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How do they get jobs???!

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My son moved back with us in late December and has been applying for jobs online ever since. Today he got his first call- he is going for the interview tomorrow morning. I really hope he gets the job. He spent months in another city trying to get work with nothing and also tried in the DC area too. The problem is that there are way too many people hunting for the same jobs and there aren't enough jobs. OUr situation here is getting a bit better since our state made it very difficult for illegals and that is opening up some more jobs. But I agree with the others- it certainly isn't easy.

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That's great your ds made it! I just talked with ds20, and he said he would like to sign with a temp. agency and see if they can get him into a job. So he may take his brother and they'll sign up tomorrow! WooHoo! :D Not sure why we didn't do this before? I think we thought they'd be able to get a local job.... :tongue_smilie:


Glad you got that info. I was going to suggest a temp agency too. We know several people who had temp jobs for ladies on maternity leave, and when the moms decided to stay home, then the temps took their job. It was a win-win. Good luck, the economy is still slow in some areas. If that does not work, then send them to central Texas, we have hiring signs all over the place right now.

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Are they enrolled at a college?


If so, have they look at the local colleges for non-profit contracting agencies. They are like staffing agencies, but for paid internships and assistant-ships for students only.


I hire student assistants routinely through them. They take care of all the paperwork/timesheets/taxes/etc but the students work for me. I pay the agency their salary plus enough overhead to cover the administration costs. Most of the ones through the colleges are non-profit, so the students can take home more per hour. The students are only required to maintain a minimum GPA and 6 semester or 4 quarter units at a time.


Generally they are part-time, non-benefited positions. My students work 20-30 hours per week during the semester and more during school breaks.


These jobs are generally within the student's field of interest and often lead to full-time employment after completion of their degree program.


Here is the one the state of California contracts though:


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My boys, ages 20 and 18 have applied and applied and applied for jobs. Many places say they only accept on-line applications, but that seems so impersonal, i.e. easy to ignore. DS18 has even called a few places back a time or two to help show interest. DS20 has gone in 2 or 3 times to a Mexican Restaurant to talk with the managers in Spanish to show he knows the language. They sound interested, but they never call back. He's also applied at our CC, where he is taking classes, for tutoring Spanish and English.


It's frustrating to me when people tell me that at their ages they shouldn't be living at home rent-free, with the use of a vehicle (to get to school). They go on to say, "Just make them go out and get jobs!" They, as well as I, would LOVE it if it was that easy!!!


So, how do two guys who are eager to work, and don't know anyone that knows someone, get jobs these days???! :001_huh::glare:

What kind of jobs are they looking for? DH's been unemployed since May. He's been applying for tons of jobs. The job he's starting tomorrow is the one he did pro-bono work for since August. They got swamped with a bunch of work and they looked towards DH and asked if they could pay him per each client. It's not employment like as in a hourly salary and benefits. But we're thankful all the same.

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Are they enrolled at a college?


If so, have they look at the local colleges for non-profit contracting agencies. They are like staffing agencies, but for paid internships and assistant-ships for students only.


I hire student assistants routinely through them. They take care of all the paperwork/timesheets/taxes/etc but the students work for me. I pay the agency their salary plus enough overhead to cover the administration costs. Most of the ones through the colleges are non-profit, so the students can take home more per hour. The students are only required to maintain a minimum GPA and 6 semester or 4 quarter units at a time.


Generally they are part-time, non-benefited positions. My students work 20-30 hours per week during the semester and more during school breaks.


These jobs are generally within the student's field of interest and often lead to full-time employment after completion of their degree program.


Here is the one the state of California contracts though:


That's neat, thanks! I'll have them check into this! Who at the college would they talk to about it, do you know?


Oh.......... Yes, they are both going to our local CC.

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What kind of jobs are they looking for? DH's been unemployed since May. He's been applying for tons of jobs. The job he's starting tomorrow is the one he did pro-bono work for since August. They got swamped with a bunch of work and they looked towards DH and asked if they could pay him per each client. It's not employment like as in a hourly salary and benefits. But we're thankful all the same.
Well, they started out being pickier, now they're just wanting a job! :001_smile:


Congratulations to your dh! Hope it works out well!

Edited by Brindee
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I don't have any answers but was hoping I'd find a few embedded in this thread. I'm on the other side of the country surrounded by government workers that have no idea how hard the job market is these days - especially for our teens that want to work. My ds is 18 and has been applying to jobs for over a year. He has done some daycare for a church family and he volunteers each year during police week to serve/cook/clean up/extra set of hands and we put these experiences (along with VBS leader) but nothing. He has a calendar that he marks when he needs to go back and update the website application since they are only valid for so many days. What is so "cold" is the fact that everything is done on the internet - no interaction so the employer doesn't see the face behind the application. And then, there is the 6 and 7 page long personality test that you have to fill out (the one at Staples was unreal - the first question was "have you ever hit a coworker" - really? When I go to Staples I have to wonder how most of them even made it through the questionnaire). Camps are beginning to advertise around here for counselors - unfortunately my ds has a hearing impairment and can't work around water because of his hearing aids so that eliminates a lot of options. We are working on getting his type skills up, computer programs (spreadsheets, excel, etc.) and then we'll try the temp agency. It is just so hard trying to encourage your child when there just doesn't seem to be much available to them. My ds will be headed to CC and while he might not be thrilled with starting over the summer, it may be something to do to keep him busy. Ugh! I'm just glad, in a reassuring way, that my family is not alone in this quest and there are others dealing with the same issues.

