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Is it common for a co-op SOF

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to have something in it about marriage?


I have never read anything specifically about marriage. Are they asking you if you are married or single? Or are they putting forth statements regarding marriage to ask you if you are agreeing?

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That's a new one on me.


Is the SOF asking if you believe that "marriage" is between a man and a woman?


How can this possibly have anything to do with homeschoolers getting together to teach their children in a group setting??


Unless there have been issues...there's always a back story...

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it is along the lines of marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't know the backstory, but I am sure there is one. We are not the most active participant in the co-op but I am a member because it is pretty much the only option in this town for homeschoolers.


I am baffled that they are asking us to sign off on a marriage clause.

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Several people here have brought up Statements of Faith that include statements about marriage. For example, that the husband is head of the household, etc.


There is a reason that many of us don't belong to a co-op.

I must have missed that. Darn. Yeah, I wouldn't belong to a co-op or a support group that required a SOF, even if I agreed with it, and especially not if it included marriage stuff. Sheesh.

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Been in homeschool co-ops, groups, and academies in many, many places. Never came across anything about marriage, I don't think except something about that both parents must be in agreement in homeschooling or one parent who has sole custody. Something to that effect which never affected us since both dh and I are strong supporters of homeschooling.

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Create your own social outings. Call your co-op friends and invite them to go with you.


Or raise the issue with the board.


I sent an email to the board--no response...


We do get together with our friends weekly.

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Been in homeschool co-ops, groups, and academies in many, many places. Never came across anything about marriage, I don't think except something about that both parents must be in agreement in homeschooling or one parent who has sole custody. Something to that effect which never affected us since both dh and I are strong supporters of homeschooling.

Never asked to sign a statement of faith with anything in it about marriage.


I'm sure there is a backstory that would make this much more clear. I'd have a problem with militant parents of any stripe making an issue. Keep your business to yourself. I do.

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it is along the lines of marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't know the backstory, but I am sure there is one. We are not the most active participant in the co-op but I am a member because it is pretty much the only option in this town for homeschoolers.


I am baffled that they are asking us to sign off on a marriage clause.

Is it a co-op or a support group?


If you know some of the people in it, couldn't you call them and suggest meeting at a nearby park for lunch, and just enjoy each other's company for a couple of hours? That's how many support groups start.

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Is it a co-op or a support group?


If you know some of the people in it, couldn't you call them and suggest meeting at a nearby park for lunch, and just enjoy each other's company for a couple of hours? That's how many support groups start.


No, it is a co-op. They have many classes available. I happen to fall into the 'I homeschool because I want to teach my child.' Ds has taken 1 class in four years. They do have some teen specific activities outside of 'class' and that is why we are members.


I guess after four years I know the mindset of many of the people that are the leaders and it makes me angry that they are trying to exclude others.

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