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Prayer needed - accidental death of a toddler

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I just got an email from Lorrie Flem at TEACH Magazine which I cut and have pasted below. I know many of you ladies are great prayer warriors and so I am bringing this to your attention. Thanks.


I just hung up the phone from a call I never wanted to receive. Heather, a mother to 10 is asking us to pray for her family. Yesterday her 15-year-old daughter, Rachel, was using the car on their property to run an errand for her mother. She put the car in reverse but didn't see her 14-month-old baby sister and the unthinkable happened; Hannah Bryant slipped from this life to Heaven's glory.


As Heather was talking and I was crying I was struck by the irony of the fact that Heather, the bereaved mother, was proclaiming His Sovereignty to me in the midst of her pain. She knows where her baby is and that God is in control.


At a time like this I feel strapped for words. I know there is no such thing as words of comfort unless they are His. The first that comes to my mind is found in Jeremiah 33:3 where it says:


"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."


God is a God of unexplainable outcomes. He turns the impossible into answers that are, well, incomprehensible.

For those of us who belong to Jesus Christ, there is something called prayer that brings all the power of God Himself down to where we can use it. That is why Heather called me; she wants the comfort of knowing that other believers are holding them up in prayer. She believes that prayer works and she knows they need it.


There's a vivid picture of both powerlessness and power in Mark 5:24 where we read about the woman who had bled for 12 years. She had suffered and tried everything to no avail. Her need was too great for anyone or anything on earth. But the Bible tells us that:


"when she heard about Jesus, she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched the cloak, because she thought, 'If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.' Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering."


Only one thing brought a solution - desperately lunging for Jesus, believing His authority and power were greater than her massive need. Heather and her family believe that Jesus is the only comfort that will heal their hurt and the only strength that will bear them through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.


Ladies, we have a weapon at our disposal that will win the battle. Heather is reaching out to us in desperate pain. She is asking you to lift her family up to your all-powerful Lord. Will you please join me in praying as you have maybe never prayed before?


Pray for the Lord to give you His heart for how to pray for this family. Pray specifically for:

Rachel, for her to banish guilt and rest in the peace that passes understanding

The other 8 children as they deal with this tragedy and the day to day reality of life without their baby sister

For Barry, the father as he prepares to lead a memorial service for Hannah on Sunday

For Heather, the mama for her heart to instantly turn to Him for comfort when waves of sorrow wash over her

For the entire family to lean on Him and to actually feel His presence as He walks alongside them grieving too

I believe, and Heather believes, that God is their refuge. Please pray for their strength and their comfort in the days ahead.


Under the Shadow of His Wings,



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Praying here. I just can't even imagine. Same thing JUST happened to the Chapman family a few weeks ago, remember? They lost their 5yo adopted daughter when their son accidentally ran her over w/ the family SUV. Just tragic. My heart is just breaking for them and now for this family as well. I pray that the 15yo daughter can get through this. It must be so very hard for her.

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Praying here. I just can't even imagine. Same thing JUST happened to the Chapman family a few weeks ago, remember? They lost their 5yo adopted daughter when their son accidentally ran her over w/ the family SUV. Just tragic. My heart is just breaking for them and now for this family as well. I pray that the 15yo daughter can get through this. It must be so very hard for her.


This seems to be somewhat of an "epidemic" with the large vehicles that block the view. I heard on the news some time ago that one family who had experienced a similar tragedy is pushing for legislation to require SUVs to be equipped standard with a rear view camera. I don't particularly care for government intervention, but I hate these tragedies more.

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This seems to be somewhat of an "epidemic" with the large vehicles that block the view. I heard on the news some time ago that one family who had experienced a similar tragedy is pushing for legislation to require SUVs to be equipped standard with a rear view camera. I don't particularly care for government intervention, but I hate these tragedies more.


My dc think that I am paranoid when they are outside and I am leaving in the car. I make them all stand on the grass where I can see them until my car leaves the driveway and heads down the road. It's b/c of these tragedies that I do this. I've also been known to actually get out of my vehicle and check behind it even though the dc are standing in full view on the grass. Just don't want to miss one. Our 15 pass. van has no visibility behind it either. It's even more scary w/ that one. I've run over skateboards and a bicycle once b/c I didn't check. Very scary. Very, very scary and again...my heart is just breaking for this family.

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I'm in tears here. This is just SOOOO sad and yet uplifting at the same time. That mother is such an inspiration.


I really feel for the 15 yo daughter. My oldest (12) tripped while carrying his baby sister (2) and she fell on her head. It resulted in a trip to the ER and a concussion. My 12 yo will forever remember it and still cries when it is brought up. I can't imagine what this 15 yo will go through for the rest of her life.

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My dc think that I am paranoid when they are outside and I am leaving in the car. I make them all stand on the grass where I can see them until my car leaves the driveway and heads down the road. It's b/c of these tragedies that I do this. .


I do this too. I make sure I know where EACH child is before I'll back out.

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My dc think that I am paranoid when they are outside and I am leaving in the car. I make them all stand on the grass where I can see them until my car leaves the driveway and heads down the road. It's b/c of these tragedies that I do this. I've also been known to actually get out of my vehicle and check behind it even though the dc are standing in full view on the grass. Just don't want to miss one. Our 15 pass. van has no visibility behind it either. It's even more scary w/ that one. I've run over skateboards and a bicycle once b/c I didn't check. Very scary. Very, very scary and again...my heart is just breaking for this family.



I do this too. I really worry at church with so many little ones around!

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