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Exercise thread 2/26-3/3

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Wow! February is almost over. It'll be spring (or fall if you're in the S. hem.) before we know it.


Does anyone change their work out routine with the arrival of spring (fall)?



Yesterday, I did 30 minutes of Tracy Anderson followed with 30 minutes Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack.


I picked up a Bob Harper DVD from the library yesterday. I look forward to giving it a try.

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The plan for the week:


Monday - cardio kickboxing. Tonight is the "drill sergeant". I love her. (completed)


Tuesday - Zumba (completed)


Wednesday - swimming


Thursday - Zumba


Friday - Zumba


One of the instructors would like me to add a Saturday morning "Power to the Core" class but I've just started a huge change to my diet (gf) and don't want to add anything else new right now.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Wow! February is almost over. It'll be spring (or fall if you're in the S. hem.) before we know it.


Does anyone change their work out routine with the arrival of spring (fall)?



Yesterday, I did 30 minutes of Tracy Anderson followed with 30 minutes Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack.


I picked up a Bob Harper DVD from the library yesterday. I look forward to giving it a try.



I do more walking and running in the mornings that nicer.

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I'm BACK!!! In January, I got really sick. Usually I can work out when I'm sick, but not this one. Wow. It did me in. Then we went on vacation (thank GOD I got better before that!). Then, we got back and had houseguests for a week. There. Those are my excuses. It's really easy to get out of the habit of working out, isn't it?


I was walking a lot though!


I started Insanity again yesterday. Plyo today. I worked out so hard I thought I was going to throw up. Not sure if that was because it's been so long since I did a tough workout or if I just overdid it.

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It's really easy to get out of the habit of working out, isn't it?



Yes. It takes no time at all to fall out of shape either, but it takes a long time to get into shape. Totally unfair. :glare:




I ran/cardio for 30 minutes followed by Harper's Boot Camp. Two days in a row of getting a whole hour in. :D That almost never happens with my kids. Of course, I did hear bickering and yelling while i was working out. I simply cranked up the volume on my TV. :lol:

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Which one? I love Bob! :D


Xuzi - how does Bob compare to Jillian? Are they similar to hers in terms of pacing and difficulty level? Which ones of his do you like best? Are they total body workouts? My favorite Jillian is NMTZ. I did buy Ripped, but I haven't tried it yet.

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Xuzi - how does Bob compare to Jillian? Are they similar to hers in terms of pacing and difficulty level? Which ones of his do you like best? Are they total body workouts? My favorite Jillian is NMTZ. I did buy Ripped, but I haven't tried it yet.


Bob's workouts tend to be more intense, for me, than Jillian's. I think a factor in that, though, is that he doesn't do "circuits" the way Jillian does. There's no 3-2-1, or 5-move-circuit-repeated-2-times. Having the workout broken down into predictable sets makes it easier to pace yourself and cruise through Jillian's workouts, IMO, whereas with Bob's it's harder to predict when the current high-intensity moves are going to stop and the easier "catch your breath" ones are going to begin. It's because it's more difficult to pace yourself that I prefer his workouts to Jillian. I feel far more challenged at the end. On mornings when I really want to bang it out, I do Bob. On mornings when I want to just cruise through and not have to think about it too much (even if I'm still gasping and dripping sweat), I do Jillian.


Here I'll post some reviews of the ones I have:


Total Body Revolution (cardio-focused, but uses weights)

Really enjoy this one. You use 1 heavy weight to do kettlebell-like swings either wide-legged, or with legs together, and alternating arms, plus you use a lighter set of weights to work your upper body, in addition to lots of cardio moves (jumping jacks, mosh-pit-jumps, etc) and there's a nice ab-focused circuit right at the end.


Super Strength (resistance training, uses weights majority of the time)

This one I have to psych myself for. :lol: It's an awesome weight workout, but he seems to "save the best for last", and I often struggle through the last 15 minutes. You do burpees, jumping (weighted) lunges, lots of variations of push-ups and planks, and other things. It also has an ab-focused circuit at the end.


