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I'm completely ignoring my house.....


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I think I have a major case of spring fever. My house looks like a tornado went through and I don't want to do anything about it right now. My oldest two are at choir, my third child went to a neighbors to play and my sixth child is sleeping. My fourth and fifth are waiting for us to take a walk. I am mentally ready to be done with this school year and at least do different curriculum, but we won't be done until sometime in May. Some of our activities are stopping for the year in the next few weeks (CC and choir) and we put our other lessons on hold b/c of money being tight. I'm sure all I need is a little caffeine, a nice walk outside and some help from my husband when he gets home tonight but at the moment I can't bring myself to go deal with the overwhelming mess!

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My oldest two are 16 and 18. I spoke with my husband and reminded him that we were planning on letting the two of them go to a convention. It's in the budge ($325 for food, transportation and hotel for the both of them) So, I asked him if I could hire the two kids to deep clean my home. He agreed. So, far they've each earned $25 for the areas they did. They know to save this money for convention. I'll have a systematically deep cleaned home. My job is to declutter and I'm being ruthless, I'm acting like we have to move and pay to have our stuff moved. Between my decluttering FlyLady style and the girls cleaning the house is coming along slowly.


My younger kids are being paid to scrub baseboards and floor grout. They each have something they want in exchange.


Since, I've decluttered in the past, I have time to hang out here on the boards. Life is good. :001_smile:

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I am also slacking off at the moment. I am almost done with painting my bathroom (still have to caulk the bathtub and paint the molding, not to mention scrubbing everything down). I am semi-repairing paint throughout the house, I have about 10 loads of summer clothes I'm cleaning and sorting, dinner on the stove, a dozen books waiting for my attention, and a nasty dirty house. Not to mention the garden I need to start. But my excuse there is that I'm still waiting for some seeds in the mail. ;) I think it's the weather. Spring cleaning in the air but it's too warm and nice to think of actually finishing anything.:tongue_smilie:

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But I have the itch to pitch!


Me too!

I've been deep cleaning drawers and cabinets and tossing out old hair products (& the like) from, oh...2002. :001_huh:


And my lil' girls have been enjoying some wonderful outside play while I do this. Everyone's happy. :D


(And after this initial burst of productivity, I'll return to my regularly scheduled slackness...)

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I always slack off on the house, that's my main problem :tongue_smilie:


:D Me, too! I do love to organize, but cleaning - ick. I'll do anything to get out of that.

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I was just saying the other day that I am more excited about next school year than finishing out this school year. I always hit this blah wall. The kids may be willing to keep going, but I'M the one with spring fever.


And, I am definitely in the mood to start purging things. We moved in the middle of September and have had some craziness going on since. We still have boxes no one has touched.


Glad I'm not alone in this spring fever stuff.:001_smile:

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I'm definitely in research mode after finding LOE. It took me less than 24 hours to decide I definitely wanted to do it next year and I already ordered it today (or parts of it). Today was the first time in a LONG time I've been able to afford to buy something and that moved its way to the top of my list. Now I'm in planning mode of what to cover this summer that we didn't get to this year, how much I need to buy during convention season, etc. I am going to one in MD at the end of April so I'm planning out what to buy and how much I can spend.


I also agree that teaching the kids and being their mommy is my highest priority and as long as there is food on the table and clean clothes on their bodies I'm satisfied most of the time. But I do have moments of sheer strike where I refuse to be the one to clean up all the mess I didn't make.


The other thing is we had a house on the market for a few months and I got SO tired of cleaning up and getting out once or twice a day that now that its off the market the last thing I want to do is clean! I should probably be purging before our move in June but I don't feel like doing that either. I'll probably get to it in May right after we finish our main curricula for the year.......And right before we start our summer round......


I sat on the back steps tonight and watched the little girls play while I read the magalog from Schoolhouse Publishing in PA. I love her magalog b/c she actually shows pictures of her piled up laundry and dirty kitchen and talk about how she was sarcastic with her kids, etc. and all the grace God gives us and how we should give it to ourselves and our kids. It is always so refreshing!

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Don't feel bad. I feel the same way. We live in apartment building though and they do yearly inspections and we are due for one next week and it looks like a tornado has flown into it. I feel overwhelmed and really honestly don't quite feel ready to clean even though I'm doing a little at a time now. Ugh. Maybe its been from the lack of sunlight this winter.

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I'm in the same boat, between morning sickness :ack2: trying to finish up a curriculum that we don't love and the nice warm weather... my house is also suffering! I just wanna call it quits for the year, and lay around and research curricula for next year.


Hopefully, I will start feeling better soon and get some energy and start cleaning!! Wishful thinking...

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