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Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?

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I do love Harry.

I agree that Mrs. Weasley is the mom I want to be.


I always loved Fred and George's sense off humor, they were perfectly cast as well. Ron was also great, he didn't have as much humor as the twins, but could throw out a good one liner from time to time.


I think they did a great job of casting in the movies, except for Umbridge (my least favorite character of all) When reading the books I always thought she'd be more toad like in the looks area, in my mind I saw Anne Ramsay (from the Goonies and Throw Mama from the Train)

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This is hard b/c I really loved a lot of the characters.

Harry, Hermione and Ron

Lupin, McGonagal, Dumbledore, Hagrid



And I liked Snape in the movies much better than in the book ;). While reading the books, I envisioned a much more hateful Snape than the way the movies portrayed him.

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After lots of thinking I've narrowed it down to three that I loved more than all the others which I also loved.


Neville - he was a hero in his own right. I cheered outloud for him during certain parts of book 7.


Luna - Everyone needs a friend like her.


Fred and George - *sob* Why did JK do that to us?


Luna for sure. I wished that she and Neville had ended up together.


I agree and that is why I love fanfic.

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First would be Lupin. I never connected with Tonks though. I wish she had kept her out of it.


Prof McGonagall


Professor Trelawney. I loved her in the books and then thought she was a hoot in the movies. She's who I dressed up as for the finale!

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Fred and George. Why did she have to kill Fred off? I loved the way they exited the school, it was perfect, my favorite scene in the movies. I also like Neville. My dc's favorite is Dobby, my son cried so much when Dobby died.


Umbridge is enough to make one hate the color pink.

and her kitten plates are creepy and I love cats obviously.

Edited by Jeannie in NJ
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