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Teacher's Lounge 2-29-2012

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast - 2 eggs, gf waffles, p.b., water

Lunch - a salad with some protein

Dinner - not sure. Something with chicken?


What are you doing today? Today is our errand day. We also school "lite" today. Today's list includes the library, speech therapy, sports store for new swim suits since dd's is getting so worn that it's becoming see-through:eek:, city hall so that ds14 can ask about what he needs to do to start his own computer business (he's serious and he has the skills).


Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite?


Yes, I like classical music. We listened to a lot of classical when the kids were little and I am sad that they don't really like it now. Ds14 says that he likes Wagner, though. I like Vivaldi best. Dd10 says that she likes pop best and that nothing else will do.

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Happy leap day!


Breakfast was cocoa krispies. Ahem.


Lunch was leftover chicken, rice, gravy, and zucchini


It is raining today and we are just following our regular school routine.


I have one child that loves listening to classical music, but he doesn't really know much about classical composers. I should remedy that. He does say that John Williams (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc.) is his favorite, lol.

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Happy Leap Day!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? No ideas yet. Today is the first day in well over a week I've felt human, so I might try to cook something.


What are you doing today? Waiting for some local hs moms to pick up books they purchased, then a grocery store trip.


Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite? DD only likes Russian classical - she has since she was a tiny baby. I can't stand classical - I'm a country / bluegrass girl!

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Happy Leap Day

Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

yogurt with flax and berries

leftover twice baked potatoes


What are you doing today?

Apparently, I'm repairing my fence. We had 45mph winds last night with 70mph gusts, I lost a section of privacy fence, and dh is out of town. I'm also going to sneak the girls out for a nature walk. I'm also working and we're doing normal school and housework. Other than that we have cello practice tonight.


Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite?

Right now, we're enjoying DeBussey together. My youngest favors Tchaikovsky and the older prefers Beethoven. Vivaldi is my favorite. Ds loves opera especially Italian operas.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Breakfast? Hey we ate today. I had coffee early then when the storms passed we had leftover pizza :D

Lunch? if we get hungry again it will probably be cereal. We are so backwards :tongue_smilie:

Dinner? Maybe chinese I didn't fix last night. Dh wanted pizza last night


What are you doing today? nothing if I can help it :D well I need to do laundry and housework but not going anywhere


Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite? I don't mind listening to it but my dc and dh call it elevator music

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Breakfast? Eggs and grits. Lunch? leftover chicken curry Dinner? No idea yet. I might pull out another freezer meal so I can get caught up on cleaning. The house is in a bad way after Digby's strep throat. He cried so much all I could do was hold him and even that didn't always make him happy.

What are you doing today? Celebrating that Digby slept from 115 am to 735 this morning. :party:Then I'll be cleaning and later tonight I'm going to a sewing "party" at a friend's house. We're going to make reusable sandwich bags.

Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite? I don't know that my kids know any. I only know and like select songs: Pachebel's Canon, Ronda alla Turca (not sure on the spelling of that one), Beethoven's Ode to Joy.

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Morning! Breakfast was cereal, and we're meeting DH at a sandwich place for lunch. No idea about dinner yet. We are heading to the library and grocery store today.


We enjoy classical music here, and we like a variety. I like Vivaldi and a few of Bach's pieces are among my favorites... my son says he'd have to think about his favorites. :)

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast -- Oldest made pancakes, I had cereal

Lunch -- ???

Dinner -- Might be Lemon Chicken Skewers, if not Subway


What are you doing today?


I'm trying to decide if we should do something fun this afternoon to celebrate Leap Day. I might take the kids to Cold Stone Creamery. We never go there and one of mine is always begging to go.


Dh's truck is at the shop so we have to pick that up later. Tonight the boys have Awana and I have Bible Study, so dinner depends on whether or not I have time to make it after we pick up the truck.


Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite?


I like classical music now but I hated it until I took a music class in college. My oldest enjoys classical but the younger 2 don't. I love Vivaldi's Four Seasons but also like a lot of Mozart. Last year we listened to a cello CD that had a variety of composers on it. I was surprised at how much I enjoy listening to classical cello music.

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Hi, Jean -- Thanks for opening the door!


Breakfast: Brown Rice with Almonds, Cinnamon and Coconut milk.


Lunch: Lentil Chips and Hummus


Dinner: Vegetable Paella


What are we doing today:


NOTHING!!!!! DS11 is over the moon about his YouTube promo being posted for his tv pilot (info below) so they are all watching a movie and relaxing. We were in CC all day yesterday and usually we take it easy on wednesday anyway......and we have to go out to improv troupe at 6pm and won't be back till 9:30pm.