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That's neat, thanks! I'll have them check into this! Who at the college would they talk to about it, do you know?


Oh.......... Yes, they are both going to our local CC.


The college should have a career center and/or website that has links to student employment opportunities. The agencies are often buried in the many links. Also, if your boys have an interest in a particular company or government agency, they can always contact them directly about student opportunities. A good cover letter can go a long way :)

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I don't have any answers but was hoping I'd find a few embedded in this thread. I'm on the other side of the country surrounded by government workers that have no idea how hard the job market is these days - especially for our teens that want to work. My ds is 18 and has been applying to jobs for over a year. He has done some daycare for a church family and he volunteers each year during police week to serve/cook/clean up/extra set of hands and we put these experiences (along with VBS leader) but nothing. He has a calendar that he marks when he needs to go back and update the website application since they are only valid for so many days. What is so "cold" is the fact that everything is done on the internet - no interaction so the employer doesn't see the face behind the application. And then, there is the 6 and 7 page long personality test that you have to fill out (the one at Staples was unreal - the first question was "have you ever hit a coworker" - really? When I go to Staples I have to wonder how most of them even made it through the questionnaire). Camps are beginning to advertise around here for counselors - unfortunately my ds has a hearing impairment and can't work around water because of his hearing aids so that eliminates a lot of options. We are working on getting his type skills up, computer programs (spreadsheets, excel, etc.) and then we'll try the temp agency. It is just so hard trying to encourage your child when there just doesn't seem to be much available to them. My ds will be headed to CC and while he might not be thrilled with starting over the summer, it may be something to do to keep him busy. Ugh! I'm just glad, in a reassuring way, that my family is not alone in this quest and there are others dealing with the same issues.
It's tough, isn't it?! I REALLY don't like the online applications at all either! :glare:


I hope things work out well for your son!

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The college should have a career center and/or website that has links to student employment opportunities. The agencies are often buried in the many links. Also, if your boys have an interest in a particular company or government agency, they can always contact them directly about student opportunities. A good cover letter can go a long way :)
Thank you!
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Aaargh, hope she finds a good job soon! She couldn't have known they'd lay her off. Too bad!



My DS20 wants a manual labor job. He actually likes those, and working more on his own, than people jobs. DS18 is a social bug, so prefers a job working with people a lot. So, at least maybe they won't be competing with each other for jobs! :001_smile:


If he specifically wants manual labor work look and see if you have a temp agency called Labor Ready. They supply temp workers for construction, manufacturing, warehouse etc.


DH used to do that when he was 19-21 for weekend work.

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If he specifically wants manual labor work look and see if you have a temp agency called Labor Ready. They supply temp workers for construction, manufacturing, warehouse etc.


DH used to do that when he was 19-21 for weekend work.

Oh yeah, I've heard of that. Thank you, I will look it up, or have them do it! ;)
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leave resumes (attached to filled out apps if they'll let them fill them out). Small businesses, fast food places, and local stores/restaurants shouldn't have online only apps.


All 4 of my kids have worked from age 16. My DS started working a concession stand at a ball park at 15 then went into his current job within a week of turning 16.


My girls all worked at local restaurants and stores during their teen years.


I don't know where you are located. We are in Louisiana and I just don't feel like we are having nearly the economic issues that some other places are having, so that could be an issue.

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leave resumes (attached to filled out apps if they'll let them fill them out). Small businesses, fast food places, and local stores/restaurants shouldn't have online only apps.


All 4 of my kids have worked from age 16. My DS started working a concession stand at a ball park at 15 then went into his current job within a week of turning 16.


My girls all worked at local restaurants and stores during their teen years.


I don't know where you are located. We are in Louisiana and I just don't feel like we are having nearly the economic issues that some other places are having, so that could be an issue.

They HAVE gone in and talked to managers and handed in applications and resumes where they are allowed to do so. The new fast food place that recently opened up was online only. We didn't notice it until it was too late, but they've filled out the online apps now.


I'm glad your kids have been able to work, it's great experience! Mine have worked at school and off and on for the neighbors. But they haven't been able to find jobs in at least 6 months of pounding the pavement. Not sure why, but it's NOT for a lack of trying! :tongue_smilie: It must be the area, cuz like I said earlier, my niece got a job right away when she applied (in Florida).


I think the thing that bothers me most is that people seem to assume that my kids aren't trying or haven't done it right. They haven't tried everything as I've found out here, just as I was hoping I would! (thank you again everyone! :D), but they HAVE been trying multiple time over! :tongue_smilie:


You all have helped a lot, thank you! I hope they will soon find jobs and I can report it here! :D

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I just want to add that I am sorry people are judging you or your boys for the current situation. One would think they would know better given the current economic situation.


