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Book organization in bins?


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Last year, I got the bright idea (from someone else :lol:) to put my books in baskets on the shelves, so the kids can more easily get them in and out. I initially had all the books across a wide shelf, and inevitably they'd end up all over the floor, and the kids couldn't really put them back in a nice manner (even when they tried). The little ones especially didn't have that kind of coordination. So... I went to Target and got these:




Except mine were black. I set it up like this:




Clearly it looks better now that I've taken the labels off. :lol:


Anyway, I went back to Target like a month later to get more of these bins. They don't have any! They now carry the small and large sizes, but not the medium size. :glare:


So I need an alternative. I don't want white. I want them to look somewhat nice-ish. I like the size of these because I can fit a good amount of books in them, they fit the larger picture books, and they don't topple over. I also like that they are sturdy. My kids are ROUGH on containers and such. If you see the blue fabric box to the side of that bookcase, they have destroyed all of those without even trying. :tongue_smilie:


I also don't want them to cost an arm and a leg, so no $20+ bins or anything. I think these were around $7. I'm going to need a bunch of them.


Any suggestions? Oh, and local stores include Walmart, Target, Lowe's, Home Depot, Office Depot, Staples, Hobby Lobby, Michael's... NO Ikea (closest one is 3.5 hours away). Ordering online is fine if shipping isn't ridiculous (or if it's on Amazon Prime, even better).

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I collected some of those Target bins in white for my pantry and laundry room (love them). They seemed to be out of one size for a long time, but I kept checking back and finally it re-appeared. Have you aked anyone at your Target if they are out for good or if it might be restocked? Or if it could even be possible to have some sent from another Target store (if any can be located)? Hm, there must be something like that somewhere... I'll keep an eye out. If all else fails, you could pick up a can of black made-for-plastics spray paint. :D

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Hmmmm, I'm in the NW and I SWEAR I saw these at target along with green. Maybe they were aqua. I know for sure they had a nice green color, I have several. What are the dimensions? I hear you on the matching and looking nice, I try for that since most my house is a disaster LOL. At least the books can look good.

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I think they're roughly 15x10x5. I'm ok with another color, since they'll be used in a different room (though I wouldn't mind another couple for the bookcase in the picture). I just don't like white. They no longer have this size online, except in white. They have small and large sizes in various colors. I think they are purposely trying to avoid carrying what worked for me.:lol:


I hadn't thought to ask Target if they can still get them. I suspect that they aren't being made anymore though.

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Do you have a Storables anywhere? They have lots of colored baskets and are surprisingly ok priced. Like this:






They usually have more in the store than online.


The white bins on amazon are a bit different. They have different handles and a little more rounded on the bottom. I don't think there is much difference in function other than the non stacking handles (which wouldn't matter if they are for books anyways) and they rounded look.

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Do you have a Storables anywhere? They have lots of colored baskets and are surprisingly ok priced. Like this:


Nope. Looks like those are all out west. I'm in Alabama. :)


The white bins on amazon are a bit different. They have different handles and a little more rounded on the bottom. I don't think there is much difference in function other than the non stacking handles (which wouldn't matter if they are for books anyways) and they rounded look.

Yeah, I'm ok with using a different bin. They'll be in a different room. I just need to find something soon because the kids' book stash in the upstairs hallway is ending up all over the floor because they aren't in bins yet. ;) And I'll be moving all the homeschool stuff to shelving units upstairs hopefully soon, and that will require more bins also.


The main important things are that they fit the books, don't topple over with books in them, and don't fall apart easily when young children are using them. :tongue_smilie: The ones I have have done VERY well. Of course, they have books in them all the time, so the kids aren't able to sit on them and such. They haven't emptied them.


Funny thing this morning... I went upstairs and found most of the hallway books in the toy bins. We have one of those $40 toy organizers from Target, and they normally have toys in them. The toys are currently all over the floor (and that floor was CLEAN 2-3 days ago when the windows were being replaced in there :glare:), and they used 3 bins to put books in. Not sure why! I guess they were trying to tell me something. :lol:

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Hmmmm, I'm in the NW and I SWEAR I saw these at target along with green. Maybe they were aqua. I know for sure they had a nice green color, I have several. What are the dimensions? I hear you on the matching and looking nice, I try for that since most my house is a disaster LOL. At least the books can look good.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure my Target still has these in green too. I like the matching stackable crates they carry too (some in black). Those aren't quite the same, but they seem sturdy and are definitely cheap. They are usually in a different location in the store (DYR? "Do Your Room"? whatever their store brand is:tongue_smilie:). They look like plastic milk crates and they come in different colors.


ETA: Found them. They are actually Sterilite. I haven't bought any yet, but they look decent...

Edited by Amie
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OK, I had an idea! "Dishpans". Remember those? Walmart carries some made by Sterilite in stores--they have different sizes and they come in black. It looks roughly like the size/shape you already have but in solid plastic (no basket-looking holes). And cheap. You could check to see if your local store carries any in black...?