Yoga for the Warrior

This is a nice, stretchy workout that still makes you sweat. More intense than Jillian's "Yoga Meltdown" workout, even if you do both levels of hers back to back. (which I've done. you've probably noticed I tend to do more than 1 level at a time of her leveled workouts :tongue_smilie: )


Bob's Workout

This one is interesting. It's broken into two halves, upper body and lower body, but you can do them both together without having to go back to the main menu. The back of the case says you only need a pair of hand weights, but the people doing the workout are using a jump rope, kettle bells, and a step. :lol: The jump rope you don't need to find a modification for (just jump in place), but I make sure to have a heavy weight ready to use in place of the kettle bell (you're just swinging it anyway), and a chair "anchored" on it's own workout mat (so it won't slide) to use in place of the step, or you can do the moves without it (only one of the moves is an actual "step on/step off" move. The others are putting your feet on the step while you do renegade rows, and the other is doing weighted arm work while placing the opposite (non-working) arm and knee on the step, so it's more of a prop than a piece of equipment) This one is also intense. The only thing I don't like about it is that there's only one person doing the workout with him, and during the last 10 minutes the guy he's working with totally loses his breath, and for whatever reason it isn't edited out, so you're waiting there for your instructions while he regains his composure. I usually just repeat the last move while he's recovering. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Bob's Workout is also the only one that has a definite "circuit" to it. The persons doing the workout (different person for upper and lower body) go from one station to the next, with just a few variations made to each go-round.


Totally Ripped Core (which I think is the easiest of the ones I have)

A focused ab workout, but not the hour length it claims to be (more like 40 minutes), and I don't find it to be super challenging. I enjoy the bonus abs workout on the Yoga DVD better, even if it is shorter.


All except Totally Ripped Core are good, total-body workouts.



Of Jillian's workouts I have:


No More Trouble Zones

Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism

Yoga Meltdown

30 Day Shred

6 Week 6 Pack

Ripped in 30

Killer Buns and Thighs


Ripped in my 30 is easily my top favorite of all of these. The last 3 levels are IN.TENSE! I always have to pause to catch my breath. Level 1 is so easy though. I don't know what she was thinking. It does *not* prepare you for level 2, IMO. When I do Jillian I'll typically start out with one of the higher levels of Ripped in 30, followed by a level of one of the other workouts, or I'll do NMTZ or BF/BM on it's own (but use 5-8lb weights for NMTZ).


NMTZ is my second favorite, and Killer Buns and Thighs my third.

Edited by Xuzi
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Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior + Yoga Abs bonus workout. I just skipped the last few cool-down stretches of Warrior and went straight into the Abs workout. My hips didn't want to hold me up when I tried to stand up at the end. :lol:


I DID manage to do the Bird of Paradise pose though!!! I got up to mostly-standing (couldn't get my spine completely straight), and got my leg almost completely extended! I was so proud of myself! (although it's probably why my hips are protesting :p ) I think my main issue is that I have such *tight* shoulders. Need to get them stretched out.

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No exercising for me this week. Hopefully my lungs will heal quickly and it will be easy to ease back into exercise. Maybe I will be able to take yoga at the end of the upcoming week.



Does anyone remember the Les Mills launch party I attended in January? You can see a picture of me pumping some iron during BodyPump - https://www.villasport.com/cs/newsletters/cs_march12.pdf


It is the newsletter at the gym I attend. The best way to view the pics is to scroll to the end of the document. The picture is on the 15th page from the last. I am front and center and in a green tank top with black cropped pants. You can also see me in the back and far left of the picture next to it, that pic is BodyCombat.


Happy exercising to everyone!


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Did Zumba this morning. Always a blast. :)


And I might be teaching my OWN class in the not-to-distant future, although it'll be for free. :p Some women at my church caught wind that I'm trying to become a fitness instructor, and want me to teach a class for them. We have a location, just need to figure out a time, and how to get the music loud enough to fill the room. :lol:

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