by girls and young women in developing countries, and often these are not things most Americans would think of (for example that issues of birth control and AIDS prevention involve married people)? I posted in this thread this link.


There was a very touching moment in this interview on the Diane Rehm show on Teen Mothers in the Developing World from 2004 where Dr. Lubana Ahmed, from Bangladesh, discusses how her father treated her mother, who was married at a very young age. He ensured she finished high school. She discusses the importance of women in society, including crediting her paternal grandmother for instilling in her father this commitment to education.


The other thing is that this was reasonably common in Victorian England, too, and any number of famous and not so famous people were or had very young wives / lovers such as Lewis Carroll/Charles Dodgson and his brother Wilfred, Ruskin, EW Benson (who became Archbishop of Canterbury), Queen Victoria's daughter Beatrice, Swinburne, .... And (moving forward to the 20th c US) let's not forget the classical education darlings, the Durants -- Ariel rollerskated to her wedding. Worth remembering.

Edited by stripe
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And (moving forward to the 20th c US) let's not forget the classical education darlings, the Durants -- Ariel rollerskated to her wedding. Worth remembering.


Well, 15 isn't 10. 5 years is a lot in the maturity and physical development of a girl. I am NOT saying that getting married in this day and age at 15 is good.

And, they are 13 years apart in age. My Aunt and Uncle are 12 years. I am 9 years.


But a 10 year old having sex and having a baby? My girls are 10. They don't even have bOOk buds. They are strings of spaghetti.


I agree with the PP who was baffled as to how, physically, it was anything else but rape.


If an older man wanted to marry them, I would consider him an abuser who was grooming his prey. It can be romanticized, but 10 is still 10.

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What if early marriage is part of her culture? Are those who consumate marriages as soon as the brides menstruate, according to their religion and tradition, sick b@stards? Is it our cultural superiority that allows us to think this way?


Btw, I agree with Chuki. But it isn't a very PC way to think, isn't it?


There are a whole lot of atrocities which have been committed in the name of culture or religion. Bride burning and genital mutilation are just two that come to mind right now. So no, I do not consider it cultural superiority to insist that every person be treated with dignity and respect irrespective of age, gender, race or any other divisions humans may think up. If there are cultures that do not do this, I have no qualms in stating that these cultures are wrong and must change their practices.

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There are a whole lot of atrocities which have been committed in the name of culture or religion. Bride burning and genital mutilation are just two that come to mind right now. So no, I do not consider it cultural superiority to insist that every person be treated with dignity and respect irrespective of age, gender, race or any other divisions humans may think up. If there are cultures that do not do this, I have no qualms in stating that these cultures are wrong and must change their practices.



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There are a whole lot of atrocities which have been committed in the name of culture or religion. Bride burning and genital mutilation are just two that come to mind right now. So no, I do not consider it cultural superiority to insist that every person be treated with dignity and respect irrespective of age, gender, race or any other divisions humans may think up. If there are cultures that do not do this, I have no qualms in stating that these cultures are wrong and must change their practices.


I completely agree. Being PC about protecting cultural rights is what is keeping atrocities alive in our world..

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After having lived in a culture other than my own for the last 3 years I just have to say... Hogwash.


People use that excuse all the time here, too. "it's not wrong, it's just different!" and "it's a cultural thing!" are used to explain all kinds of things and it is a bunch of bunk.


Sure, some things are just culturally different like Indian women wearing red saris on their wedding day instead of white bridal gowns. No big deal.


But some things are different AND wrong.


It is what you call STATISTICAL MORALITY. If 51% or more of a given population decides that something (like having sex with a 10yo girl) is ok, then it is "culturally acceptable."


Thank goodness I do not rely on the capricious whims of man to decide what is right and wrong.







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Here is another article about this girl but also about what can happen the damage a pregnancy can cause on such a young one.


What really caught my eye is that women well the little girls who develop this issue can be shunned or divorced. I mean OK so now not only have you totally damaged this little girl but you will add insult to injury by getting rid of her. This damage sounds HORRIBLE.




I don't know if this is the original article you read but the article I read to begin with just stated how she gave birth and about the early puberty. This talks about the physical damage.

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