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It's been a long time, what about kindergarten?


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I'm so excited--I'll have a kindergartener next year! Here's a rough draft of what I plan to use with her. Any suggestions? What will you be using? I haven't had a kindy kid for several years and all the fun stuff changes over the years. :)


Handwriting: I would prefer not to use HWT with this child. Any other favorites?


Phonics: She's reading Bob Books. I plan to use PP for phonetic instruction, but are there any favorite book series for new readers with phonetically controlled words?


Science: A variety of science kits, plus lots of reading.


History: _History for Little Pilgrims_ along with living books and biographies.


Math: Horizons K and Singapore Math (she started these last year).


Geography: I have some ideas, but any favorite ideas from others are welcomed!


I'll add in art wherever and whenver I can, especially around holidays and projects related to seasons, weather patterns, and calendar skills.


Looking forwards to reading about your Kindy Kids! :)

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going on for a Kindergarten!!


Handwriting - We liked A Reason for Writing K

Phonics Readers - I always liked using and will use Rookie Readers. I prefer

the older ones from the library compared the the newly published ones.

If you check out the book "How to Teach Your Child to Read with Children's Books" from the library, there is a list in the back of books to read by level. Use that to determine which Rookie books to use when.


Geography - Two favorites - A Trip Around The World and Another Trip Around the World or Galloping the Globe.


We are just starting K over here too, but with an Aspie, so it's tweaked a bit!;)

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I really like Reason for Handwriting - it has fun animal pictures to color for each letter and my kids both enjoyed it very much.


Check out the phonics readers by Nora Gaydos (check amazon) - they are great!


Sounds like you are going to have some fun! :)

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my K5 is basically going to be doing what my 2nd grader will be doing. I'm going to be doing handwriting very lightly with him. I don't expect good handwriting out my boys until they are 7 or 8. I have a Spiderman :glare: handwriting workbook from Walmart that he is going to use to practice, and then I'm going to have him do copywork from history/science to practice with.


history - SOTW

science - apologia astronomy. I found some notebook pages that are for drawing that go along with the book, so he can draw pictures for his narrations.

reading - lots of early readers, some ETC for phonics, but he's a pretty good reader already

art - artistic pursuits to go along with history

music - loose composer studies

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I'm not going to worry too much about handwriting this year, just let DD keep exploring making ball-and-stick letters as she has been (actually, some of the letters are kinda between ball-and-stick and italic, because she copies what I hand print for her along with things in some workbooks and printouts we have laying around).


We're using Hooked on Phonics checked out of the library for phonics/reading. We can have it out for two weeks, then we'll take it back, wait a week (or for the hold, but it's new and so far not a high-demand item), and check it out again.


For math I plan to buy the Rightstart games and some other manipulatives (cuisenaire rods, because I plan to use Miquon with her in 1st, some money and time games, and some activities to use her pattern blocks,), and we'll read through more Mathstart books checked out of the library--these use stories to teach math concepts and DD has enjoyed the ones we've gotten before. After a rather satisfactory math session involving a cheap ruler and measuring broken crayons today, though, I'm second guessing buying all those manipulatives. In DH's words "She's doing fine without them."


For science, I have Play and Find out About Nature, we'll probably start doing some of the projects in that. Additionally, we're getting gerbils and that will no doubt provide some opportunities, as will our memberships at the zoo and science center. DD wants to learn more about Arizona, so we'll probably focus on the desert and native plants and animals. The library will be a help there, too.


For history/geography, I have some plans for books and activities with a particular focus, again, on the local area because DD wants to learn more about Arizona. I'll probably focus more on geography than history with her this year.


For literature, we're going to read Winnie-the-Pooh, Beatrix Potter, and Aesop's Fables, the latter of which we're tying to Havamal verses for Heathen Studies/memory work.

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I loved, loved, loved MFW K for kindergarten! It has everything included in the curriculum - handwriting, phonics, math and science. What I loved the most about it is that everything is integrated, so we just "did school" and I didn't have to tell my oldest dd that she was doing phonics. :) We had tried Phonics Pathways, and she just cried every time I got the book out. MFW K was the ticket for her, and my younger dd loved it too.


It sounds like you might already have stuff to use for K, but MFW might be worth a peek. It's a fairly inexpensive program. Their website is http://www.mfwbooks.com

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Thanks everyone! I've had great fun looking through your ideas today. I may go with HOD and am considering A Reason for Handwriting or may just continue teaching handwriting on my own. We'll see. Tiff, the controlled readers look great. :)

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