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Tennessee folks - my umbrella school has just asked for. . .

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immunization records for our students. We've been with HomeLife Academy for over 9 years now and this is the first time they've requested this. Is anyone aware of a new requirement that they are trying to meet? Has anyone else received this request - maybe from a different Tennessee umbrella school?





Edited to add the actual text of the e-mail.




To Mr. and Mrs. XXXX,


We are requesting that all student(s) have their immunization records or religious exemption on file. Please fax or email a copy of XXX's record to the information at the bottom of this email, or you can mail it to PO BOX 11688, Jackson, TN 38305. If you need a religious exemption form, let me know and I will gladly mail you one.

Edited by Pegasus
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Does your form have a 'medical/religious exemption' place to sign? My kids have most of their immunizations but I sing off on the immunization forms like they haven't. I have NEVER hadan issue with it.


Around here, if you take any classes with other kids, and there is an outbreak like measles, you just won't be allowed to attend classes without the immunization. One the outbreak is over, you will be allowed back in class. If that happened and we had had the immunization, I would just need to bring in proof at that time. If my child didn't have the immunization, I wouldn't want them in school during an outbreak anyways, so being absent is no problem.

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Well, according to HSLDA, parents who choose the homeschool option are supposed to submit evidence of immunization or a written statement that it wold conflict with the parents' "religious tenets and practices." Maybe HLA's administrators figured it would be a good idea for their families to provide that, too. However--and this is just me--if the law doesn't require it for those enrolled in programs like HLA to provide immunuization records, I wouldn't do it.


When I was an umbrella school owner/administrator in California, I required immunization records or waivers only because if the children transferred to a public or private school, those schools would want immunization records in the cum files, and it was just easier to required those from the beginning, KWIM? Maybe that's what your HLA people are thinking?

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I haven't gotten that from HLA-maybe because my DD officially transferred in from PS, so her K immunization records were in her file already?


I don't think it's a new requirement-IIRC, private schools in TN have to document immunization or exemptions, days of attendance, and subjects taught, but it might be that HLA either is going to be or has been audited recently and wants to make sure they have their records in line. Regardless, in TN a personal exemption is pretty easy to get-basically, just write a letter requesting one so HLA has it in their file.

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HLA???? REALLY???? We do hla and I have only ever had to do grades/attendance... Keep us posted pls....


The request came via e-mail and I replied, asking for an explanation. When I get a response, I'll post it here.


I haven't gotten that from HLA-maybe because my DD officially transferred in from PS, so her K immunization records were in her file already?


This is interesting as they only named my younger DD in the e-mail; my older DD went to public K. They stated that they were requesting records for ALL students but only named one of my two students. You may be on to something with the transferred records being enough, even though older DD is now in high school.


Regardless, in TN a personal exemption is pretty easy to get-basically, just write a letter requesting one so HLA has it in their file.


The e-mail offered a "religious exemption" form in lieu of the immunization records but we have no religious objections to immunizations. I haven't heard of a personal exemption.


Thanks for the replies so far.


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The plot thickens. I checked the HLA website to see if I could find any additional information and came across this FAQ:


Q: Do I need to provide immunization records for my child?


A: No, we do not require immunization records. Basically, that is a rule for the public school because of the liability of the kids being all in one place together. We are happy to keep them in the file if you have them or if the previous school sends them to us with the records. But there is no law that says we have to require them from you. It's your choice.





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The plot thickens. I checked the HLA website to see if I could find any additional information and came across this FAQ:


Q: Do I need to provide immunization records for my child?


A: No, we do not require immunization records. Basically, that is a rule for the public school because of the liability of the kids being all in one place together. We are happy to keep them in the file if you have them or if the previous school sends them to us with the records. But there is no law that says we have to require them from you. It's your choice.






They may be asking for it , but not requiring it. I have seen schools do that with various forms like pre-signed field trip forms or press releases for pictures in the news papers. It is not big deal to tell them that you won't be turning them in, just be bold and confident.

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I would likely tape the note about it not being required on the actually immunization form and sign it. Then ask the school to put that in her file, so they have a record that you are choosing to not provide the records. Every once in a while, staff will check student records and if there is a document missing then they will contact you regarding it. If you don't want to be bothered in the future, this may help to be a 'place holder' in your child's file so show you are not planning to provide them, so don't ask again. :D



Years ago I used to work for a hybrid school. The school district would request that we check records and contact parents, so we had to do it. The documents were not required, we just asked if they would be willing to sign them and send them back. I would put these place holders in families files, so we wouldn't bother parents unnecessarily.


In lieu of this, google an official looking immunization form that has the personal exemption, and turn that one in, instead. That way when the nurse quickly scans the file, they see the form. If you just write a not on a regular piece of paper, they may not see it and contact you in the future.

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When I was teaching in public schools, what was required was something like


"In accordance with my personal beliefs, my child _________ has not been immunized. I recognize that ________ will be excluded from school if it is deemed necessary by the Shelby County department of health."