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I use the clear shoebox sized boxes from a local "cheap" store. Works awesome. I labelled my book {see my blog for picture..} & now my kids can't claim forgetting which bin is which. ;)


Blog link? :lurk5:


And I like the dish pan idea too... searching Walmart.com for them now, though I'm getting all the fancy oval dishes. :tongue_smilie:

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OK, I had an idea! "Dishpans". Remember those? Walmart carries some made by Sterilite in stores--they have different sizes and they come in black. It looks roughly like the size/shape you already have but in solid plastic (no basket-looking holes). And cheap. You could check to see if your local store carries any in black...?


That's what my books are in. Definitely not quite as nice looking as your original baskets, but they are sturdy, and they cost about $1!!

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Ok, found the black ones at Walmart online, and they say my store has them in stock! Great! It doesn't show a price online. They say prices may vary by store. But I'll go check it out. These look like the right size - very similar in size to what I have. :D


Thank you!!!

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Our Target still carries these. I've seen them mostly in green, but also in the black. If I remember correctly, I also saw some in the dishpan area as well.


So you guys are seeing the medium sizes in your Targets? Mine still has the small and large sizes, but not the medium size. :lurk5:


I'll check the dish pan section.

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I see that the books are all standing up nicely in the bins. If they can put them back that way, they can put them back on the shelves. If you want them to just have them back in the bins in any form, then that will work.


I used to put paperbacks in baskets so they could just be piled in there. I also used to divide the books out by genre for our reading program, and the problem I encountered was that not all books are the same size, so it ended up not working well.

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OK, I had an idea! "Dishpans". Remember those? Walmart carries some made by Sterilite in stores--they have different sizes and they come in black. It looks roughly like the size/shape you already have but in solid plastic (no basket-looking holes). And cheap. You could check to see if your local store carries any in black...?


I like this idea. I've been wondering how to keep bookshelves tidy. DS tried to put the books back but as they are so many then tend to end up upside down, sideways, etc. Thanks for the tip!

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I see that the books are all standing up nicely in the bins. If they can put them back that way, they can put them back on the shelves. If you want them to just have them back in the bins in any form, then that will work.


I used to put paperbacks in baskets so they could just be piled in there. I also used to divide the books out by genre for our reading program, and the problem I encountered was that not all books are the same size, so it ended up not working well.


It takes a lot more muscle to push over a shelf of books than a couple in a basket. My kids can put books back neatly in the library basket, but cannot push over the books on the bookshelf without hollering for me to help them as the have their whole body weight again the books. (They're 4 and 6 and skinny, lol.)

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It takes a lot more muscle to push over a shelf of books than a couple in a basket. My kids can put books back neatly in the library basket, but cannot push over the books on the bookshelf without hollering for me to help them as the have their whole body weight again the books. (They're 4 and 6 and skinny, lol.)


:iagree: Exactly. We did the whole shelf thing. It did not work. I had to put most of the books back. The books ended up all over the floor. It was awful. Since I went to the book basket system, no more books all over the floor. The few that might be out get put away easily by the kids. No more complaining that they can't put them back. No more pile of books on the floor. They get what they need out of a basket, and that's it. It has been a sanity saver here!!!


It's also easier for them to flip through and see what we have now. The books lay sideways, and you can flip through them a bit like a book. That was more difficult when they were all on the shelf.


I do not have them organized by genre or anything like that. I'm not worried about where they put the books, as long as they are not on the floor! :D

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I do not have them organized by genre or anything like that. I'm not worried about where they put the books, as long as they are not on the floor! :D


I've been so tempted to but all of our books in bins, but I kept thinking that I shouldn't do it unless I organize them by genre. Of course that totally overwhelms me, especially when I think of books that could qualify for multiple genres. Do you have any sort of book tracking system? The other day I realized I had ordered 2 books we already had. With so many books it's so easy for short paperbacks to get lost in the shelves. I'm thinking that the bins would at least provide more accessibility than what is currently happening on our shelves!

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I've been so tempted to but all of our books in bins, but I kept thinking that I shouldn't do it unless I organize them by genre. Of course that totally overwhelms me, especially when I think of books that could qualify for multiple genres. Do you have any sort of book tracking system? The other day I realized I had ordered 2 books we already had. With so many books it's so easy for short paperbacks to get lost in the shelves. I'm thinking that the bins would at least provide more accessibility than what is currently happening on our shelves!


I use Goodreads to keep up with what books I have. So far, I still know most of what I have, but my friend gets me stuff from the thrift store, and sometimes I don't remember that I have those. So I try to scan them all in with my phone (using Goodreads app) as soon as they enter the house.


