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How do you forget your child???

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And not realize it until you see your child's picture on TV???? Did anybody see this? I just don't understand. A year ago my friend who lives on the East side of Michigan said something similar happened to a local place similar to Chuck E Cheese. I just don't get it. I get thinking your child is going with somebody else, but don't you make sure? Hug and kiss your child goodbye and make plans to get your child back?? What am I missing?

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As Denisemomof4 said in response to a thread I started a couple of hours ago:


I cannot imagine.


If they are going with someone else (and that is rare) I do everything but fingerprint the person -- and if they are going with someone else, trust me, it is someone with whom our family has enjoyed a very long relationship.


I cannot imagine.

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As Denisemomof4 said in response to a thread I started a couple of hours ago:


I cannot imagine.


If they are going with someone else (and that is rare) I do everything but fingerprint the person -- and if they are going with someone else, trust me, it is someone with whom our family has enjoyed a very long relationship.


I cannot imagine.




Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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I don't understand it either. Granted, I'm told that I'm over-protective, but I believe that most parents check on all their kids before themselves going to bed. For me, it's almost a ritual, I take a bath and then go check on each child, make sure the doors are locked and off to bed I go.


If a child is going with a friend, I double-check, "You're taking so and so, right?" and with the child, "Don't forget, you're going with so and so. If something goes wrong, you go up to that desk and ask them to call me. You remember our number, right?"


And with cell phones, there's almost no excuse. I've also been known to call people and double-check that they have my child in their car if things are hectic.

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I hate that place.


The first story is ridiculous. The family went there for a child's birthday and left the birthday child behind and didn't realize she was missing until the next day. Don't you tuck your birthday child in with extra kisses on their birthday.


I hate that place because when it's busy it's easy to loose track of your kid. It would never occur to me not to find all the children I came with before I left.

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The parents are separated, they left each thinking the other had her. It's not completely out of the realm of possibility.




I understand that, but don't you hug and kiss your child goodbye? Or atleast say goodbye? Especially on their birthday. But- for both parents just to leave and not say anything? :confused:

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As Denisemomof4 said in response to a thread I started a couple of hours ago:


I cannot imagine.


If they are going with someone else (and that is rare) I do everything but fingerprint the person -- and if they are going with someone else, trust me, it is someone with whom our family has enjoyed a very long relationship.


I cannot imagine.


I'm right there with you, but I've seen first-hand how some parents don't have that mindset. We have a lot of children who come to our church on Wednesday nights without parents. Some of the parents have never set foot in the church--they have no idea who is supervising their kids or what goes on. Some kids (elementary-aged) ride a bus over to the church from the school's after-school program, so their parents may not even know whether they even got there ok. Plus, this growth in the number of kids (esp. unattended kids) is relatively recent, so we don't really have the structure in place to supervise them before it's time for the program to start. So we end up with kids running around all over the place unsupervised. We're working on it--it kind of bugs me that so many people don't even seem to realize it's even an issue, including some parents who ARE there and still let their kids run around unsupervised. It really is a huge problem/incident just waiting to happen. And then my kid gets upset because I won't let him run around outside with the others unless I am able to go out with him. Anyway, my point is that it *floors* me how many parents just send their kids and assume someone else is keeping track of them. I can totally see the Chuckee Cheese incident happening with some of these parents, even though for me personally it's unfathomable.


Can you tell this is a bit of a hot button with me right now?? :tongue_smilie:

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The first story is ridiculous. The family went there for a child's birthday and left the birthday child behind and didn't realize she was missing until the next day. Don't you tuck your birthday child in with extra kisses on their birthday.


This floored me, too. Not only did they leave someone behind, but it was the guest of honor. Incredible. Needless to say, she'll remember THIS birthday all her life!

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The parents are separated, they left each thinking the other had her. It's not completely out of the realm of possibility.


My old ballet teacher told a story of a child being dropped off by a parent, who assumed the other parent (they were divorced) would be picking up the child. Second parent assumed first parent had it covered. BOTH parents went away for the weekend (separately). When the mix-up was discovered, they casually asked the ballet teacher to watch the child for the weekend. :blink: The teacher did so, but sent a LARGE bill to the parents for this extra service!

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I can understand it happening with the parents who live separately and both assumed she was with the other parent, but the latest one is a mother of 10 who didn't realize her child was missing until the next day. Don't you say good night to your child? Wouldn't that child likely be sharing a room with others - wouldn't they speak up when they noticed an empty bed? Something doesn't seem right.

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I understand that, but don't you hug and kiss your child goodbye? Or atleast say goodbye? Especially on their birthday. But- for both parents just to leave and not say anything? :confused:


It could be that one parent left first. The second parent left shortly after, looked around and didn't see the girl, and assumed that she went with the first parent. Maybe they'd even talked about it but hadn't finalized plans. Who knows. They might have feel really horrible when they realized what happened. It could be that this was the very first time they did NOT double check! Of course, it might be a lot of other more stupid things! But we don't know. Now they and all the rest of us will hopefully be extra vigilant!