FWIW, I have lots of friends with teens and young adult children who are living at home, most are back in school for some more education. It just is what it is.


I am glad they have you. And I am glad you have such hard working boys.


So often, we forget that what looks like natural success is just luck of the draw. I hope the tide turns for them soon.

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I am really sorry about your boys.


My boys have both been lifeguards. Around here the pools in the summer beg for workers. The pay is usually good too.


They have also given Swim lessons too.



Last year my oldest, who is in college was not rehired by our local pool (long drawn out ugly story and it was us not him that was the reason) any way, he went back to a company that use to run the local pool. The guy hired him gave him a supervisor job, with more pay.


He just came home to finish online. So I told him to call the pool guy and see if he had some temp work for now. Yep so he has been working on and off since early Jan. He also got a job at Chickfila, and could have gotten a tutoring position with another company.


Fast forward a couple of months the pool guy just hired college boy Full time, great pay with benefits. I'm talking a working man's salary.


He is still hoping to finish college and then go into police work.


Anyway and my youngest will be a lifeguard with them this summer too.



I do think it is a who you know thing but also how you present yourself to others. Dress nicer than the average joe helps a lot.


Speaking clearly and intelligibly helps too.


Hope your boys find something.


Do you have Craig's list. You do need to be careful with things that are too good to be true but there are legit jobs on it too.

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I hope I didn't come across that way. I just suggested the resumes and meeting the managers because often that will make an impression even if they do have to do online apps.


I do think, as I mentioned, that we are in a better economic situation in Louisiana just due to all the change and massive growth since Katrina. I'm sure that comes into play.

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I just want to add that I am sorry people are judging you or your boys for the current situation. One would think they would know better given the current economic situation.


FWIW, I have lots of friends with teens and young adult children who are living at home, most are back in school for some more education. It just is what it is.


I am glad they have you. And I am glad you have such hard working boys.


So often, we forget that what looks like natural success is just luck of the draw. I hope the tide turns for them soon.

Thank you so much! We're surviving without them working, but it'd be awfully nice if they were able to get out and earn some money! :001_smile: I appreciate your post!


I hope I didn't come across that way. I just suggested the resumes and meeting the managers because often that will make an impression even if they do have to do online apps.


I do think, as I mentioned, that we are in a better economic situation in Louisiana just due to all the change and massive growth since Katrina. I'm sure that comes into play.

I must admit, it did kind of come across that way to me. I've had people say that to me, "You just need to have your boys do this and they'd get a job. MY kids did, so yours would too." It just hasn't worked out that way. My initial reaction to the start of your post ("they just need to....") was a knee-jerk reaction to comments like the above that are basically saying, "If you had done it like us your boys would have a job." and "You need to make them get out there and get a job." and "Well MY son/daughter got a job without much work, so...." We're already frustrated with not getting anything yet, so comments assuming things like that are even more frustrating. I thank you for your advice, and am glad it wasn't meant in that way! :001_smile:


The places that have online apps said they do not accept/will not take any resumes or apps in person! It seems to me they'd want to see that someone is serious about finding a job and want to talk in person with someone to help make a positive impression! I think it's a great idea to kind of be a "squeaky wheel!" But they specifially said NOT to! :001_huh: :glare:

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My son just got a job from an online application that he filled out about a month and a half ago. Yesterday he got the call for an interview and he is hired as soon as he passes the drug test this afternoon (which won't be a problem since he never takes more than ibuprofen or sudafed and hasn't even taken those lately). It even pays more than the minimum wage.

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My dh had a hard time finding a job before we married - and we live in DFW, where there are certainly jobs. He finally found one, but he applied to a lot of places. I think his biggest problem was lack of job experience, but he had had a couple of part time jobs at that point.


My dh enjoyed working at a nearby summer camp two summers in a row. Maybe your sons could try applying to places like that. They may be able to accommodate a mission trip. The summer camp that we worked at always needed more guys, but that may not be the case near you. Good luck to them!

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Apparently, a big trend (at least around here) is offering to work for free for companies in the career area in which you would like to find work. It gives on-the-job experience and many of these companies will at least offer to pay "something" then often hire the person after a month or so of the person making themselves invaluable. Maybe it's worth a shot? :grouphug:


Also, rather than trying to get hired by a tutoring company or the college directly as a tutor, could they just put up fliers with their phone numbers around campus offering tutoring services? My dh is a tutor and mentor to student athletes at the local university in an official, hired-by-the-university capacity, but he has also put up fliers around campus offering tutoring and editing services and has made more per hour on those jobs. If there is an office for international students, definitely give them fliers. They are often looking for people to edit papers to make sure that the writing of non-native English speakers is fluent. (And they pay very well.)

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I would suggest temp agencies, word of mouth (through friends and friends of friends, etc.), and schools. In our town anyway, someone 18 and up who is responsible can always get a job as a substitute teacher's aide. It is a shortage our community seems to have.

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