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Latina Christiana OR Lively Latin???


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I have LC1 which has been generously loaned to me (including the DVD). My dd did half a year of Latin Primer and enjoyed it. I decided I'd switch to LC1 for a few reasons (mainly because Latin Primer is not at all teacher friendly IMO).


However, I really want to go with the MOST teacher friendly Latin program, and from what I'm reading here and elsewhere, Lively Latin seems to be "known" for that.


Am I nuts for considering spending over $100 on Lively Latin when I have been lent LC1 (I only need to purchase the worktext)??


The neverending decision making process of a homeschool educator....:willy_nilly:

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We are using Lively Latin and we love it. I'm learning along with the kids. (We started with Prima Latina but didn't like it.) I'm not familiar with LC1. Could you use it for a few weeks and then decide? Also, Lively Latin Big Book 1 is $55 if you don't buy the hardcopy. I just print the pages out as we need them...and then I can use it with my youngest ds when he's older too.

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Well , I'm always one to say use what works . But you also have to use what works for you as well . Have you gave it a dry run with the LC 1 yet ? I would . If she does fine with that and enjoys it then I wouldn't spend over $100 on a program if you have one that works well .


I'm not familiar with Lively Latin at all so I can't comment . But so far for us we're using Prima Latina with the DVD's and its the most teacher friendly foreign language program I've used so far ( and I've tried Powerglide French and Spanish ) .My daughters love the DVD and the fact they have a teacher that is teaching them the concepts . I personally don't think I could teach Latin without the DVD's at all . I'm not at all sure if you can get anymore teacher friendly then the LC programs . But then I'm not familiar too much with any of the other ones other then from what I read on here .


Give it a dry run and see how it goes before plopping down another $100 on something you don't need.


After reading all of the reviews on how other families don't care for PL and LC I was worried because I had bought the program . My girls love flash and color . But in the end they really , really like this program and it makes them feel very confident in speaking and learning Latin .

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I can't help much, but to say that we have been doing LL for a week now and *love* it. My son took an instant (and irrational) dislike to LC 1, so I am thankful that he likes LL! Since you have LC on hand, you could always try out a few lessons to see how you feel about it, and then make up your mind.


I know the feeling of planning and switching and more planning! I can't wait for next "semester" to start so I can quit planning!

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I'm all for using what you've got and avoiding spending money whenever possible, but I've used LC and LL and, IMO, if you can possibly afford it, I'd recommend you switch. I used PL, LCI, and started LCII with my oldest and used PL and started LCI with #2. At that point I just couldn't handle any more LC. I had to flee for my own sanity. IMO LC is very repetitive, not in what material is covered, but in how it is covered. They just keep doing the exact same type of exercises every lesson. And there aren't enough exercises. There's not enough practice for them to master the materials. LL has a wide variety of exercises and LOTS of practice. I think LL is far better than LC. Just my $.02.

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We are using Prima Latina and we love it! As they suggest in the TM, I do add my own copywork. We use the CD instead of the DVD. My girls know that I am learning with them. So for us Latin has become a game in my house called, "Let's learn it before Mommy does." They just find it so very funny:lol: that they are able to pick it up faster than me. I am clueless when it comes to learning another language: dead or alive.



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We started with LC I and got through about lesson 12 before i was overcome by all the Lively Latin talk and switched. We started lesson 3 of Lively Latin yesterday and I'm thinking of switching back.


They are enjoying Lively Latin, but they don't seem to be retaining it nearly as well as LC.


I asked them and they feel the same way. We decided we would stick with it for 2 more weeks and visit it again. LC can be a little dull but they liked it and they GOT it. It stuck.

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We worked our way through PL and enjoyed it very much; LC1, on the other hand, was *boring*... we struggled with it from the very beginning. My boys hated the DVDs; I wasn't confident enough to teach it on my own. We made it through lesson 14 until we finally jumped ship. I purchased the beta version of LL (the hard copy was not available at the time) and I haven't regretted it one bit-- it's like a breath of fresh air! My son is doing very well with it, and I am learning alongside him. My vote-- take the plunge... you won't regret it!

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Such mixed reviews! ACK!:tongue_smilie:


Well....we did Latin Primer with the DVDs...I didn't think it was very exciting but dd really enjoyed it. So, I'm thinking she will probably do well with LC1 since it's similar format.


And since I can save $100 or so by sticking with LC1...




I'll have to update with what we decide for this. I don't want to make it harder than it is, but we already stopped Latin Primer halfway in. I really don't want to give LC1 a go and then have to stop with that one too.


Thank you so much for the input! I really appreciate (even though you all couldn't agree in lockstep unison like I had so hoped. ;)).

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  • 2 years later...

Okay, let's think about this logically (or at least in RootAnn fashion).


First question: Why do you want your 12 yo learning Latin? (Just for fun, better vocab base for SATs/life, interested in languages, want the courses to count toward high school/college language requirements, translating Virgil by the end of high school, she wants to be a med student so it'll help her in college/later, etc.?)


Second questions: What is the "end goal?" (How far do you want her to go? A couple of years of exposure or making it through Wheelocks?)


Third question: Which path will get you to where you want to go & complete the "why" from the first question?


For example, If you do LC I this upcoming year, she could go into First Form or Henle I the year after (14 yo). Etc. Etc. If you do LL1, what would you after, if anything?


IMO, you should do whichever one will get done & get you closer to your goal, as long as it isn't a financial burden. Can LL1 be purchased used?


We'll be using LCI next year after using PL this year & using Minimus in the meantime, but I know I've been tempted by the "fun" in LL. Either one is a good option - depending on your goals!

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