Here is the info about my little star: (if anyone is inclined to watch and LIKE their facebook page, I am eternally grateful. Info about the show is here THX




AboutTweens, Sketches, Parodies, Music Videos, Christian Entertainment

DescriptionCreated by Kathryn Arnett and Katharine McKenny. Four friends put on a sketch show in their garage. We are currently in development of this show.


For more information, or to learn how you can support OurShow: info@thenewfangled.com.


Please help spread the word about OurShow. LIKE the OurShow Facebook page and share the page with your friends. Ask your friends to LIKE us. The more we can spread the word, the easier it will be to find sponsors.

Plot OutlineReston Jakobs is new at school. Millie Fremont finds out Reston is writing a show and convinces him to let her co-produce. Together they create OurShow. Violet Fremont, Millie's younger sister, and Alex Dunne, Violet's best friend, also help. The show is produced in the Fremonts' garage, and the Fremont parents edit the show.


Directed ByKathryn Arnett

Written ByKatharine McKenny and Kathryn Arnett



Here is the YouTube link (right now there is a wrinkle with the FB link to the video) --

Here is the link to the FB page: Please go there and LIKE the OurShow page. I cannot thank you enough for doing this:



Thank you again -- this way we get views and LIKES and that helps as the producers look for sponsors.


Michael's screen name is Michael McCosh

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Happy Leap Day!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


What are you doing today?


Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite?


Breakfast: for me and the hubs was breakfast from McD's as we had to leave early for him to drop off his car at the mechanic's and me to take him to work. Kids had . . . something.


Lunch: kids had a sandwich. I downed my combo fiber/electrolyte drink. Waiting for it to process so when I do eat, I won't eat as much. DH doesn't usually eat lunch. (Never have understood that!)


Dinner: just realized I need to put chicken in the crockpot. Thanks for the reminder!


What am I doing today? Spring Cleaning! Purging many things from my bedroom. Need to purge a lot more. I'm such a paperaholic, though, it's hard to decide what to keep for scrapbooking and what I should just get rid of!


At 2pm, I'm going to sit down with my daughter and help her with her research paper.


Music: We listen to almost every kind of music here! We do like Classical, esp. when we need to relax. Don't know if we have any favorite composers, though. I do wish we had some modern day composers with the talent and spiritual disposition of Handel.


Okay, off to put that chicken in the crockpot!

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Happy Leap Day!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

The kids had waffles for breakfast. I had a small bowl of somewhat stale Multi-Grain Cheerios. :tongue_smilie: The kids had leftover chicken for lunch, with sides of grapefruit, strawberries, or cantaloupe. I had pasta filled with prosciutto (from Trader Joe's). We're eating dinner at church tonight.


What are you doing today?

DD14 had literature co-op this morning. We ran errands while she was there, since we were already in town. We got a bit of schoolwork done before that and a little since lunch. The kids have church choir from 4:30-6pm. DD14 has dance from 5-7:30. The rest of the kids, plus dh and I, will eat dinner at church before picking up DD14. Throughout Lent, our church will be having Vegetarian Potluck dinners on Wednesday evenings. These events are sponsored by our Eco-Justice Ministry. We are asked to abstain from eating meat on that one evening per week to draw attention to the poor throughout the world. I am bringing one large pan of macaroni & cheese, since I know there will be plenty of kids at the dinner. I am almost making one pan of roasted veggies, tossed in olive oil and rosemary.


Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite? We don't reguarly listen to classical music, but we do appreciate it. My oldest is a dancer (ballet), so she is more familiar with different composers than her siblings. We should probably study the composers, but there is so much to cover, so little time in each day!

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Happy Leap Day, everyone!

A friend of mine is turning 40 today. How fun to have a Feb 29th birthday!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Cantaloupe and cereal for brekky, ham and cheese quesadillas for lunch and dinner will hopefully be orange chicken (the chicken is still a frozen ice block!)

What are you doing today?


Just school today. Dh is running errands and I asked him to pick up Siblings Without Rivalry from the library. It was recommended to me yesterday. Dh looked at me and said, "Is that in the fiction section?" We had a good laugh!


If my kids ever finish school, I will do some baking and sewing. We'll see. It's not looking hopeful. ;)

Do you or your kids like classical music? If so, what composer is your favorite?


We all love classical music. But, I don't have a favorite composer.

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