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Babies 15mos apt--when would you

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put older in toddler bed?


Ds7 climbed out of his crib (threw pillows out & made a place for himself to land, lol) at 12mos, so he started early.


Dd5 stayed in her crib until she was nearly 2, when ds taught her how to climb out.


Dd1 will be 15mos when newbie comes. Newbie will sleep w/ us or in a bassinet in our room until about 3mos or so. Would it be easier to start dd1 in toddler bed *now* so she doesn't associate it w/ new baby or let her transition a few mos after he/she is born?


WWYD? (Ftr, I just laid her down in the toddler bed for the first time tonight, to see what will happen. Her room is clean & safe, & the door's shut, so she's at least well-contained, but I'm half-way expecting to end up putting her back in her crib at some pt this eve.)

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put older in toddler bed?


Ds7 climbed out of his crib (threw pillows out & made a place for himself to land, lol) at 12mos, so he started early.


Dd5 stayed in her crib until she was nearly 2, when ds taught her how to climb out.


Dd1 will be 15mos when newbie comes. Newbie will sleep w/ us or in a bassinet in our room until about 3mos or so. Would it be easier to start dd1 in toddler bed *now* so she doesn't associate it w/ new baby or let her transition a few mos after he/she is born?


WWYD? (Ftr, I just laid her down in the toddler bed for the first time tonight, to see what will happen. Her room is clean & safe, & the door's shut, so she's at least well-contained, but I'm half-way expecting to end up putting her back in her crib at some pt this eve.)


We did everything early, much earlier than most. We attempted DS in toddler bed at 13 months. It was a debacle! He just wasn't ready, trying his freedom (which is fine), but wandering through house and getting lost in middle of night. If you can possibly borrow a crib for at least 6mo, it would be beneficial.


ETA: We did succeed in placing DD, aged approx 19 months in toddler bed when triplets were close to arrival. It was okay, but would've preferred to wait a bit for my sanity.

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We left dd in the crib until a week before we needed it for ds. A week before we needed it we took it down (dd said my dh broke it) and then a week later we brought it back in with a different color sheets. So in her mind my dh broke her red bed so she moved into a big purple bed, then dh built a blue bed for ds. But she organized her whole world by color at that point in her life.

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Is there any way you could have two cribs?


My girls were 12 months apart so we pretty much had to have 2 cribs. At least, I thought we did; I know my SIL moved my most adorable nephew out of his crib early because he could climb out of it by something crazy like 9 months.


Emma, my oldest, would have stayed in her crib indefinitely. We had to move them into "big girl beds" when they were 3 and 2, though, because Abbie was climbing out of her crib.


It really is worth it to have the little darlings contained for as long as possible. I know you're in cramped quarters, though.

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My oldest was 18mos. when he refused to sleep in a crib anymore and moved to a full sized bed. My daughter was about 16 mos. when we moved her to a toddler bed so that when ds2 was born, she would be used to it. ds2 moved to the bottom bunk bed at 14mos. when he started climbing from the crib and then shaking it apart if forced to stay in it. ds3 hardly ever slept in the crib, he has mostly slept with us since day 1. He is almost 27mos. and we are working on getting a mattress for the bottom of dd's bunk bed for him. Don't know how long transition will take.

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Our oldest ds started sleeping on a futon around 14 mos. or so. It was low to the ground, so he couldn't hurt himself if he rolled off. Also, I could lay next to him to nurse him. (Not for long; he weaned at 15 mos.) The nice thing is, the futon is regular-sized, so no worries about outgrowing it. (We've never done the toddler bed thing.)



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The nice thing is, the futon is regular-sized, so no worries about outgrowing it. (We've never done the toddler bed thing.)


Eh. We just already have a toddler bed; we felt a small one was nec for ds7 since he was out of his crib so young. We didn't have anything other than a crib at the time, so we were going to buy something either way.


At this pt, it's just the easiest thing for us--we already have it, it's set up, etc.

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I have an extra crib - wish I could let you borrow it. Two of mine are 18 mos apart. I tried the 18 mos old in the toddler bed and he just wasn't ready. I tend to leave all mine in their crib a long time. My ds will be 3 in Aug and he's still in his. (As you mentioned, my plan is to use the bassinet for a couple months, then switch everyone around. I think he will be fine in a twin bed if I get a rail).


The time I tried my 18 mos. old in the toddler bed he fell out and ended up underneath it (very small space under there) and that was pretty scary. I put the crib side back on in the middle of the night! So my advice is to try the toddler bed, but maybe it would be even safer to just put the mattress on the floor?


Good luck!

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I try to get all things in order that I possibly can so I don't have any additional challenges when baby comes. The first four are 15-17 months apart and we put them all in a twin at 14 months, just so we were prepared. The transition was only tough for one of them, but after a week of "put her back. put her back again. and again" (she is the stubborn one of the gang for sure!) she was fine and there was bedtime bliss.

Congrats on the new baby!

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All of my kids have been ready for their own bed around 18mo, mostly b/c they were climbing out of the crib and giving me a heartattack! My DDnow6 fell out on her HEAD once when she was about 15mo, so I figured a bed would be safer. We did move them right to their twin sized beds though. I tried the toddler bed once w/ one of them and hated it- mostly b/c I couldn't lay down w/ kiddo at bedtime to tuck her in! But also b/c she was falling out of it a lot.


B/c of space issues, I want my DSbaby to stay in the crib longer, so I've bought a crib tent and am hoping that he'll stay put for now.


I would say it really depends on the baby. I think babies btw 12mo and 18mo are very different. I wouldn't likely put a 12mo old into a bed, but I HAVE put the 18mo. olds into beds. For instance, my DS16mo is just now learning to safely get off of my bed with his feet first. A month ago, he would head for the edge of the bed head first! yikes!


Either way, I would say a mattress on the floor could work safely until you're sure baby can be safe about it.


Oh, and then there's room safety issues. You'll have to baby-gate the room he's in so that he doesn't get up and wander unsafely aruond the house...I forgot about that part!


I think if I were you I'd try to borrow a bassinet for newbaby for a few months (while older baby finishes in the crib), and by THEN (when older baby is closer to 18mo), you'll be able to do the bed/crib switching.


Anyway, GL! - Stacey in MA

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I think it was about 18 months or so for my oldest. The oldest 2 are 14 months apart. I've never believed the whole "move them before the baby comes or they'll be jealous when the baby steals their bed". Mine were just never that attached to the crib, and were happy when they weren't contained anymore :lol:. We just kept the older boy in the crib as long as needed and kept the new baby in the bassinet or pack and play until the older boy was ready for the toddler bed, at which point we moved whoever was in the toddler bed into a twin bed. We've never had any issues or jealousy in the 4 times we've done it.


Do what feels right for your family. You know your kids and I know you'll make the right decision :001_smile:.

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the longer my dc have stayed in their cribs, the less trouble I have had with them getting out of the their regular beds when they are switched. We switched our oldest at 17 months. It got longer and longer with each of them with the newborn staying in the pack and play longer and longer. With our last pair (#5 and #6), # 5 stayed in the crib til she was almost 3 and # 6 in the pack and play til she was 10 months. I think, and this is just my theory, that if they are the personality to not climb out, they get used to not being able to get out and when they move to the regular bed, they don't get out w/o permission. Does that make any sense? So, I am with Quiver- if they aren't climbing out, leave them.

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