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Anyone love Sonlight's Core A(K)?

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Here's the child in question: he'll be 7 in July, but is just barely picking up reading skills, thanks to 100 EZ Lessons. Is now counting to 100 by ones and tens and getting very simple addition problems (Horizons K math). He started kindergarten in public school, at age 5 years and 2 months. Did okay socially, but wasn't ready to learn much at all. In hindsight, I should have kept him home that year and would have had him attend *this year* instead. (My husband really wanted our kids to go to kindergarten, though it felt like a wasted year in many ways for both my boys who attended.) He's definitely not as mature as my older son, and I can tell my daughter will have more maturity at the same age, too.


In January, I started him on Sonlight's Core 1/B, which his older brother whizzed through at the same age (older brother tested as gifted). I soon found that it's just too much for him, though he enjoyed it. I shelved it until he's more ready.


Meantime, we're just doing reading, handwriting (Getty-Dubay Book A), and working on math skills. Also reading the Narnia books aloud every night, though I stop and define words quite a bit. And letting him play and listen in on big brother's lessons. He enjoys learning and was very excited to begin Core 1/B when we tried it.


FWIW, I am doing Core 3/D with my 9 year old son, and I also have a 3.5 year old DD who basically just plays and we work a bit on letters and counting and such. She'll start preschool in September when she's 4, which will give me more time to teach my boys. AND I am expecting a baby in about two more months.


I'm wondering if I should order Sonlight's Core A for him and get through it before moving back to Core 1/B? Would you do so? Or just find as many of the books from the library and read to him? Only, the schedule keeps me accountable--I'm "one of those people"!


Thank you!!!

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I used Core K (it was K back then) with my oldest son for his K year. We used the Core and the Science. It was WONDERFUL! He loved it. I did use the schedules for him and we did it pretty much "by the book". I always intended to repeat it with my younger son but I tried to be more relaxed with it and ended up not using the schedule much at all. In retrospect, I wish I had taken the same structured approach with him that I had with my oldest son. I ended up doing too much at times, too little at other times, and overall it just wasn't the same experience.


Looking back on it, I feel bummed about it. I know the Core has changed a good bit since we used it, but I can say that Core K, for us, was a great experience and I have many fond memories of that year with my oldest son.




I'm one of "those people" too!!

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I used Core K (it was K back then) with my oldest son for his K year. We used the Core and the Science. It was WONDERFUL! He loved it. I did use the schedules for him and we did it pretty much "by the book". I always intended to repeat it with my younger son but I tried to be more relaxed with it and ended up not using the schedule much at all. In retrospect, I wish I had taken the same structured approach with him that I had with my oldest son. I ended up doing too much at times, too little at other times, and overall it just wasn't the same experience.


Looking back on it, I feel bummed about it. I know the Core has changed a good bit since we used it, but I can say that Core K, for us, was a great experience and I have many fond memories of that year with my oldest son.




I'm one of "those people" too!!


Me too :) The SL schedule keeps me sane even though I don't follow it day by day.

I do think the new Core A is easier than the 2011 version (they took out a lot of the meatier books) so if you decide on Core A (which sounds like a good core for your situation) I'd order before April 2.

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We are loving Core A here! I did it with a friend long years ago when it was different. We tend to go through more quickly, so I add in books as we go along. My dc love being read to and we can easily go through a short chapter book in one sitting. I am looking forward to the LA being added in and Bible (we already use SL Bible).


I will upgrade when I get to the next dd.

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I'm currently using A with my 2nd and 3rd graders, and we LOVE LOVE LOVE it. My 3rd grader especially has always been very anti-read aloud. He has CAPD, so I attributed it to that. Core A has caused him to just come alive when it comes to being read to. I will say he groans whenever we don't read out of Living Long Ago, but he enjoys the read-alouds a lot and can actually FOLLOW what we're talking about.

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We're really enjoying core A here, too. I'm doing it with my two youngest, who were 7 and 5 when we started. I also like to have the schedule to use as a guide, but we'll often go through the books a lot faster than scheduled. We tend to do a week's worth of a book at a sitting. So we'll do all the Mother Goose readings for the week at one time, and all the poetry reads for the week at a time. The dc just get on a roll and want to keep going, and I'm totally fine with that.


We are going through the core A at a faster speed than scheduled, but that leaves me with time and space for those spontaneous activities or illnesses that always happen in a year. It's really nice to have wiggle room in a core so it doesn't feel as stressed to get everything done. This is nice when doing multiple cores, too.


As for the new vs old core, I would definitely get Cappyboppy and Family Under the Bridge which were both dropped in the new core. We loved these books, and have read them multiple times. Even my older dc enjoy them - perhaps even more than the youngers.

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I used Core A for my DS when he was in 1st grade, and we LOVED it. I think the "old" version (the one you can purchase through this weekend) is fabulous for 1st grade or for older students, who have the life experience to process the deeper themes of the books.


It seems that SL is trying to market Core A as it's "kindergarten" curriculum now, so in doing they have removed some of the more difficult books in the version that will go on sale April 2.


For a student in the older end of the age bracket, I would recommend going with the old version (2011 or earlier) of Core A. I think your plan is excellent!

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We loved it too, history, read alouds, all of it. I added notebooking for our young K and 1st graders, and it was a wonderful year. After it, I checked out the grass on the other side of the fence, and realized SL was better for us all. We came back to Core B this year, and I/we couldn't be happier. We are loving Core B with a 2nd and 3rd grader with a lot of extras added in from SOTW AG, SOTW1, lots of library books, and notebooking.


We really loved all the books some people had trouble with, though my middle DD who was in K is an auditory learner, and she excels and learns the best by listening. SL as is doesn't fit DD9 as well, so I add in crafts, projects, and notebooking mainly for her.

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We did Core A years ago and just loved it. We are still using SL, and enjoy it, but I think those first years are just golden. And, personally, I'd get the IG before they change it or pick up the books they are removing and add them in on your own.



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We like Core A, and we've been working on it for a while ;). Great books, and flexible for a wide range of children IMO - not just Kers. My DD when she was in 2nd totally enjoyed the books as well - even more than she did when she was in K actually!

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