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I can see it possibly happening, but I don't get not noticing until the next day!


I hate that place. It's so chaotic and loud and a sea of people... ugh. Can't stand the whole obnoxious thing, but that's me. I'm sure it's a reason they check kids going in and out. It's totally conducive to losing your kid / mis-communicating or mis-hearing someone when it's really busy. Imagine how many lost kids there would be if they didn't do the hand stamps and all!


They are lucky something worse didn't happen. There are a lot of wackos in the world.

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My in-laws had it happen to them once with their youngest. There are four boys in the family, and they were taking two cars while they were driving to a vacation destination. The boys had been in and out of the cars, swapping seats and running back and forth between the vehicles every time they stopped for gas, meals, bathrooms, etc., and the parents simply didn't do a head count one time. They got an hour or so down the road before realizing what had happened.


To be fair, this was pre-cell phone and NOT quite the same thing as the original situation, but I'm just saying it can happen.

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The one with the separated parents, that I can see happening. Dh & I take two cars to church because we don't all fit in our van. More than once, we've been all ready to go and in double checking, discover that someone is missing. The other one, with the birthday girl who is one of 10 children...that one I don't get. It wasn't only the mom who didn't notice, but also all the siblings??? Wouldn't one of them said, hey, where's whoever?? And I guess she didn't tuck in the birthday girl either, poor lass. :(

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I'm right there with you, but I've seen first-hand how some parents don't have that mindset. We have a lot of children who come to our church on Wednesday nights without parents. Some of the parents have never set foot in the church--they have no idea who is supervising their kids or what goes on. Some kids (elementary-aged) ride a bus over to the church from the school's after-school program, so their parents may not even know whether they even got there ok. Plus, this growth in the number of kids (esp. unattended kids) is relatively recent, so we don't really have the structure in place to supervise them before it's time for the program to start. So we end up with kids running around all over the place unsupervised. We're working on it--it kind of bugs me that so many people don't even seem to realize it's even an issue, including some parents who ARE there and still let their kids run around unsupervised. It really is a huge problem/incident just waiting to happen. And then my kid gets upset because I won't let him run around outside with the others unless I am able to go out with him. Anyway, my point is that it *floors* me how many parents just send their kids and assume someone else is keeping track of them. I can totally see the Chuckee Cheese incident happening with some of these parents, even though for me personally it's unfathomable.


:blink: :svengo:



I've learned by reading enough follow-up stories to the original reports that the initial reports often do not tell the whole story.




I REALLY hope that is the case!!

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I got left in another state once by my parents. They asked about me a couple of times, but apparently my siblings just kept telling them I was asleep and/or upstairs. They figured it out when I didn't get up for school the next day. No one ever questioned my parents at all. And my parents were loving, caring individuals that were slightly overtired. I can see how it happens. It's not right, but it happens.

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The parents are separated, they left each thinking the other had her. It's not completely out of the realm of possibility.


I actually don't think this is that out of the realm of possibility for separated parents or distracted parents that came in 2 vehicles. It's not like this is a sweeping phenomena across the country. There were a few isolated incidents. I'm guessing people forget to pick up their kids at school or from a play date on a daily basis. My son's theater production has a director that reminds parents ad nauseum to pick up there kids at 9 because at different times staff have had to wait as late as 10:30 for a teen to get picked up. Miscommunications happen unfortunately.


No, I've never even been late picking up my child from an activity and I've never forgotten them at a restaurant. But I guess I wouldn't necessarily judge these parents as automatically horrible. Some families just have a different mind set from the vast majority of posters on this board.


When I was a kid, I was with a family that had 4 boys and were transporting a bunch of extra kids in a large service van to a restaurant. They left their quietest boy at home. He was in the bathroom when everyone jumped in the vehicle in left. That boy got a steak dinner that night while his 3 brothers who didn't speak up watched. :D


Not to be glib, but Joseph and Mary did something similar. It's weird, but it happens.


:lol: Good point!

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When I was a kid we lived close to family. There were 6 parents, 1 grandparent and 11 kids. We frequently traveled together as a group and all the parents usually did a head count but one time one of my brothers got left behind. We had one of those old station wagons with a seat that faced backwards and a window that rolled down. One of the adult told us to roll the window up before one of us fell out at which point one of us kids said, "Well, someone must have already did because Jr. isn't here!" We turned around and drove home at about 90 miles per hour and sure enough there was my brother, standing in the drive way bawling his eyes out. He never got left behind again. If someone even mentioned going somewhere that boy was in the car post haste.


One time we also left my mother at a country general store but that was entirely my father's fault and while she wasn't left for very long she would have been retrieved sooner if me, my aunt and my grandmother could have stopped laughing long enough to tell my dad that my mother had not got in the back of the truck with the rest of us.


There have also been a few times when I ended up with an extra child. If we were in a large group in a crowded public place and I saw one that looked about the right size, coloring and gender I just grabbed them by the hand and said let's go. Never, not once did any child ever say, "Hey, your not my mom." So usually I didn't even realize I had an extra until I did a head count and then I had no idea how long I had had the child and where I got them from.

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