This was in a public school, and was a pre-printed form, so if HLA is getting the state saying they have to have something on file, I'm guessing a similar statement will hold. I think at least in Memphis City, they didn't want to err on the side of saying that one person's religious exemption wasn't valid and someone else's was, so they accepted almost anything. I had a student excluded, mid-year, from my music class (and also from science and social studies) because his mother claimed a religious exemption. Once the parent signed that she'd be responsible for his education in those areas and that the school wasn't liable when the child ended up totally ignorant (I'm paraphrasing, but that really was the gist of the paperwork), it held. I've wondered, since, if I could claim a religious reason for my DD only being able to do music, art, and PE at the local elementary school-since part-time homeschooling isn't allowed, but apparently objecting to a big chunk of the school curriculum was.

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We're in TN, too. We use a different umbrella school, but, yes, they did require a form on file when we signed up with them. We delay vax, so I gave them a form from the ped with current vax info and a note from our ped detailing our reasons for delay. So far I haven't had a problem. It sounds like HLA might be going through their records and catching anyone up who does not have the info already on file. Maybe they've been audited, or maybe the office is slow right now and needed a project?

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Maybe they've been audited, or maybe the office is slow right now and needed a project?

I doubt that there is any law that allows them to be audited. Even if there were and they had been, the law says that parents who enroll in schools like HLA are exempt from having to keep immunization records (of course, most parents do, or specifically choose not to immunize; I'm just saying that HLA and others aren't required to keep them on file).

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I doubt that there is any law that allows them to be audited.



Private B&M Christian schools can be, to make sure that their records are in order, even though the state cannot restrict what they actually do beyond that point, so I'd imagine that CRS umbrella schools can as well. The education code allows freedom of religion and for religious schools to exist-it doesn't give them a complete pass from all state requirements.

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When we were in an umbrella program in TN they required an immunization record as well, but I think it was a school policy, not state. They liked to make sure they had every single avenue covered, just in case. I also think it was a "reputation" thing.

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When we were in an umbrella program in TN they required an immunization record as well, but I think it was a school policy, not state. They liked to make sure they had every single avenue covered, just in case. I also think it was a "reputation" thing.

Umbrella schools in California sometimes required things not required by law because of "reputation," but I could never figure that out. No one outside the schools knows what records are kept or not kept, unless a child transfers into a public or private school and brings along cum files that don't have stuff campus schools need to have and somehow think homeschooled students need them, as well.

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First of all, I have to say how pleasantly surprised I am that there are so many people that use HLA. We are in FL, but moved from TN a few years ago. The staff at their office are a wonderful bunch of Godly people. If you have any questions about why something is done a certain way, please don't hesitate to call them and they will gladly give an explanation.


We have been with them for 2 years now (in FL). I think immunizations would generally be entered in the HomeSchool Reporting Online (for grades entered online)- there is a link under the child's name. I have always left this blank since they say they don't require it under their FAQ. There is also a waiver for religious exemption check box and a place for comments also. We transferred in from another umbrella school, but we have added 2 new students and never been required.


HLA is extremely geared towards parents making ALL decisions so I don't think there would be any problem with 'waivering" (if they are even requiring that).


Just can't say enough about HomeLife Academy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got a reply from HLA and wanted to update the thread with the additional information:


Dear Family,


Thank you for your inquiry regarding immunizations. We are working on updating our website to reflect this policy change. Immunization records are for your student’s file ONLY. This information is kept CONFIDENTIAL and only released upon your authorization. We apologize for any stress this may have caused you.


As a church-related “umbrella†school in Tennessee, we are required to keep immunization records or exemption forms on file for each student. We are working toward complying with all state requirements to keep our status as a qualified church-related non-public school in the State of Tennessee.


Below are the statutes for church-related schools in Tennessee. There are five (5) requirements for us to be able to “cover†you, the homeschooler. The first three(3) relate to a brick and mortar school that your child would physically attend. The last two apply to us as an “umbrella†school.


Church-related schools


Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-50-801 (b) states:


“The state board of education and local boards of education are prohibited from regulating the selection of faculty or textbooks or the establishment of a curriculum in church-related schools.â€


The only regulations that church-related schools must follow are listed in State Board of Education Rule 0520-7-2-.05(2). This rule states that church-related schools must:


· “Comply with all rules and regulations and codes of the city, county, and state regarding planning of new buildings, alterations and safety.â€


· “Comply with all rules and regulations of the Tennessee Department of Health regarding construction, maintenance and operation of the school plant.â€


· Observe “all fire safety regulations and procedures promulgated by the Tennessee Fire Marshal’s Office.


· “Comply with the requirement of TCA § 49-6-5001 that each child in the school be vaccinated against disease.â€*


· “Comply with the requirement of TCA § 49-6-3007 that the names, ages, and addresses of all pupils in attendance be reported to the superintendent of the public school system in which the school is located.


Please note that a child without proof of immunization may comply with Tennessee Code Annotated Section 49-6-5001, by meeting one of the exceptions under subsection (b) (medical exemption) and/or (e) (religious exemption) of the statute.


Students attending church-related schools that do not meet the State Board of Education requirements for church-related schools are not in compliance with the compulsory school attendance law in Tennessee and must be considered truant. The sole responsibility and authority for the enforcement of the compulsory attendance laws is placed with the local board of education and its designated employees and officers. Thus, when working with associations, accrediting agencies and parents, attendance officers should rely on Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-50-801 and State Board of Education Rule 0520-7-2-.05 to determine whether a church-related school exists for purposes of enforcing the compulsory attendance laws. They may also require the organization operating the church-related school to provide assurance that they are meeting the requirements of the statute and rule.

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