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In need of Prayer

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I haven't been on her much the last few months. Lots have been going on in our lives. My husband is not able to work and we really don't have a time in the near future when he would be able to go back to work. He is 77 and I think now that he has been home for a while really is ready to give up the idea of a regular job.


Because of the loss of income we moved everyone onto one floor in our home and made some miner changes on the lower floor to turn it back into a rental. The catch is both myself and my youngest son are Chemically sensitive so we REALLY need the person/s moving in to agree to live chemically free. Here is the fb page that shows picture and our listing.



Ladies, we desperately need a renter for this in order to make our finances come together. We have had a couple of people call but they seem to think that rent is to high. $575 a month which includes utilities? I have done some looking and in this area rent is between $450 and 700 plus utilities.


Please pray that the right person comes that really does need this and will appreciate the clean air of living here.

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Sandy, I will pray. Sounds like a tough spot you all are in right now.


I am guessing that the scent/chemical free is narrowing your potential renters quite a bit. I'm thinking of all the things I use that I'd need to swap out, and it could seem overwhelming (or even impossible) to many people. I'm not criticizing; I understand your situation and why you need the renter to agree to it. Just thought I'd share my perspective.



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I wish you lived in our town! We already live mostly chemical free and switching over completely would be no problem. Plus, your place is bigger and cheaper than the two-bedroom we rent now. And has more shelves!


*sigh* If your house ever magically relocates to central MN, let me know.

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Thanks, ladies.

Patty,I am not sure there is an environmental Dr in this area. I will look in the Yellow pg. It is a good idea. I might even mention it to our Chiropractor. He has helped us a lot and I know he treats many for MCS.


Bethany, It really isn't as difficult as you many think and you would probably be surprised in the difference in how you and your family feel and how much clearer your brain is.


Mergath, I really wish you lived in our area also. How fun it would be to have another hser that close. LOL


I to appreciate the prayers. I felt from the start that God would bring the right person, just didn't expect it to take this long. LOL

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Ladies, your hugs and prayers are giving me such encouragement. This has been a very stressful time. We have almost cut our living space in 1/2 to do this. Everyone have made concession and for the most part done it with a good attitude. My kids rooms have both been cut in less than 1/2 of what they had, we no longer have our beautiful school room, the list goes on. In the midst of it all God has been so faithful. It has been very difficult/stressful/even sad at time.


We will be ok if we can just get this thing rented. The thing is we won't be able to go very many months with out before we really do start to get behind.


Well, enough. You have brought me to tears more than once tonight.:)Thank you again for all the love.

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