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Ended up in the ER with 11 y/o dd last night

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My daughter went rollerskating with her Girl Scouts group yesterday. She's only tried going skating once or twice and doesn't really know how but she wanted to go and a couple of her friends were going to teach her how.


She ended up falling a little after 5 and hurting her left wrist. The G.S. leader and my husband agreed it didn't seem broken, so I gave her ibrupofen and suggested we see how it felt in the morning, but by 9 PM she was crying and saying it hurt so bad that I decided to take her to the ER to get it checked out.


It turns out she has some sort of "buckle" or compression fracture not in the wrist, but in the long bone of the forearm right where it meets the wrist. They put a splint on it, said to use ice, elevation, and ibuprofen, and to follow up with an orthopedic doctor this morning. So I'm waiting for their office to open so I can call in about a half hour.


I was told that they would most likely put a full cast on it, but that "it probably won't even need to be on for the whole six or eight weeks and it will heal quickly."


Poor kid. She was nervous about going but so looking forward to it and it turned out so badly. I'm just glad it's her left arm since she's right handed, and that nothing actually broke, but I still feel so badly for her!


Of course, as they were going through the discharge instructions, they said no gym or active sports until cleared by the orthopedist, and they said, "you can keep her home from school tomorrow" (it was nearly midnight by the time we left there).


My daughter did apparently feel well enough to gleefully tell me she couldn't do ANY schoolwork today...she'd basically done almost none last week either as almost everybody was sick in my house last week with various coughs, colds, stomach bugs, sore throats and so on. She IS a little bit pleased with the extended time off as previously she'd been on notice that we were getting back to work today AND doing some extra catch up, too. :P

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We've had three distal radius fractures here-one on each side (11 months apart) in one child, one in another.


Make sure you ask for a *waterproof cast*. It is a huge convenience. Once they did not have waterproof casting material and I had to make a fuss to get it. In an 6 yo boy, it's an absolute necessity IMO.


In all three cases, my boys had to wear the cast for 6-8 weeks. Each time, they were seen at 3-4 weeks, cast removed and re-x-rayed, but each time they needed to be re-casted. Once the technician cut my son's arm with the cast saw-grrr. Hopefully, you will have better fortunes. But remember: WATERPROOF CAST.

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We've had three distal radius fractures here-one on each side (11 months apart) in one child, one in another.


Make sure you ask for a *waterproof cast*. It is a huge convenience. Once they did not have waterproof casting material and I had to make a fuss to get it. In an 6 yo boy, it's an absolute necessity IMO.


In all three cases, my boys had to wear the cast for 6-8 weeks. Each time, they were seen at 3-4 weeks, cast removed and re-x-rayed, but each time they needed to be re-casted. Once the technician cut my son's arm with the cast saw-grrr. Hopefully, you will have better fortunes. But remember: WATERPROOF CAST.


Oh gosh...I hope that it doesn't end up being that long, and that is crazy about your son's arm being cut!!! Thank you for the tip, I will try to get a waterproof cast!

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I feel your pain. My son is officially cast free as of last week!


He broke his right wrist ice skating.


Thankfully he is ambidextrous but it still was a major pain.


Hope she is feeling better!


Glad to hear your son is cast free now! Some of these activities are kinda scary!


Poor girl!!!! and so sorry for the tough weekend after last yucky week. :grouphug:


(Don't spose there were any STAIRS at the ER for you to climb, eh?? :D)


haha no, and when you YOU gonna start climbing some stairs? Hmm?


Well anyway I got in touch with the ortho and apparently he's quite a busy guy. They didn't give me an appointment until 8:30 Wednesday morning, although the woman I spoke with said she is going to discuss my daughter's x-rays with the doctor today and will call me back if he tells her he wants to see my daughter tomorrow instead of Wednesday.


And I did ask them if they have waterproof casts and she said yes.


By the way, did I mention that when we checked into the ER the nurse told us my daughter was the fourth kid to show up from the roller rink yesterday?

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Aww.. poor thing! I did laugh at her glee of getting out of school work. That sounds like something my dd13 would think about. Then she would feel guilty because she would worry she's getting too far behind. :D


I hope she feels better and that it heals quickly. I hate hurts. :)

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Sending some hugs to her... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


It seems odd that they think she needs a cast, but probably can't see her until Wednesday. :confused: Is there a good splint on her wrist, so she doesn't worsen the injury between now and then?


Poor kid -- although knowing she wasn't the only roller skater in the ER that night might be of some comfort to her.

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Sending some hugs to her... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


It seems odd that they think she needs a cast, but probably can't see her until Wednesday. :confused: Is there a good splint on her wrist, so she doesn't worsen the injury between now and then?


Poor kid -- although knowing she wasn't the only roller skater in the ER that night might be of some comfort to her.


That's actually pretty typical in my experience. They want to let the swelling go down first. I didn't mind so much with the arms, but the uncasted broken leg made me very nervous!

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That's actually pretty typical in my experience. They want to let the swelling go down first. I didn't mind so much with the arms, but the uncasted broken leg made me very nervous!


Hopefully this is why and not just that they are too busy! They didn't call back, so I guess we go Weds morning. She does have a splint on it, and she's resting it, keeping it elevated, putting ice on it occasionally and taking ibuprofen. It's hurting her but not to the point where she's crying today. She wants to go to her book club this afternoon so that's a good sign.

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