Even without splitting books into genre (and yes, that would be so cool if the kids actually stuck with it), the bins have helped a LOT. So yes, I highly recommend using the bins! It just makes the books more accessible to the kids. I find my kids reading more and able to find their books easier.


As they get older, we'll probably switch to a genre system of some sort, but for now... I'm just happy if the 2 year old puts books back in the basket, kwim? :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: I found 2 black medium baskets at Target yesterday!!!! :001_huh: They were in the kitchen section. I got them both. They had about 4 of the white ones (which you can get as a 6-pack online).


I need to check the new Target that just opened near me and see if they have any. I would have asked the other one to order more for me, but they're like 40 minutes away. I'm not usually around that Target.


They still don't have them listed online at all. :glare:

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Update: I found 2 black medium baskets at Target yesterday!!!! :001_huh: They were in the kitchen section. I got them both. They had about 4 of the white ones (which you can get as a 6-pack online).


I need to check the new Target that just opened near me and see if they have any. I would have asked the other one to order more for me, but they're like 40 minutes away. I'm not usually around that Target.


They still don't have them listed online at all. :glare:


I would look on the label for a code called the DCPI. It's target-speak for inventory number. It can't hurt to call another Target and at least see if it's in stock. Also remember that Target has a 7 (or 14?) price guarantee, so if it goes on sale between now and then (as it always happens, that's fate) Target will give you the difference.

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I went for a bit of a wander for you (ok, I may have gotten waylaid on the Walmart site, going ooooooooh, I want that, and that, and that! LOL)


I found these on Amazon:


Sterilite White baskets with Titanium inserts - 6 pack :http://www.amazon.com/Sterilite-16248006-Basket-Titanium-Inserts/dp/B002BA5F0M/ref=pd_sim_sbs_hg_1


Shabby Chic Wire Baskets: http://www.amazon.com/Shabby-Cottage-Rectangle-Basket-Handles/dp/B005FAGBWG/ref=pd_sim_sbs_hg_55


Or more primary colour book baskets: http://www.amazon.com/Romanoff-Products-Inc-74904-Basket/dp/B005IH85OS/ref=sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1333543633&sr=8-19


I usually just follow the rabbit trails (i.e. find an item of interest like those above, then look at the "what others purchased as well as this item" section)

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Update: I found 2 black medium baskets at Target yesterday!!!! :001_huh: They were in the kitchen section. I got them both. They had about 4 of the white ones (which you can get as a 6-pack online).


I need to check the new Target that just opened near me and see if they have any. I would have asked the other one to order more for me, but they're like 40 minutes away. I'm not usually around that Target.


They still don't have them listed online at all. :glare:


Cool! It is so funny how I catch myself glancing over at the black baskets every time I walk by that aisle now! It's like I keep checking for the medium ones for you, but I honestly don't know what I'd do if I found any. :D We were in Birmingham over the weekend and I had to make a quick trip to the Target by our hotel--I saw those black baskets in the distance and started thinking...hmm, I wonder if they have medium... somebody stop me. :lol:

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My issue with using bins is that the edges (like on the dishpans) are so big, I feel like I'm wasting space. I've found a few boxes at the local teacher store that don't have edges but the bottom is smaller then the top :confused:. If I could find the perfect bins, I'd be all over this!

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Ok, stupidity award goes to me...


Those 2 bins I bought? The ones that were the only ones on the shelf? Apparently, I left them in the shopping cart! :banghead:


I called Target, and they hadn't been turned in, but the guy did say if I brought my receipt, they'd give me new ones. Not sure if they'd even have them in stock to give me, and of course it's the Target that is 40 minutes away. :rolleyes:


Maybe this is a sign that I need to stop trying for the black bins. :lol:

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Ok, stupidity award goes to me...


Those 2 bins I bought? The ones that were the only ones on the shelf? Apparently, I left them in the shopping cart! :banghead:


I called Target, and they hadn't been turned in, but the guy did say if I brought my receipt, they'd give me new ones. Not sure if they'd even have them in stock to give me, and of course it's the Target that is 40 minutes away. :rolleyes:


Maybe this is a sign that I need to stop trying for the black bins. :lol:


Oh no! That is definitely some kind of sign that you need to send all the baskets to me to lift the curse. ;)

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Ok, stupidity award goes to me...


Those 2 bins I bought? The ones that were the only ones on the shelf? Apparently, I left them in the shopping cart! :banghead:


I called Target, and they hadn't been turned in, but the guy did say if I brought my receipt, they'd give me new ones. Not sure if they'd even have them in stock to give me, and of course it's the Target that is 40 minutes away. :rolleyes:



Maybe this is a sign that I need to stop trying for the black bins. :lol:

Oh no! Maybe this will be a good thing since they can search and confirm their stock for you. Then you can (hopefully) get as many as you want (or give it up if they tell you they are discontinued and gone forever ;)).

Sorry.. you can see them best in this post.

What an adorable space!

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