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S/O annoying amazon reviews

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I wonder if anyone else feels this way. I used to drive to the store and buy say a blender. I would look at the boxes and prices, use what I know of blenders, compare prices and make my purchase.

Now, I have to get on amazon to check out the hundreds of blenders out there, all the models, compare features, see the list of "others that people who looked at this one liked", read reviews and cut and paste item names to check on the brand website to check things out. Then I go to Craigslist to see if anyone has one used. Then I go to eBay to check out the auctions, if any are ending soon of if there is a good buy it now. I often go on rabbit trails to yet more on amazon because "I didn't see THIS one before, it has XXXXX feature". Which leads to the "did XYZ have that feature? I better go back and compare". I also have to just google blenders, to see what comes up. Then I google best price XYZ blender, then reviews XYZ blender. This leads to yet more rabbit trails and more amazon and eBay checks. It takes me a couple of hours to buy a stinkin blender. Everything I buy feels like I need an education. Don't even get me started on curriculum! Does anyone else have similar experiences or am I seriously neurotic?

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It doesn't take me that long. If I buy at Amazon I sort by Prime available and 4 stars or more. Then I chose one based on brand/price. I don't bother with ebay or other internet shops. If I need to shop other stores I just go to the brick and mortar store.

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Yes! I needed a vacuum a while back. I did what you describe. It drove me crazy and I finally said to my husband "Just pick one. I can't do it!!!!"


I have a DSLR camera, but I'm thinking about getting a point and shoot to be able to have a lightweight one in my pocket when I'm out for a walk or whatever. That big camera gets *heavy.* So we went to Costco yesterday and I was playing with all the cameras. Some I could eliminate immediately because they didn't pass the waving hand test (blurred). I narrowed it down to two and my husband immediately goes on Amazon to check the price and reviews ($32 cheaper at Costco, 4 stars or something like that, mostly good reviews), but I was like "We didn't used to do this much research for purchases." And we didn't buy the camera. Because we, you know, need to do more research. AUGH!!!

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I know what you mean. I put a lot of pressure on myself to get the "right" one at the best possible price, and afterward I still feel like I should have done more. I'm trying to spend less effort and just get something I can live with, with the tradeoff of being a less-stressed person with more time for other things.

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I do check Amazon reviews, although I think some must be taken with a grain of salt, I do like to see how some subsection of people experience the product, especially how long it will last. I don't buy many things off eBay as I do like to have a warranty and customer service.


Sometimes I have just decided to get something and not worry about was it the best or whatever, but I don't like things that break right away, so I use the reviews to gauge that.

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I find the wisdom of the Hive is more reliable than Amazon, so I start here. That usually narrows down the possibilities so I'm not researching a plethora of options.


I do feel like I put more effort into buying things now than I did years ago. I don't see that as a bad thing though. I think that makes us smart consumers. At the store, you might be able to pick from only three models that they have in stock. You don't know about anyone's personal experiences so you're kind of buying blind. It was definitely simpler, but not necessarily smarter.

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I find the wisdom of the Hive is more reliable than Amazon, so I start here. That usually narrows down the possibilities so I'm not researching a plethora of options.


I do feel like I put more effort into buying things now than I did years ago. I don't see that as a bad thing though. I think that makes us smart consumers. At the store, you might be able to pick from only three models that they have in stock. You don't know about anyone's personal experiences so you're kind of buying blind. It was definitely simpler, but not necessarily smarter.


:iagree:This is me. I start here and then I check amazon reviews, Bed, Bath and Beyond reviews and Walmart reviews. I think it is being smart to find out if there are a lot of disappointed customers or not. I don't have money to waste, but I do have a little time and I'd rather use the time to save the money.

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I wonder if anyone else feels this way. I used to drive to the store and buy say a blender. I would look at the boxes and prices, use what I know of blenders, compare prices and make my purchase.

Now, I have to get on amazon to check out the hundreds of blenders out there, all the models, compare features, see the list of "others that people who looked at this one liked", read reviews and cut and paste item names to check on the brand website to check things out. Then I go to Craigslist to see if anyone has one used. Then I go to eBay to check out the auctions, if any are ending soon of if there is a good buy it now. I often go on rabbit trails to yet more on amazon because "I didn't see THIS one before, it has XXXXX feature". Which leads to the "did XYZ have that feature? I better go back and compare". I also have to just google blenders, to see what comes up. Then I google best price XYZ blender, then reviews XYZ blender. This leads to yet more rabbit trails and more amazon and eBay checks. It takes me a couple of hours to buy a stinkin blender. Everything I buy feels like I need an education. Don't even get me started on curriculum! Does anyone else have similar experiences or am I seriously neurotic?


It better make a **** good margarita with a perfect ice blend after all that. And you'd need one after all that!


Reviews on stuff are okay. I tend to look at the 1 star reviews first, find out why people disliked it. But I agree, if I'm looking for something, I think it is easier to ask here first. We have so many people. Often you get more info from them on their basic opinion of something than you do from a review, but the ablity to ask more questions of 'reviewers' is great. Plus the ablitiy to determine if, while something may not work perfect for what that person was using it mainly for, you can find out if it will work well for you main purpose. Say if you never make margaritas or green smoothies in your blender, but you do use it for pureed soups.

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I am just like you ;) I drive my dh insane most of the time by having to weigh all kinds of options and compare all kinds of reviews. Often when we are out at a store I will have my dh check Amazon for me to gather information on something in the store :tongue_smilie:

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:iagree:This is me. I start here and then I check amazon reviews, Bed, Bath and Beyond reviews and Walmart reviews. I think it is being smart to find out if there are a lot of disappointed customers or not. I don't have money to waste, but I do have a little time and I'd rather use the time to save the money.


:iagree: mostly. I just ask the hive and then check amazon. As long as it has 3 stars or more on amazon, and the hive likes it, that's usually all I need to know.

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Too much choice: one of my favorite topics!

Easy-on-the-ear TED lecture on the paradox of choice:



I like to tell myself save huge amounts of mental energy by just getting the computer my brother tells me to (then keeping it for years), and not having any cells phones, pads, pods, tablets, etc. Between picking it out and using it, I don't imagine I personally would save any time or hassle. If I were in a business where I traveled, then I could see it.

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